What is an IPsec IKEv2 VPN Server?
What is an IPsec IKEv2 VPN server for? The IPsec protocol is one of the most used and well-known VPN protocols, it is used both at the home level and also at the business level.
Why can’t I use pfSense with a VPN client?
pfSense supports much higher security, and even allows you to activate PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy), the problem is that VPN clients may not support it. For this reason, we have not used the more robust algorithms such as SHA-512 or a higher DH group of 4096 bits, and even made use of EC.
What is the maximum IPsec SA lifetime for pfSense IPsec?
This example modifies the maximum IPsec SA lifetime for the “pfSense IPsec” connection. The default Windows IPsec lifetime is 4800 minutes (eight hours).
How do I import certificates from pfSense to Windows 7?
The procedure to import certificates to Windows 7 can be found on the strongSwan Wiki Export the CA Certificate from pfSense® and download or copy it to the client PC: Locate the downloaded file on the client PC (e.g. VPNCA.crt) as seen in Figure Downloaded CA Certificate

Does pfSense support IKEv2?
To make Windows 10 clients work, we need to add support to the following algorithms on the server-end. With these two slightly weaker algorithms added, the Windows 10 built-in VPN client will be able to connect to the pfSense IKEv2 VPN server.
Does pfSense use Strongswan?
PfSense firewall uses an open source tool Strongswan which provides the IPsec VPN functionality. Both phases of IPsec (Key sharing and encryption) is implemented by Strongswan tool on Linux/Unix platforms.
How to Setup IKEv2 VPN server?
Use the IKEv2 Setup Wizard(Fireware v12. 3 or higher) Select VPN > Mobile VPN.In the IKEv2 section, select Configure. The Mobile VPN with IKEv2 page appears.(Fireware v12. 2.1 or lower) Select VPN > Mobile VPN with IKEv2. ... Click Run Wizard.Click Next.Type the domain name or IP address for client connections.
What is enable mobile option in IPsec tunnel configuration?
Mobile Client SettingsNavigate to VPN > IPsec, Mobile Clients tab.Enable IPsec: Enable IPsec Mobile Client Support. Checked. ... Set the authentication options as follows: User Authentication. ... Set the Client Configuration options. ... Click Save.Click Create Phase 1 at the top of the screen if it appears.
What ports need to be open for IPSec VPN?
Mobile VPN with IPSec requires the client to access the Firebox on UDP ports 500 and 4500, and ESP IP Protocol 50. This often requires a specific configuration on the client's internet gateway, so clients might not be able to connect from hotspots or with mobile Internet connections.
What is remote ID in IKEv2?
The Remote ID is the server address and the Local ID is the vpn username. For example, if you wish to connect to server eu-fr.321inter.net. Then the Remote ID will be also eu-fr.321inter.net, and the Local ID will be same as your username.
Which is better OpenVPN or IKEv2?
Performance: In many cases IKEv2 is faster than OpenVPN since it is less CPU-intensive. There are, however, numerous variables that affect speed, so this may not apply in all use cases. From a performance standpoint with mobile users, IKEv2 may be the best option because it does well establishing a reconnection.
Which is better IKEv2 or IPsec?
IPSec is considered secure and reliable, while IKEv2 is extremely fast and stable – IKEV2 offers quick re-connections when switching networks or during sudden drops. Thus, a combination of IKEv2/IPsec forms one of the best VPN protocols that exhibits the advantages of the two.
What is IKEv2 Mobike?
IKEv2 Mobility and Multi-homing Protocol (MOBIKE) allows the IP addresses associated with IKEv2 and tunnel mode IPSec Security Associations (SA) to change. A mobile Virtual Private Network (VPN) client could use MOBIKE to keep the connection with the VPN gateway active while moving from one address to another.
Does OpenVPN use IPsec?
OpenVPN is an SSL VPN and as such is not compatible with IPSec, L2TP, or PPTP. The IPSec protocol is designed to be implemented as a modification to the IP stack in kernel space, and therefore each operating system requires its own independent implementation of IPSec.
What is IPsec in pfSense?
IPsec on pfSense® software offers numerous configuration options which influence the performance and security of IPsec connections. For most users performance is the most important factor.
What is the server address for IKEv2?
By default, the Firebox assigns addresses in the 192.168. 114.0/24 range to Mobile VPN with IKEv2 clients. We recommend that you do not use the private network ranges 192.168. 0.0/24 or 192.168.
How do I install IKEv2 on Windows 10?
How to set up IKEv2 VPN connection on Windows 10On the VPN tab, click Add VPN Connection.In the Subscriptions section, look for domains of IKEv2 VPN servers, as well as the Username and Password VPN.Choose: Windows (Built-in) ... Connect to IKEv2 VPN server on Windows 10.Connection to IKEv2 VPN established successfully.
Setup Certificates
Similar to OpenVPN, a set of certificates is required for the server and clients.
Create Client Pre-Shared Keys
With the IPsec tunnel itself ready, now the users need pre-shared keys.
Windows Client Setup
The server setup is complete, the following tasks configure the client.
Ubuntu-based Client Setup
Before starting, install network-manager-strongswan and strongswan-plugin-eap-mschapv2 using apt-get or a similar mechanism.
What is an IPsec IKEv2 VPN server for?
Normally the IPsec IKEv2 protocol is used to connect different sites, configuring Site-to-Site VPN that will allow us to interconnect different sites through the Internet in a secure way, since all traffic will be encrypted, authenticated and the integrity of the data will be checked. .
What is the phase 1 of IKEv2?
With the IPsec IKEv2 protocol, the establishment of the connection is also divided into two phases, phase 1 will perform the authentication, and phase 2 will negotiate the encryption of the tunnel with symmetric cryptography for the exchange of information.
Which is more secure, IKEv1 or IKEv2?
In this case, we will use the IKEv2 protocol, which is a more secure protocol than IKEv1 for data encryption negotiation between the different clients and the server, in addition, we create a PSK-based authentication to authenticate the clients. Within the IPsec IKEv2 protocol, we have two authentication methods:
Is IKEv2 better than VPN?
Although IPsec IKEv2 performs better than other types of IPsec-based VPN in terms of compatibility, we must pay special attention to the encryption algorithms that we put in the VPN server, because it could cause some IPsec clients to be unable to connect. This is quite common with the IPsec protocol, because we depend on what IPsec client software ...