Remote-access Guide

phpmyadmin remote access wamp

by Kirsten Kassulke Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

If you want to allow access to phpMyAdmin from other locations such as your lan then you have to amend the phpMyAdmin's alias configuration. You do this by editing the wampaliasphpmyadmin.conf file and adding instructions to tell apache that it is allowed to let more ip addresses connect to this alias.

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How to run PHP program in WAMP server?

install WAMP and RUN PHP program

  1. Double click on WAMP server set up file
  2. Click on Run
  3. Click “Next”
  4. Click on “Accept”
  5. Click on “Next”
  6. Click on “Next” [here you can also make shortcut to wamp]
  7. Now, Click on “install”
  8. After successful installing WAMP server, it will create the folder called “wamp” in local drive (C:) this wamp folder contains a sub folder called “www”.

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How to start phpMyAdmin?


  • Navigate to phpMyAdmin by URL http://your_ip/phpmyadmin or http://localhost/phpmyadmin
  • Login using username root and root password.
  • Click on Databases tab.
  • Enter database name, select collation (you may leave it to default) and click create.
  • Click on Privileges tab and select "Add user account".

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How do I access phpMyAdmin?

How do I access the database using phpMyAdmin?

  1. Log in to the control panel. Log in to the control panel.
  2. Select database. Under PhpMyAdmin in the top right, click Select database and choose the database you want to access.
  3. Administer your database. A new window opens showing your database in phpMyAdmin. Here you can manage all the tables in your database.

How to connect to phpMyAdmin?

To connect to a MySQL database, please follow these steps:

  • Open a browser window and go to
  • Click on Control Panel Login.
  • Log into the Control Panel as one of the following: Account Administrator and select the appropriate domain Technical Contact for the domain
  • Click on MySQL Databases.
  • Select the database from the list and click phpMyAdmin.


How do I access phpMyAdmin remotely?

How to: Allowing remote access to PHPMyAdminStep 1: Edit the phpMyAdmin. conf. ... Step 2: Amend the directory settings. add the additional line to the directory settings: ... Step 3: If you want to allow access for all. ... Step 4: Restart the Apache.

How do I access phpMyAdmin in WAMP?

From the WAMP start page (http://localhost) under “Tools”, start phpMyAdmin (or find the WAMP icon in the notification area, left click to open and select phpMyAdmin).

How do I allow remote access to WAMP server?

192.168. 55.221 being the address of the WAMP server....Check if Wamp is published locally if it is, continue;Access Control Panel.Click "Firewall"Click "Allow app through firewall"Click "Allow some app"Find and choose C:/wamp64/bin/apache2/bin/httpd.exe.Restart Wamp.

How do I access phpMyAdmin from another computer using xampp?

To enable remote access to phpMyAdmin, follow these steps:Edit the apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp. conf file in your XAMPP installation directory.Within this file, find the lines below. ... Then replace 'Require local' with 'Require all granted'.Restart the Apache server using the XAMPP control panel.

How do I access localhost phpMyAdmin?

Once phpMyAdmin is installed point your browser to http://localhost/phpmyadmin to start using it. You should be able to login using any users you've setup in MySQL. If no users have been setup, use admin with no password to login. Then select Apache 2 for the webserver you wish to configure.

How do I connect to phpMyAdmin?

How do I access the database using phpMyAdmin?Step 1 - Log in to the control panel. Log in to the control panel. ... Step 2 - Select database. Under PhpMyAdmin in the top right, click Select database and choose the database you want to access.Step 3 - Administer your database.

How can I access my localhost website from another computer in Wamp?

You could simply use the Put Online option of your WAMP Server and you can use this current system IP address and to directly access from the other computer. Then, you could find your IP address using typing ipconfig or website and then access it on another system.

How do I access a virtual host from another computer in Wamp?

6 AnswersEdit server's httpd.conf file at: \wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.x\conf\httpd.conf. Search for " Listen " (around line 61). ... Edit the httpd-vhosts.conf file at: \wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.x\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf. ... Restart Apache server.

How do I access WAMP localhost?

In my file it was line 518. Then restart WAMP....This is how I solved it out:I first added ::1 to host file,usually found at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.Then I went ahead an opened my Chrome browser. ... In the new window that pops up go to 'LAN settings' then make sure you check 'Automatically detect settings'

How do I access my MySQL database from another computer?

