Remote-access Guide

potential problems with remote access

by Ruben Lind Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Remote Access Risks

  • Remote Access Through Home Computers. Some companies provide their employees with work-specific computers that are...
  • Easy Logins and Passwords. Many remote access endpoints only require a simple ID and password to log on to your network.
  • Lack of Computer Inspection. Many remote access software solutions don’t scan the remote computer for viruses or...

Many remote access security risks abound, but below is a list of the ones that jump out.
  1. Lack of information. ...
  2. Password sharing. ...
  3. Software. ...
  4. Personal devices. ...
  5. Patching. ...
  6. Vulnerable backups. ...
  7. Device hygiene. ...
  8. Phishing attacks.

Full Answer

Why is my Remote Access not working?

The following are three reasons:

  • Remote access to the server is not enabled.
  • The remote computer is turned off.
  • The remote computer is not available on the network.

How to properly secure remote access?

  • Windows or Mac login when connecting remotely
  • Request permission to connect to the user’s computer
  • Automatically blank the remote screen when connected
  • Automatically lock remote computer when disconnected
  • Lock the remote computer’s keyboard and mouse while in session
  • Lock the streamer settings using Splashtop admin credentials

How do I enable remote access in Windows 10?

Windows 10 Fall Creator Update (1709) or later

  • On the device you want to connect to, select Start and then click the Settings icon on the left.
  • Select the System group followed by the Remote Desktop item.
  • Use the slider to enable Remote Desktop.
  • It is also recommended to keep the PC awake and discoverable to facilitate connections. ...

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How can I prevent remote access to my Windows PC?

Windows 8 and 7 Instructions

  • Click the Start button and then Control Panel.
  • Open System and Security.
  • Choose System in the right panel.
  • Select Remote Settings from the left pane to open the System Properties dialog box for the Remote tab.
  • Click Don’t Allow Connections to This Computer and then click OK.

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What are some common issues with the use of remote access within your environment?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of remote access?

Advantages of Remote Access1) Flexible Access. ... 2) Flexible Set-Up and Costs. ... 3) Full Control on Authorization and Access. ... 4) Centralized Storage and Backups. ... 5) Shared Resources; Greater Efficiency and Collaboration. ... 1) Security Issues. ... 2) Version Problems and Data Liabilities. ... 3) Hardware Issues Still Need On-Site Work.More items...•

What types of attacks are remote access servers vulnerable to?

Other attacks which hackers can facilitate through remote access include email phishing, third-party vendor compromise, insider threats, social engineering, and the use of vulnerable applications to compromise systems. Hackers use Common remote access tools to penetrate third-party access to merchant information ...

What are the cybersecurity risks of working remotely?

Zero-day attacks (viruses taking advantage of security flaws before they are patched) Malware, spyware, and viruses. Trojans and worms. Phishing scams, including those sent via email.

What are the disadvantages of remote administration?

Disadvantages of Remote WorkIsolation. It's easy for employees to feel like they're part of a company's bigger picture when they're in the office and brainstorming with coworkers every day. ... Decreased Employee Visibility. ... Decreased Work/Life Balance. ... Lack of Relationships Among Coworkers. ... Increased Distractions.

Is there any potential downside to the use of remote control software?

While this system can certainly streamline working practices, there are some disadvantages including downtime. When the network is down the entire system is inaccessible so it's imperative that your system has a consistency of performance.

Can remote access be hacked?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) has been known since 2016 as a way to attack some computers and networks. Malicious cyber actors, hackers, have developed methods of identifying and exploiting vulnerable RDP sessions via the Internet to steal identities, login credentials and install and launch ransomeware attacks.

What are remote access attacks?

A remote attack is a malicious action that targets one or a network of computers. The remote attack does not affect the computer the attacker is using. Instead, the attacker will find vulnerable points in a computer or network's security software to access the machine or system.

What is the risk of unauthorized access?

What are the risks of unauthorized data access? Once an individual has gained unauthorized access to data or computer networks, they can cause damage to an organization in a number of ways. They may directly steal files, data, or other information. They may leverage unauthorized access to further compromise accounts.

What is the greatest risk that remote access poses to an organization?

The overriding risk of remote access services and software is a hacker gaining deeper access to your organization, exposing you to a host of IT security threats. Once they gain privileged access to your system, it will be difficult to prevent data loss, prevent phishing, protect against ransomware, etc.

