Is Plano ISD still offering free meals?
All Plano ISD schools will continue to provide free meals to all students throughout the 2021-22 school year, regardless of family income level. A la carte items will be available for purchase. Menu information can be found on the Food and Nutritional Services (FANS) website. Read more.
What's new in Plano ISD's return to school plan 2021-22?
The REVISED Return to School Plan 2021-22 includes health and safety protocols for campuses and administrative buildings as approved by the board of trustees. Read more. Plano ISD will hold a public meeting at 6:00 p.m., November 3, 2021 in the board room located in the Plano ISD Administration Center at 2700 W. 15 th Street, Plano.
What is eSchool Plano?
eSchool is Plano ISD’s online learning program offering students the flexibility to meet their academic goals. Students in grades 9-12 can earn credits toward graduation in a variety of courses working at their own pace and in their own space.
What is PISD eSchool?
What is PISD eSchool? eSchool is Plano ISD’s online learning program offering students the flexibility to meet their academic goals. Students in grades 9-12 can earn credits toward graduation in a variety of courses working at their own pace and in their own space.

Updated Guidelines for Schoolwide Events
Due to rising COVID related case numbers in our community, the district has updated the guidelines for schoolwide events and activities to protect the health and wellbeing of Plano ISD students and staff. These revised guidelines will be in place through February 4, 2022, and will be reevaluated at that time.
Intra-District Transfer Requests for 2022-23 School Year
Families in kindergarten-12th grade who wish to request a school transfer for their student for the 2022-23 school year, should visit the Student Transfers page at www.pisd.edu/pisdtransfer .
What is Webdesk?
Webdesk gives you single sign-on access to all your programs. Sign in one time and access all of your PISD resources (Gradebook, Email, TEAMS), digital textbooks, and even your H-drive and S-drive files.
How do I use it?
Visit our Webdesk page on the Hotspot for everything you need to know! Including a link to our YouTube Webdesk Playlist.