Before connecting to MySQL from another computer, the connecting computer must be enabled as an Access Host.Log into cPanel and click the Remote MySQL icon, under Databases.Type in the connecting IP address, and click the Add Host button. ... Click Add, and you should now be able to connect remotely to your database.

How do I access a PHP file from another computer?

Check below process,Get the internal IP or Static IP of the server (Ex: XAMPP>apache>conf>httpd.conf file in notepad.Search for Listen 80.Above line would read like- #Listen / the IP address and replace it with the static IP.More items...•

How open IP address in phpMyAdmin?

The standard URL for a phpMyAdmin installation is https://ipaddress/phpMyAdmin, where ipaddress is the IP address that you added to the configuration file in the previous section. If you want to change the URL, you can set an alias. Open the /etc/httpd/conf. d/phpMyAdmin.

What is username and password for phpMyAdmin in Wamp?

Try username = root and password is blank. Hi, it will login into phpmyadmin, but not logged in adminer which is provided by wamp server.

What is the default username and password for phpMyAdmin in Wamp?

The default username is "root" default password is '' (empty/blank). if u want to know the password go to wamp installation path\apps\ for example C:\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin2. 10.1 in this path u can fine the file named 'config. inc.

Why my phpMyAdmin is not working?

xampp Not Found The requested URL /phpmyadmin/ was not found on this server. I solved this problem by changing the proxy of my firefox browser, go to menu tools-Option find tab Network, click button settings. Fill the text box below No Proxy for with localhost. Then press Ok, then Ok again.

How do I run a project in Wamp?

How to Run a PHP Script With Wamp ServerStep 1: Installing the Server Software. To set up the server we are using a software called wamp server. ... Step 2: Setting Up the Server. ... Step 3: Saving Your PHP Scripts. ... Step 4: Running the PHP Script. ... Step 5: Troubleshooting. ... 7 Comments.

What IP address to use to connect to WAMP server?

Once you have the host computer's local IP address (we'll use as an example), you can enter the following into the URL bar of your browser: This will remotely connect your device to your host computer's WAMP server from within your local network.

How to connect to router management page?

To connect to your router's management page you will need to find out the local IP address of your router, this will be the "default gateway" when using the command "ipconfig" in Windows command prompt.

How to find my router's IP address?

They will need to connect to your router's public IP address- which can be found by typing "what is my IP" into google- followed by the external port you have used for the port forwarding. This can be typed into your browser's URL bar.

Can you connect to WAMP server from any device?

Once this inbound rule has been added, you should be able to connect to your WAMP server from any device within your

How to allow access to phpmyadmin?

To allow access to phpMyAdmin you need to change the Alias configuration for phpMyAdmin, so edit wampaliasphpmyadmin.conf and add an instruction to allow access from any ip address on your internal network like so :-

What port is PHP 5.5.12 on?

Forbidden. You don't have permission to access/phpmyadmin/ on this server. Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) PHP/5.5.12 Server at Port 80.

What is MySQL user account?

MySQL user account are made up of 2 parts, a UserId and a Host. The Host part tells MySQL where this userid is allowed to connect from. If you look using phpMyAdmin at the user accounts that are pre-created in MySQL you will see that the Host part of all the account is either or localhost or ::1 all of which equate to The PC running MySQL. Again for the security of the beginner no access allowed from outside the PC running MySQL.

Can PHPMyAdmin accept connections from other LAN?

If you are access PHPMyAdmin from another LAN location then the Apache server needs to be able and willing to accept connections from other than localhost. This will probably mean simply ensuring that the port (80 by default) is open to the LAN and that Apache is likewise willing to serve to remote addresses (which I would expect it to unless you have a very odd set up). That's a WAMP issue.

Can you connect to WAMP from a different machine?

Connect to WAMP from a different machine. For security reasons, the WAMP ports in this solution cannot be accessed over a public IP address. To connect to WAMP from a different machine, you must open port 80, 443 for remote access.

Does Bitnami open WAMP ports?

IMPORTANT: Bitnami Native Installers do not modify the firewall configuration of your computer, therefore the WAMP ports could be open which is a significant security risk. You are strongly advised to close the WAMP ports (refer to the FAQ for more information on this).

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