How do I get remote access to Penn Medicine?
Remote Access from your own Personal Device – Remote Access Portal Over 70 applicationsare available on the Penn Medicine Remote Access Portal. Accessing applications from the portal is the most efficient method of remote access if you do not have access to a Penn Medicine managed laptop.
When should I use UPenn remote access?
Reasons to use: Traveling, off campus and need to make a secure connection to UPenn remotely. Centralized VPN service providing users with secure remote access to PennNet. Provides access to the campus network experience as though you are on campus connected via either AirPennNet or hardwired. NOTE: Please use only when needed!
What is the Penn VPN service?
Centralized VPN service providing users with secure remote access to PennNet. Provides access to the campus network experience as though you are on campus connected via either AirPennNet or hardwired. NOTE: Please use only when needed! Access for the Penn VPN service installer can be found here.
How do I access the Weitzman School network remotely?
Remote Access. The University of Pennsylvania and the Weitzman School offer two different VPN (virtual private network) clients to access both University and Weitzman School network resources, remotely, from your personal computer. Here's a rundown on both the University VPN and the Weitzman VPN:

How many seats are there in Campus VPN?
Once installed, available to use on personal computer - must use with Campus VPN here. however this is limited to 61 seats. When finished using please release so others can use!
Can Weitzman teach remotely?
Weitzman IT Services has responded to the University's change in policies for faculty, students, and staff who are now expected to teach and work remotely from home due to Coronavirus . We've prepared a list of available software for students working remotely, from home:
All University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design Faculty & Staff have full read/write access to any CF (not just their own CF).
Connecting from Windows
Here’s how to connect to the course folders from Windows while plugged via eithernet in any of the Weitzman School buidlings:
Connecting from Mac OS X
Here’s how to connect to the course folders from your Mac while plugged via eithernet in any of the Weitzman School buildings:
Remote Access
To access course folders remotely (including non Weitzman School buildings on campus), you must install and configure the FortiClient remote connection application. You can find instructions on how to set up the software here.