Is working from home less secure?

Companies have had to get better at cybersecurity in our digital age, but cybersecurity threats have grown significantly with distributed work. Work-from-home employees are at much greater risk than those in offices. Since home connections are less secure, cybercriminals have an easier entry into the company network.

What is the advantages of remote access?

With remote access, employees can safely work from any device, platform, or network at their home office or abroad. Remote desktop functions allow them to remotely access important files and share their screen for meetings and troubleshooting.

What is the advantage of remote control?

The use of a wireless remote control eliminates the need for the operator to be in direct contact with a running machine. This means the operator can position themselves in a safer manner, farther away from moving parts, harmful dust, noise and vibration or falling debris that may occur.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using remote desktop instead of a VPN?

Unlike VPN, RDP typically enables users to access applications and files on any device, at any time, over any type of connection. The biggest advantage of RDP is that you have access to network resources, databases, and line-of-business software applications without the limitations and high bandwidth demands of VPN.

What are the advantages of remote management?

Why More Managers Are Realizing the Benefits of Remote WorkRemote Work Advantage # 1: More Productivity.Remote Work Advantage #2: A Deeper Talent Pool.Remote Work Advantage #3: Stronger Employee Retention.Remote Work Advantage #4: Better Work-Life Balance.Remote Work Advantage #5: More Effective Management.

Why do businesses use remote access?

Managed service providers or MSPs can also use this technology to manage and monitor a bunch of corporate devices remotely. On the other hand, businesses can use remote access to promote a productive work culture. With this, employees can stay connected to their office resources even outside of working hours.

What is remote access?

Remote access is a technology that allows users to connect to a computing device from a distant spot. This means that a user can view and control his computer screen even if he isn’t sitting in front of it. The primary aim of remote access is to eliminate the need for the physical presence of the user in order to get a task done on a remote computer. This means that he can perform several computing tasks even if he isn’t physically connected to the computer he is trying to remote to.

Why is it important to invest in remote access?

It’s always important to invest in an effective remote access tool. The problem with most companies nowadays is that they compromise their network security by purchasing affordable yet ineffective remote access solutions. Without a secure remote access tool, it will be difficult for your company to protect its confidentiality from malicious attackers online. One of the features that you need to look for in a remote access solution is its ability to encrypt remote sessions between the local and remote devices. Without this, users who have malicious intent can definitely steal confidential information from your own network and system.

Is remote access good for business?

Although remote access can be beneficial to businesses, it can also bring some level of security concerns to your network. As stated a while back, the danger of remote access starts to emerge once you open your network to a bunch of remote and outsider users. The problem with this is that external threats and malware can also gain entry to your system and later cause major security havoc. We’ll take a look now at some of the security risks of using remote access.

Is it safe to open a network to be accessed by a bunch of remote users?

Opening your network to be accessed by a bunch of remote users is a security risk. Even if the user is authenticated and authorized, providing remote access to someone needs to be strictly controlled and supervised. In this guide, we’ll show you some of the dangers of using remote access technology.

Is remote access secure?

Companies that allow employees to access their networks remotely are prone to security risks brought by remote access. Since employees can use their personal devices to connect to their office resources, there’s a possibility that your network can be infected by outsider threats and malware. The thing with this practice is that not all of your employees? endpoint devices are safe and secure. This means that some of them may have their fair share of security flaws that can disrupt the security of your network.

Why is cybersecurity important in remote work?

Bringing cybersecurity to the top-of-mind for your remote workforce is important in successfully educating employees on the new risks their work environment presents. Conducting training for security best practices, as well as discussing your organization’s cybersecurity standing and vulnerabilities with the entire workforce are both potential ways to combat network threats.

What should be protected using multi-factor authentication?

Any machine that is capable of connecting to your network should be protected using multi-factor authentication, automatic session timeouts, and access monitoring to prevent unauthorized users from getting into the data, even if they have the device.

What is an unsanctioned device?

A single unauthorized device being used on your network. An unsanctioned application someone’s accessing from their non-secure home PC. A small vendor with a seemingly insignificant vulnerability.

How to prevent unauthorized app use?

