Remote-access Guide

pitfalls of remote access

by Prof. Margret Boyle I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Disadvantages of Remote Access

  • Increased Security Vulnerabilities. Remote access is a double-edged sword when it comes to system security. You see,...
  • Network Dependency. Remote access is only as good as your network. You need a stable Internet connection to maintain...
  • Transitional Complexity. A fully remotely accessible network is not something that anyone can randomly...

Full Answer

What is remote access and how does it affect security?

Remote access is a double-edged sword when it comes to system security. You see, although it comes with data encryption, access controls, and activity logging, it happens to introduce additional vulnerabilities that could be used as attack points.

Is remote access to work safe?

While there are many advantages to remote access, there are some disadvantages that must be considered as well, the biggest of which is potential security issues. Although remote working is safer than ever before, there are still plenty of risks that need to be addressed.

What are the disadvantages of remote working?

For others, though, the loneliness of isolation begins to outweigh the benefits. If you’ve been wanting to get out of your office and skip the commute, this is one of the more unexpected disadvantages of remote working! This means multiple hours of alone time, with nothing but you and your to-do list.

Will remote access slow down the uptake of remote work?

The only thing that might slow down the uptake is, of course, the disadvantages that come with remote access. Yes, that’s right - while remote access has numerous benefits, it also turns out it has its fair share of downsides.


What are the risks of remote access?

Many remote access security risks abound, but below is a list of the ones that jump out.Lack of information. ... Password sharing. ... Software. ... Personal devices. ... Patching. ... Vulnerable backups. ... Device hygiene. ... Phishing attacks.

What are the disadvantages of remote administration?

Disadvantages of Remote WorkIsolation. It's easy for employees to feel like they're part of a company's bigger picture when they're in the office and brainstorming with coworkers every day. ... Decreased Employee Visibility. ... Decreased Work/Life Balance. ... Lack of Relationships Among Coworkers. ... Increased Distractions.

Is there any potential downside to the use of remote control software?

While this system can certainly streamline working practices, there are some disadvantages including downtime. When the network is down the entire system is inaccessible so it's imperative that your system has a consistency of performance.

What are some common issues with the use of remote access within your environment?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

What are the pros and cons of remote working?

This Article Contains:6 Key Pros of Remote Working. Helps Save Time and Money. Provides a Better Work Life Balance. Boosts Employee Productivity. Promotes Healthier Employee Lifestyles. ... 6 Major Cons of Remote Working. Decreased Teamwork. Reduced Social Interaction. Increased Need for Self-Discipline.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of remote access?

Advantages of Remote Access1) Flexible Access. ... 2) Flexible Set-Up and Costs. ... 3) Full Control on Authorization and Access. ... 4) Centralized Storage and Backups. ... 5) Shared Resources; Greater Efficiency and Collaboration. ... 1) Security Issues. ... 2) Version Problems and Data Liabilities. ... 3) Hardware Issues Still Need On-Site Work.More items...•

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using remote desktop instead of a VPN?

Unlike VPN, RDP typically enables users to access applications and files on any device, at any time, over any type of connection. The biggest advantage of RDP is that you have access to network resources, databases, and line-of-business software applications without the limitations and high bandwidth demands of VPN.

How secure is remote PC?

Yes, RemotePC by IDrive is considered secure. Communications between remote and local computers are protected with industry-standard TLS version 1.2 and AES-256 encryption. RemotePC also utilizes personal keys as a secondary password to access each computer and two-step verification with a time-based OTP authenticator.

How safe is remote desktop software?

How secure is Windows Remote Desktop? Remote Desktop sessions operate over an encrypted channel, preventing anyone from viewing your session by listening on the network. However, there is a vulnerability in the method used to encrypt sessions in earlier versions of RDP.

What is the disadvantage of using VPN?

The 10 biggest VPN disadvantages are: A VPN won't give you complete anonymity: Read more. Your privacy isn't always guaranteed: Read more. Using a VPN is illegal in some countries: Read more. A safe, top-quality VPN will cost you money: Read more.

