- Step 1: Edit the phpMyAdmin. conf. ...
- Step 2: Amend the directory settings. add the additional line to the directory settings: ...
- Step 3: If you want to allow access for all. ...
- Step 4: Restart the Apache.
How do I access a remote MySQL database in phpMyAdmin?
Access Remote MySQL database on phpMyAdmin. Step 1: Enable WSL on Window 10 ( Linux user skip this) Step 2: Install MySQL. Step 3: Install phpMyAdmin locally or on a remote server. Step 4: Edit configuration file. Step 5: Run phpMyAdmin to access a remote database.
How to install phpMyAdmin on Linux system?
Those are using Windows 10 system can install phpMyAdmin on its built-in Linux system safely with just a single command. In case you already have installed WSL 1 or WSL 2 on your system then move to the next step otherwise see this tutorial first on installing WSL.
What are the different authentication methods available in phpMyAdmin?
phpMyAdmin allows for three authentication methods ( 'auth_type' in the configuration file). The “config” authentication method is the simplest — it lets you connect to a server without entering anything; the user and password will be in the configuration file itself.
What if my repositories don't provide the latest version of phpMyAdmin?
If your repositories don’t provide the latest version, go to the phpMyAdmin downloads page and pick the version that suits you. (For international users, I recommend the all-languages.tar.gz file; if English is enough for you, try english.tar.gz.)

What is phpMyAdmin?
phpMyAdmin is a PHP based application to easily create, manage, edit, delete, import, and export MySQL databases. That’s is the reason why most of the hosting companies are providing it as a default application either via cPanel or as manually installed on a cloud server. But what about the cloud hosting services especially Cloud hosting such as ...
What is the default port for a syslog?
Port: The default ports is 3306. If you have changed it then use that instead.
Can I use phpMyAdmin on Windows 10?
In such scenarios, if you still want to manage the cloud or any other web hosting MySQL database then simply install phpMyAdmin locally on your system. Yes, make sure the system you are going to use is secure without any malware. I recommend you should use Linux OS and those are on Windows 10 they can go for WSL (Windows system for Linux) because phpMyAdmin is natively a Linux tool.
Can MySQL and phpMyAdmin be installed on the same server?
In most cases, the MySQL server and phpMyAdmin both are installed on the same server so that the management of the database becomes easy. However, do you know? We can even access the remote server in the phpMyAdmin with just a little tweak. If not, then here is the tutorial on that.
Can I use Bitnami with phpMyAdmin?
Well, yes if we are using some pre-built stack such as Bitnami on them it will install the phpMyAdmin by default, or in case you are installing a database with-in the server instance then you can install phpMyAdmin as well. Both the setup will allow us to access the database application resides on the same server.
Does phpMyAdmin need a database?
As phpMyAdmin itself needs a database to work, thus we a one for it on the local machine or server where you are planning to use phpMyAdmin. Hence, use the below command:
What is the simplest authentication method?
The “config” authentication method is the simplest — it lets you connect to a server without entering anything; the user and password will be in the configuration file itself. (The other two methods, “cookie” and “http,” force you to enter a username and password each time you want to connect to a database.)
Can you use phpMyAdmin to work with a local database?
All the normal features of phpMyAdmin will be available, and the only difference you might note (compared to using phpMyAdmin with a local database) is a slight delay because of transmission times. You can perform all sorts of administrative tasks remotely, including database creation or modification, backups, and queries.
What to do if phpMyAdmin is denied?
If access to phpMyAdmin is denied, check the the PuTTY event log to ensure the SSH tunnel was created or not.
Which port to use for HTTPS?
If the HTTP requests are going to be redirected to HTTPS port, use destination port 443. This creates a secure tunnel by forwarding the destination port on the remote server to the source port on the localhost.
What is phpmyadmin?
phpMyAdmin is a problem solver for Linux users that want both flexibility and an alternative to interacting with their MySQL/MariaDB databases. You only need a functioning and updated web browser to accommodate the use of phpMyAdmin.
Can you interact with phpMyAdmin?
You can now interact with the phpMyAdmin web interface and perform all the database admin actions you would have executed on a MySQL/MariaDB command-line shell
Is phpMyAdmin a MySQL database?
This article guide takes you through safely installing and securing phpMyAdmin as an ideal MySQL/MariaDB database manager in Linux.
Can MySQL root access phpMyAdmin?
Since the MySQL root user has privileged access to all the databases and their associated actions, we can use it to access the phpMyAdmin site. However, it is advisable to have another dedicated MySQL user for accessing the phpMyAdmin site.
phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access
I created a MySQL user with a wildcard host and can successfully log in to MySQL from a shell session.
Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access
You're looking at the wrong config file. The one you posted is for apache httpd but the one you need to configure is the one that tells phpmyadmin where the mysql server is and what user/password to use.
Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access
Which should be /etc/phpMyAdmin/config.inc.php - there should be a sample config file in /etc/phpMyAdmin which you can copy and modify to your needs.
Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access
MySQL is v8.0.14 and while SELinux is enabled, the setsebool command didn't help...
Re: phpMyAdmin.conf and remote access
Now we are making progress! Thank you! After changing the Authentication Plugin for root as described, the root MySQL user (and only root) can now connect via phpMyAdmin. I will try altering other users as well, including the phpMyAdmin control user.
Create a New MySQL User
It is advisable to work with a remote user who is neither a root MySQL user nor tied to the remote server hosting the MySQL database software.
Enable Remote MySQL Access
Now that we have the remote user created, it’s time to perform some additional configuration changes. By default, the MySQL bind-address is which implies that only localhost users can interact with the MySQL database.
Attempting Remote MySQL Database Access
To directly connect to the MySQL database server remotely, adhere to the following MySQL syntax:
Enable Remote MySQL Access in Firewall
If you have a firewall enabled on your remote server, you might need to grant access to MySQL’s default port 3306 and grant access to remote_ip_address as shown.
How do I access phpMyAdmin server?
Access the phpMyAdmin console through the secure SSH tunnel you created, by browsing to Log in to phpMyAdmin by using the following credentials: Username: root. Password: application password.
How do I give phpMyAdmin permission to Ubuntu?
To do this through PHPMyAdmin, select any database and then click on ‘SQL’ tab in the main window. You can then type it from there. Although in fact if you’re using PHPMyAdmin there’s a “Privileges” section that you can use rather than running an SQL query. If you’re using command line, then connect over SSH.
What is phpMyAdmin?
phpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL with the use of a Web browser. It can perform various tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing users and permissions.
What does "allow from all" mean?
Allow from all. </Directory>. The Allow from all means that all computers can access phpMyAdmin besides the local computer. If you are using Zend Framework or other frameworks, usually they have URL rewrite rules set in .htaccess, then you need to tell the server how to access phpMyAdmin directory.