What can PJM do with my data?
At any time, and for any lawful purpose, PJM may monitor, intercept, record and search any communications or data transiting or stored on this information system.
What information does PJM disclose to the government?
At PJM's sole discretion, PJM may disclose pertinent information to the U.S. Government and its authorized representatives to protect the security of critical infrastructure and key resources, ensure information security, or to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request.
What's new in PJM's compliance filing?
In this compliance filing, PJM proposes revised schedules for the upcoming RPM Auctions to adjust for the use of a historical looking Energy and Ancillary Services Offset. PJM included in its compliance a request for a shortened comment period of 7 days and a request for expedited consideration.
When did PJM file for compliance with the Order on voluntary remand?
On January 21, 2022, in Docket Nos. EL19-58-009 and ER19-1486-__, PJM submitted a compliance filing pursuant to the December 22, 2021 order on voluntary remand involving Operating Reserve Demand Curves.

How many people are in PJM?
Watch PJM’s story of “A Day in the Life of Dispatch,” showing how the supply and demand of electricity is balanced across the PJM footprint for 65 million people, from the time we wake up in the morning to the time we go to bed, and through the night.
What are the three priorities of PJM?
Learn about PJM’s three priorities: keeping the lights on, administering the buying and selling of energy through wholesale electricity markets and assessing and managing the future needs of the electric grid.
PJM has improved the user-friendliness of its governing documents on PJM.com.
For more information on this event, please contact the Energy Bar Association at (202) 223-5625 or by email at kwalecka@eba-net.org