What are the risks of using a VPN?

VPNs are insecure because they expose entire networks to threats like malware, DDoS attacks, and spoofing attacks. Once an attacker has breached the network through a compromised device, the entire network can be brought down.

What is exploitation of remote work?

The exploitation of Remote Access Solutions: Employees working from home need access to the corporate network. As a result, the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) and the remote desktop protocol (RDP) has exploded during the pandemic.

What are the advantages of remote administration?

Top 5 Proven Benefits of Remote AdministrationRebooting or shutting other computers down over a network.Remotely connect to the machine to troubleshoot its issues.To install software on another machine.To monitor or supervise others for assistance.

What are the challenges of working remotely?

Challenges for remote teams:Managing projects.Remote collaboration.Tracking tasks and productivity.Working from different locations, time zones, etc.Dealing with language and cultural differences.Building/maintaining trust.

What are the advantages of remote management?

Why More Managers Are Realizing the Benefits of Remote WorkRemote Work Advantage # 1: More Productivity.Remote Work Advantage #2: A Deeper Talent Pool.Remote Work Advantage #3: Stronger Employee Retention.Remote Work Advantage #4: Better Work-Life Balance.Remote Work Advantage #5: More Effective Management.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using remote desktop instead of a VPN?

Unlike VPN, RDP typically enables users to access applications and files on any device, at any time, over any type of connection. The biggest advantage of RDP is that you have access to network resources, databases, and line-of-business software applications without the limitations and high bandwidth demands of VPN.

Why do remote workers end up working more than they would have otherwise?

“Managers need to worry more about the burnout right now than they need to be worrying that people aren't trying to get the work done,” Sacha says. Remote workers often end up working more than they would have otherwise because they want to prove that they're being productive.

What is the dangerous delay mindset?

Sacha sees this all the time: “The normal tendency when you're working in a team that's distributed across distance is to save up all the harder work until everybody's together in person,” leading to an imbalance in workload and stalled progress.

Is virtual brainstorming good for synchronous work?

Consider video notes instead of emails or chat for more personalized communication. Virtual brainstorming tools are good for both synchronous and asynchronous work. Get to know the tools because “it’s really about how the facilitator is using them to come together,” Sacha says.

What are the two types of users that need privileged accounts?

Many organizations need to provide privileged accounts to two types of users: internal users (employees) and external users (technology vendors and contractors). However, organizations that use vendors or contractors must protect themselves against potential threats from these sources.

Why do companies use VPNs?

For all these reasons, VPNs have become a popular option for companies who need to give their employees remote access, but want to provide online security and privacy.

Why is VPN important?

To fully achieve its goals, a VPN must accomplish two important tasks: Protect that connection, so that your files (and your company’s network) won’t be compromised. VPNs achieve this second step by encrypting data, these encryption and masking features help protect your online activities and keep them anonymous.

What are some applications that can be shared on desktop?

There are many applications made possible by desktop sharing including remote support, webinars, and online conferences with audio and visual content (presentation sharing), and real-time global collaboration on projects.

Can hackers use VPNs?

Hackers have also exploited VPNs in prolonged multi-stage cyberattacks. As detailed in a 2018 US government alert, Russian cyber activity targeted “trusted third-party suppliers with less secure networks”, “leveraging remote access services … such as VPN, RDP, and Outlook Web Access (OWA)” to exploit the insecure infrastructure of those third-party suppliers and gain access to other, final targets. VPNs are specifically mentioned by name in the alert as a major initial access point for hackers.

Can VPNs be exploited?

VPNs are exploited in major data breaches. A note of caution for those thinking of using VPNs: their reputation has suffered a major blow due to their implication in a number of serious data breaches. National news stories have reported on how hackers exploited VPNs to cause data breaches at several major companies .

Is desktop sharing good for enterprise?

