What services are disabled by default in Junos OS?
These services are all disabled by default in Junos OS. The SSH protocol uses strong authentication and encryption for remote access across a network that is not secure. SSH provides remote login, remote program execution, file copy, and other functions.
What is the Penn VPN service?
Centralized VPN service providing users with secure remote access to PennNet. Provides access to the campus network experience as though you are on campus connected via either AirPennNet or hardwired. NOTE: Please use only when needed! Access for the Penn VPN service installer can be found here.
When should I use UPenn remote access?
Reasons to use: Traveling, off campus and need to make a secure connection to UPenn remotely. Centralized VPN service providing users with secure remote access to PennNet. Provides access to the campus network experience as though you are on campus connected via either AirPennNet or hardwired. NOTE: Please use only when needed!
How do I connect to Juno/Jove?
Username: design\ YourWeitzmanSchoolUsername or username@design.upenn.edu You can view detailed instructions on how to set up FortiClient for Windows here. You can access Juno/Jove by opening the Finder, navigating to the Go menu, and selecting Connect To Server (Shortcut: Command + K).

How to access course folders remotely?
To access course folders remotely (including non Weitzman School buildings on campus), you must install and configure the FortiClient remote connection application. You can find instructions on how to set up the software here.
Does the University of Pennsylvania have read/write access to CF?
All University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design Faculty & Staff have full read/write access to any CF (not just their own CF).
How many seats are there in Campus VPN?
Once installed, available to use on personal computer - must use with Campus VPN here. however this is limited to 61 seats. When finished using please release so others can use!
What is Miro board?
Miro is a digital “whiteboard”, essentially a blank canvas for sketching ideas and for collaboration. It also has a number of templates for various charts, maps, and other visuals. They have a webapp as well as desktop and mobile apps for use. Read more here.
Can Weitzman teach remotely?
Weitzman IT Services has responded to the University's change in policies for faculty, students, and staff who are now expected to teach and work remotely from home due to Coronavirus . We've prepared a list of available software for students working remotely, from home:
Does Weitzman offer licenses?
Currently Weitzman ITS offers select licenses traditionally only available locally in our computer labs, remotely, via the UP enn VPN. Please see the endnotes for additional information. Please email us via ithelp@design.upenn.edu for all licensing concerns.
How to access Juno on Mac?
Via Mac: While on the Design network, you can access Juno by opening the Finder, navigating the Go menu, and selecting Connect To Server (Shortcut: Command + K). You will then navigate to smb://juno.design.upenn.edu (or smb://jove.design.upenn.edu)
What is AirPennNet?
AirPennNet is the University’s WiFi network for members of the Penn community. For more information on the various ways to connect to AirPennNet, click here.
How to connect to server in Finder?
In Finder, from the Go menu, select Connect to Server
How much space does a student get in the Home folder?
Home folder: Each student,staff, or faculty receives 3GB of storage space, which will roam with your Desktop and Documents folders when you are logged in to one of our PC Lab machines.
What is Penn+Box?
Penn+Box is a collaboration between UPenn and Box.com, which provides cloud storage and sharing capabilities. Each full time student is given unlimited storage to use and share. Aside from collaborative work, and easily accessible storage, this is a great tool for backing up important files. Read more here.
What is Penno365 for Weitzman?
Your PennO365 account entitles you to download a copy of Microsoft Office while you are a student at Weitzman School, as well as 1 TB of data storage on OneDrive for Business, Microsoft’s cloud data storage and collaboration solution. Read more here . NOTE: Beginning FY 2020 – Students will be required to sign into an O365 account to use software like Word, Excel, etc. in the PC labs.
What is Bluejeans for school?
The school provides access to BlueJeans, a web-based, virtual meeting service. BlueJeans is great for hosting meetings with groups of collaborators, sharing content, hosting quick webchats, or even showing work on-site to those back on campus. BlueJeans can be used in any web browser, as well as through the BlueJeans mobile app on iOS and Android. Users can also attend meetings by calling in via telephone. BlueJeans can be accessed by all students through the use of your PennKey. Click here for access to UPenn's BlueJeans portal. Read more here.
What is AirPennNet?
AirPennNet is the University’s WiFi network for members of the Penn community. For detailed instructions on how to get connected to AirPennNet. Read more here.
What can you do with rhinoceros?
Rhinoceros is a 3-D free-form modeler you can use to create anything from a heart valve to a ship hull and from a mouse to a monster. Discounted educational licenses are available via the UPenn Computer Connection.
When will AV equipment be checked?
Installed AV equipment in studio spaces will be checked during scheduled maintenance windows. Central Pool classrooms B1, B3, and B13 will be checked each morning.
Is AutoCAD free at University of Pennsylvania?
Autodesk products like AutoCAD are free to University of Pennsylvania students. To obtain a license, you must setup a new Autodesk account over on their website.
What is SFTP in Junos?
SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a network protocol that provides file access, file transfer, and file management over any reliable data stream. Starting in Junos OS Release 19.1R1, we have globally disabled the incoming SFTP connections by default. If desired, you can globally enable incoming SFTP connections by configuring the statement sftp-server at the [edit system services ssh] hierarchy level. Prior to Junos OS Release 19.1R1, incoming SFTP connections were globally enabled by default.
What command is used to open a connection to a remote device?
You can use the CLI ssh command to use the secure shell (SSH) program to open a connection to a remote device:
How to protect system resources?
To protect system resources, you can limit the number of simultaneous connections that a service accepts and the number of processes owned by a single user. If either limit is exceeded, connection attempts fail.
Is MD5 hash available in FIPS?
The md5 hash algorithm is unavailable on systems in FIPS mode.