Remote-access Guide

phpmyadmin remote access

by Alfonso Trantow Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

For security reasons, phpMyAdmin is accessible only when using as the hostname. To access it from a remote system, you must create an SSH tunnel that routes requests to the Web server from This implies that you must be able to connect to your server over SSH in order to access these applications remotely.

How to: Allowing remote access to PHPMyAdmin
  1. Step 1: Edit the phpMyAdmin. conf. ...
  2. Step 2: Amend the directory settings. add the additional line to the directory settings: ...
  3. Step 3: If you want to allow access for all. ...
  4. Step 4: Restart the Apache.
Sep 4, 2014

Full Answer

How do I access phpMyAdmin?

phpMyAdmin is a software program, which is used to administer a MySQL database. phpMyAdmin already comes installed and enabled for use with any Web Hosting package. Follow these instructions to access phpMyAdmin: 1. Log in to your Account Manager. 2. On the left side of the page, click Hosting Packages. 3.

How to connect phpMyAdmin?

Installing phpMyAdmin

  • Log in to Ubuntu server with root user using SSH client.
  • Update the operating system with the latest packages. sudo apt-get update
  • Install phpMyAdmin using the command sudo apt-get -y install phpmyadmin
  • On the configuration screen, select the web server that should be automatically configured. ...

How do I Find my phpMyAdmin port?

  • Start your command prompt.
  • Type ipconfig.
  • Next type netstat -a for a list of your various port numbers.

How to run MySQL and phpMyAdmin locally with Docker?

docker-compose up -d The above command will launch two Docker containers, one for MySQL database server and one for phpMyAdmin. Also a data volume will be created, which is attached with MySQL container to make data persistent. Now, access the phpMyAdmin using the web browser. I am running this example on my local machine.


How do I make my MySQL database accessible remotely?

How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQLStep 1: Edit MySQL Config File.Step 2: Set up Firewall to Allow Remote MySQL Connection. Option 1: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) Option 2: FirewallD. Option 3: Open Port 3306 with iptables.Step 3: Connect to Remote MySQL Server.

How do I access xampp phpMyAdmin from another computer?

Go to Your XAMPP Control panel.Click on apache > config > Apache (httpd.conf)Search for Listen 80 and replace with Listen 8080.After that check your local ip using ipconfig command (cmd console)Search for ServerName localhost:80 and replace with your local ip:8080 (ex. items...

How open IP address in phpMyAdmin?

Set a URL alias (optional) The standard URL for a phpMyAdmin installation is https://ipaddress/phpMyAdmin, where ipaddress is the IP address that you added to the configuration file in the previous section. If you want to change the URL, you can set an alias. Open the /etc/httpd/conf. d/phpMyAdmin.

How do I access local phpMyAdmin?

Once phpMyAdmin is installed point your browser to http://localhost/phpmyadmin to start using it. You should be able to login using any users you've setup in MySQL. If no users have been setup, use admin with no password to login.

How can I access my localhost from another computer?

General Sketch: Set up a virtual host: You first need to set up a virtual host in your apache httpd-vhosts. conf file. ... Configure your hosts file: For the client (your browser in that case) to understand what symfony. ... Access symfony. local from an other computer: ... Finally enjoy the results in your browser.

How can I access my XAMPP database remotely?

To me, this is easier and quick:Go to PhpMyAdmin and then: localhost/phpmyadmin -> User accounts -> Edit privileges -> Login Information.Change Host name drop down to Any host or type any IP 192.168. 0.3 or even with masking 192.168. % And click the button Go .

How do I connect to a database in phpMyAdmin?

How do I access the database using phpMyAdmin?Step 1 - Log in to the control panel. Log in to the control panel. ... Step 2 - Select database. Under PhpMyAdmin in the top right, click Select database and choose the database you want to access.Step 3 - Administer your database.

How can I access phpMyAdmin without Cpanel?

Download the stable version of PhyMyAdmin from the offical site of phpMyAdmin.Upload the tar file (ex: phpMyAdmin-4. x.x-english. tar. gz) into public folder (document root) of the your hosting account and extract it.Rename the folder so that you can access it by an easy-to-remember URL.

Is phpMyAdmin a local host?

http://localhost/phpmyadmin phpMyAdmin is a free, open-source web-based database management program written in PHP that is intended to manage MySQL databases online.

How do I find MySQL server IP address?

GLOBAL_VARIABLES where VARIABLE_NAME like 'hostname'; SELECT host FROM information_schema. processlist WHERE ID=connection_id(); Will give you the host name (or IP address if name resolution is not enabled, which it is usually not) connecting to the mysql server on the current connection.

How do I find MySQL host address?

By default your MySQL host is localhost. You can find it in Hosting → Manage → MySQL databases section: If you are setting up a Remote MySQL connection, the host will be different and you will need to check it in the hPanel.

How can I change IP address in MySQL?

If you want to configure MySQL and bind the IP addresses, you should edit the configuration file /etc/mysql/mysql. conf. d/mysqld. cnf and change the default IP address value by separating each address with a comma.

What is hostname in phpMyAdmin?

The databases which you will manage are stored on the same server as the software and the hostname is – localhost. In the other two sections – Web server and phpMyAdmin you can also see information regarding the MySQL server, the MySQL client and the phpMyAdmin version.

What is phpMyAdmin?

phpMyAdmin is a PHP based application to easily create, manage, edit, delete, import, and export MySQL databases. That’s is the reason why most of the hosting companies are providing it as a default application either via cPanel or as manually installed on a cloud server. But what about the cloud hosting services especially Cloud hosting such as ...

Can I use Bitnami with phpMyAdmin?

Well, yes if we are using some pre-built stack such as Bitnami on them it will install the phpMyAdmin by default, or in case you are installing a database with-in the server instance then you can install phpMyAdmin as well. Both the setup will allow us to access the database application resides on the same server.

Is phpMyAdmin a secure system?

Yes, make sure the system you are going to use is secure without any malware. I recommend you should use Linux OS and those are on Windows 10 they can go for WSL (Windows system for Linux) because phpMyAdmin is natively a Linux tool. Contents [ show] Access Remote MySQL database on phpMyAdmin.

Does phpMyAdmin need a database?

As phpMyAdmin itself needs a database to work, thus we a one for it on the local machine or server where you are planning to use phpMyAdmin. Hence, use the below command:

Dealing with bitnami access PhpMyAdmin

PhpMyAdmin is reachable only via as the hostname. If you are looking for a way to access it from a remote system, you have come to the right place. Our Support Engineers offer you a solution where you create an SSH tunnel that will route the request to the webserver from

Access PhpMyAdmin on Windows

First, ensure you can access PhpMyAdmin through the SSH tunnel. Here, we have chosen PuTTY as the SSH client. Once the SSH client is configured successfully, you have to create an SSH tunnel as shown below:

Access PhpMyAdmin on MacOS and Linux

According to our Support Engineers, you have to create an SSH tunnel as shown below:


At the end of the day, the Support Engineers at Bobcares showed us how to access PhpMyAdmin remotely over a secure SSH tunnel.

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