Making proactive decisions about your tech stack can go a long way toward preventing unauthorized app use. For example, by making a secure video chatting or collaboration tool available, you reduce the likelihood of employees going out of their way to install their own (less secure) solutions.

Is IT security playing catch up?

IT security teams are still playing catchup when it comes to securing the remote workforce. We’re committed to making their jobs easier through our BitSight Security Ratings solutions for monitoring, managing, and mitigating cyber risks. Read our research to learn more about the unique risks of work from home-remote office networks and what to do next to mitigate the latest security threats.

Can remote workers access sensitive information?

But with remote work and the physical locations of your workforce and sensitive information further apart, the chances of unauthorized users accessing sensitive data through employees’ computers, phones, and tablets increases exponentially .

What is the first risk in network security?

The first risk is a lack of information about traditional network security technologies, such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems, as those systems may be largely out of the equation now.

What is the essence of an organization's network security challenge?

The essence of an organization's network security challenge is users are now, more than ever, making security decisions on the network team's behalf. Teams should think about what they can do to minimize such decisions or at least minimize their effect on the business. Consider the following methods.

What to do if playback doesn't begin?

If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Is it time to do more of the same with network security?

Now is not the time to do more of the same with network security. Instead, you've got to figure out how to get your users working for you rather than against you. The same boring messages and dictates are not going to work. You'll have to get creative as you address remote access security.

Is there a tangible risk to security?

Unless and until technical staff, employees and management are working toward the same goals in terms of security standards, policies and expectations, there will be tangible risks. Most people have already established their baseline in this new normal. However, from what I'm seeing and hearing from clients and colleagues, there are still lots of opportunities to properly mitigate certain threats and vulnerabilities.

Do people share passwords?

Users share passwords among websites and users of their computers, especially when personal devices are involved.

What are the most common issues that affect remote workers?

Loneliness is the second most common problem (19%) while collaboration (17%), distractions at home (10%), time zones (8%) and staying motivated (8%) are all issues that affect remote workers and the companies they work for.

What are the challenges of working remotely?

According to Buffer’s 2019 State of Remote Work report, the most common problem remote workers have is unplugging after work – an issue 22% of respondents said they experience.

What are the challenges of remote teams?

Meanwhile, a separate study conducted by Hubstaff finds the biggest challenges for businesses with remote teams include communication, scheduling, tracking performance and language/cultural barriers . Another challenge it mentions is building and maintaining trust between remote team members – an issue cited in multiple other reports, including this piece published by Workana.

What is the biggest challenge in remote working?

Starting right at the top, the biggest challenge with remote working is managing projects when your team is spread out across multiple locations. Whether it’s a mix of in-house and remote staff or an entire team of remote workers, managers are responsible for making sure deadlines are met and targets are hit.

Why do remote workers take fewer days off sick?

Remote workers have been found to take fewer days off sick, stay motivated for longer, stay in their jobs for longer and prioritise their freedom over wage increases (saving on travel costs and other expenses helps in this regard, too).

Is remote team limited?

However, remote teams are highly limited and even interacting with the same document poses challenges.

Can remote teams interact with the same document?

However, remote teams are highly limited and even interacting with the same document poses challenges.

What is privileged access management?

Using a privileged access management solution, enable fine-grained permission controls and enforce the principle of least privilege (PoLP). One step you want to take is to broker permissions to various target systems using different accounts, each with varying levels of permission. You also should limit commands a specific user can apply via blacklists and whitelists to provide a high degree of control and flexibility.

Why do organizations allow third parties access to their networks?

Organizations allow third parties access to their networks for them to change or otherwise impact the operational service of these organizations. This privileged access needs to be protected to the same (or higher) extent as your organization’s internal privileged users.

How to deal with third party issues?

Establish security standards specifically to deal with third-party issues, and enforce them using technical controls. Monitor for any security gaps and then mitigate them. Through diligently monitoring, you can do a better job of containing third-party risks through prudent planning and diligence.

How to better manage third party risks?

Through diligently monitoring, you can do a better job of containing third-party risks through prudent planning and diligence.

Can trusted business partners pose a security threat?

The reality is that even your most trusted business partners can pose a security threat if they don’t enforce best practices. Regularly review the use of credentials with your third parties, understand who is using them, and limit temporary access, as it potentially opens the door to increased vulnerability.

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