What applications are available on the Penn Medicine remote access portal?
Over 70 applicationsare available on the Penn Medicine Remote Access Portal. Accessing applications from the portal is the most efficient method of remote access if you do not have access to a Penn Medicine managed laptop. All attempts should be made to first leverage this portal before requesting any other alternative access.
What is mypennmedicine and how does it work?
myPennMedicine is a simple, secure way to manage your Penn Medicine health care and access your medical information from your personal computer or mobile device. Sign up now to: Want to learn more? See what you can do with myPennMedicine .
How do I schedule a Penn Medicine OnDemand visit?
If you have questions about scheduling a Penn Medicine OnDemand visit, please call 215-615-2222. If you prefer, you can also self-schedule your appointment at a time that is convenient for you. Penn Medicine OnDemand should not be used for life-threatening emergencies.
How can Penn Medicine OnDemand help you?
The Penn Medicine OnDemand team will help you schedule that in-person visit at a time and location that is convenient for you. Penn Medicine is taking extra precautions to provide the safest environment possible during the coronavirus pandemic. If you feel sick, consider using Penn Medicine OnDemand for a virtual evaluation.

How do I access PennChart?
Log on https://pennmedaccess.uphs.upenn.edu/ and select “PennChart & Citrix Apps.Select: PennChart.Click: The Citrix .exe file at the bottom of your Google Chrome Browser to launch PennChart.
How do I connect to PennMedicine WiFi?
Connecting to Penn Medicine WiFi in Hospitals and ClinicsTo connect to the hospital's secure WiFi network, go to your phone's Settings page, then select the WiFi section.Make sure that your WiFi is turned on (the switch at the top of the screen should be green).Select to the "PennMedicine" WiFi network to connect.More items...
How do I access my Penn Medicine email?
On the F5 Secure Logon for Penn Medicine Screen, enter your Username and Password. Most IDs and Passwords will be lastname first initial. Example – LASTNAMEF. Enter your password and click Logon.
How do I make an appointment at Penn Medicine?
If you need to schedule or reschedule a surgery or procedure, please contact your provider or call 800-789-7366.
How do I set up myPennMedicine?
To sign up for myPennMedicine, you will first need an 'activation code. ' You may already have an activation code, which was printed on the After Visit Summary from your last appointment. If you do not have an activation code, there are two ways to request one: Request an activation code online.
What is my PennKey?
A PennKey is an individual's username and an associated password within the PennKey authentication system. A PennKey is required to authenticate your identity for access to many of Penn's online resources.
Is Penn Medicine and Penn State health the same?
The University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS) is a major multi-hospital health system headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. UPHS and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania together comprise Penn Medicine, a clinical and research entity of the University of Pennsylvania.
Does Penn Medicine have an app?
The myPennMedicine app offers Penn Medicine patients easy, secure access to your personal medical records.
How do I set up my Penn email?
To configure PennO365 for Android Email and Calendar:Launch the device's Email app.If this is your first time opening the app, you should be prompted to Set up Email. ... Select Office365.Enter your Email as: yourpennkey@upenn.edu (NOTE: no "sas" or other school/dept prefix) and tap Next.More items...
Does Upenn have an emergency room?
Penn Medicine's Emergency Department Observation Unit (EDOU) provides patient care, observation and management to those with medical or traumatic conditions whose care can typically be completed in 24 hours or less.
What is Penn primary care?
Penn primary care physicians and health care providers offer outstanding, personalized care for patients of all ages. If more specialized care is needed, Penn patients have access to the most advanced treatment options and a team of experts in various specialties dedicated to keeping you healthy for a lifetime.
Can't connect to AirPennNet?
Make sure that the username and password are being entered correctly. The most common culprit for a device being unable to connect to AirPennNet is improperly entered user credentials; trends indicate that the soft-keyboard on iOS devices is particularly prone to accidental mistyping of usernames and passwords.
How do I use eduroam Upenn?
To configure your device to connect to eduroam, please go to eduroam.upenn.edu and use the wizard available there. You will need to log in with your PennKey and password first. If you have ever used AirPennNet-Help before, the process is nearly identical.
Where is the MAC address on a reMarkable tablet?
Find the tab marked Mobile Hotspot. Activate 'Share my Internet connection with other devices'. Connect your reMarkable to the shared Wi-Fi connection. The MAC address of your tablet will now be displayed in the list of connected devices under 'Physical address(MAC)'.
What devices are needed for Penn Medicine?
Have a video and audio-enabled device, such as a smartphone, tablet or computer with a front-facing camera and updated operating system. Smartphones and tablets are strongly recommended for Penn Medicine OnDemand visits.
What is the number to call for Penn Medicine?
Sore throat. Urinary tract infections. Vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. If you have questions about scheduling a Penn Medicine OnDemand visit, please call 215-615-2222. If you prefer, you can also self-schedule your appointment at a time that is convenient for you.
Is Penn Medicine safe?
Penn Medicine is taking extra precautions to provide the safest environment possible during the coronavirus pandemic. If you feel sick, consider using Penn Medicine OnDemand for a virtual evaluation. If you have an upcoming doctor’s appointment, contact your physician to see if you should have a virtual visit instead.