Second, desktop sharing tools are not the best solution for supporting enterprise environments. While these tools can be utilized to provide desktop support and handle helpdesk tasks, they typically don’t have the security and functionality required for complex enterprise remote support such as server or application maintenance. They often lack the strict security controls ( logging and audit) that enterprises in highly-regulated industries need. Also, while desktop sharing can be useful for end-user support, there are additional tools and protocols needed when supporting servers, databases, and other enterprise applications.

Problem 1: Loneliness

We put this one first because it’s one of the most overlooked issues with remote work – and one of the most damaging problems.

Problem 2: communication gets tricky

When compared to face-to-face conversations, every form of remote communication has some sort of drawbacks. Slack messages are easy to ignore or miss. People take ages to reply to emails. Video or voice calls are fiddly, and get ruined by dodgy internet.

Problem 3: productivity challenges

Offices are – and always have been – designed to help people be productive. There’s plenty of very legitimate criticism of them, but it’s also undeniable that, for some people, they really do fulfil their intended purpose.

The real, overarching solution

All of the above solutions are fine, but there’s one larger action which makes all of the above actions much easier.

Advantages of Remote User Research

We have conducted most of our research remotely for several reasons. First, it allows us access to non-local populations. With a broader pool of people, we can identify and recruit the ideal participants for each of our projects. We find this gives us better data and more accurate results.

Pitfalls of Remote User Research

For researchers, establishing trust and personal connection between ourselves and our participants is critical. Developing a relationship with our participants often allows us to get to a deeper, more emotional level than is possible during remote research, leading to more insightful takeaways.

Why Embrace Remote Work?

Before knowing what pitfalls to avoid, business leaders should understand why they should enable remote work at all. Studies show that at-home employees are often more productive than those who work from the office every day.

What to Avoid When Going Remote

Building a remote team can bring many benefits, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Leaders should understand these obstacles and how to overcome them to make the most out of their work-from-home initiatives.

Learn From the Remote Work Experts

Building a remote team can be challenging, but leaders like Sahin and Globalization Partners can help. If businesses know what pitfalls to avoid ahead of time, they can plan a more successful at-home work strategy.

Why do people work remotely?

Working remotely comes with flexibility – this is one of the main reasons why more and more people are trying to work from home. Most households include two working adults, and our jobs, commuting, children, general health, family and necessary errands leave us exhausted at the end of the day!

How long can you work remotely?

What you can do: First off, setting up a legitimate home office will help you work efficiently and comfortably for the long haul – remote working will be more common in the future and this could be how you work for 10, 20 or even 40 years! Second, take note of all the supplies you regularly use and have them at home.

How to maximize work from home experience?

What you can do: In order to maximize our work-from-home experience, we need to be very disciplined. It’s vital to keep a to-do list , plan out our priorities and schedule our day accordingly. Work still must be completed. When you hit certain milestones like sending a letter or completing a report, balance yourself out with a quick workout or running an errand – nut only when you hit you goal. You’ll therefore incentivize yourself to get your work done, because you have something else to look forward to.

What to do if you lose access to your computer?

What you can do: First, it’s necessary to have a back-up place to work if you lose access to tech at home. Libraries have computers and wi-fi, plus some printing capabilities. Coffee shops often have free wi-fi for customers, too. Secondly, setting up meetings and conversations ahead of time, even if one-on-one, will reduce the risk of a surprise tech mishap from wiping out your plans – you already have plans established.

Can I work from home?

The reality is, of course, that we work from home SO we can mix in some of those things. Not having a commute plus more flexibility does give us more time back. What I’m trying to say is that, there will always be temptations to do things at home that aren’t work and it can make us fall behind without realizing it.

Is it possible to work off a desk at home?

We benefit most from having an actual home office – desk and all – but this is not always possible.

Can a project manager work from home?

What you can do: As a Project Manager, I worked from home about 25% of the time, and also traveled back and forth between offices and job sites. For me, that balance ended up being perfect: I worked from home for a portion of the week, not the whole time. This allows us to plan out our workload accordingly – which tasks are better suited for the office vs. for home.

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