Remote-access Guide

primary defense against unauthorized remote access to network devices

by Jamarcus Walter Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the primary defense against unauthorized remote access to network devices? C. Forcing authentication for remote access by requiring a password to remotely connect to a network is a basic security measure.

Full Answer

How to prevent unauthorized data access to your devices?

The first step for any organization to prevent unauthorized data access is to keep current on all the security patches. Security patches address vulnerabilities in software, operating systems, drivers, etc., that attackers might use to gain access to your device and your data.

How can multi-factor authentication prevent unauthorized data access?

That can go a long way in preventing unauthorized data access. As the name suggests, multi-factor authentication requires multiple pieces of information to be presented by the user and validated by the system before they are granted access to the system.

How can you protect your data from intrusions?

By staying prepared and updated, you can protect your data from those trying to get unauthorized access to it. 2. Detect and Respond to Intrusions Quickly Of course, you’d want to stay vigilant and be prepared to prevent hackers from unauthorized data access. But what if you couldn’t detect an intrusion? What’s the way forward?

Which devices would be considered end devices on a network?

Some examples of end devices are:computers (workstations, laptops, file servers, and web servers)nsetwork printers.VoIP phones.TelePresence cameras.More items...

Which two networking devices are used in enterprise networks for providing network connectivity to end devices?

Explanation: Both Telnet and SSH are used to remotely connect to a network device for management tasks.

Which type of traffic must receive the highest priority from QoS?

Which type of traffic must receive the highest priority from QoS? C. Quality of Service (QoS) prioritizes data based on many factors including the traffic's sensitivity to network delay. Voice over IP (VoIP) is very sensitive to network delay and must be given priority treatment.

What is a group of web pages that groups of individuals can edit and view together called?

Wikis: Wikis are web pages that groups of people can edit and view together. Whereas a blog is more of an individual, personal journal, a wiki is a group creation.

What happens when a device connects to a router?

To put it simply, a router connects devices within a network by forwarding data packets between them. This data can be sent between devices, or from devices to the internet. The router does this by assigning a local IP address to each of the devices on the network.

Which device is used to connect two different networks?

Routers are general-purpose devices that interconnect two or more heterogeneous networks. They are usually dedicated to special-purpose computers, with separate input and output network interfaces for each connected network.

What is priority in networking?

High Priority traffic is forwarded immediately, and Medium and Low Priority traffic is rate limited using techniques such as bandwidth throttling, congestion control and packet dropping. Bandwidth throttling reduces network speed to reduce traffic.

What happens when two devices on the same subnet are communicating?

What happens when two devices on the same subnet are communicating? The host portion of the IP addresses will be different. When two devices are on the same local network, the network portion of their IP addresses will be the same and the host portion of their IP addresses will be different.

Which types of traffic should be given priority over all others?

Some types of traffic, such as voice and video, require the highest priority because they are very sensitive to network latency and delay. Other types of traffic, such as FTP which is not sensitive to latency and delay, should be given the lowest levels of priority so that the higher priority traffic can get through.

Which two devices would be described as intermediary devices choose two?

Examples of intermediary network devices are:switches and wireless access points (network access)routers (internetworking)firewalls (security).

What are two functions of intermediary devices on a network?

Processes running on the intermediary network devices perform these functions:Regenerate and retransmit data signals.Maintain information about which pathways exist through the network and internetwork.Notify other devices of errors and communication failures.More items...•

What type of network must a home user access to do online?

What type of network must a home user access in order to do online shopping? Explanation: Home users will go online shopping over the Internet because online vendors are accessed through the Internet. An intranet is basically a local area network for internal use only.

What are the two protocols used most often with IoT devices quizlet?

Terms in this set (4)What are the 2 protocols used most often with IoT devices? Z-wave. Zigbee.Which frequencies does Zigbee operate on? 2.4Ghz 900MHz, and 868 MHz.What is the max number of nodes Z Wave allows on its mesh network? 232.What are two major concerns regarding IoT devices? Privacy, Hacking.

Which of the following are options for connecting a computing device?

Which of the following are options for connecting a computing device, such as a notebook computer or a tablet, to a cellular network? Use a USB cable to connect the device to the network through a smartphone. Use the device's Wi-Fi to connect to the network through a cellular Wi-Fi hot spot.

What are the different types of network switches?

Types of Network SwitchesKVM Switch.Managed Switch.Unmanaged Switch.Smart Switch.PoE Switch.

What kind of network is used to connect individual computers in a single physical location?

A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area such as a home, school, office building, or closely positioned group of buildings. Each computer or device on the network is a node. Wired LANs are most likely based on Ethernet technology.

How many web requests lead to malware?

Malware is one of the most common forms of cyberattacks. In fact, 1 in every 13 web requests leads to malware. It is a severe issue that plagues numerous computer systems, and it is infamous for cropping up in inconspicuous locations that are unbeknownst to the users.

Why is it important to implement the principle of least privilege?

Implementing least privilege can help you secure your data from providing unauthorized access. The principle of least privilege (POLP) enforces a minimal level of user rights which allows the user to access specific resources needed only to perform his/her role. It reduces the risk of exploitation by unauthorized users, applications, or systems without impacting the overall productivity of the organization.

How does an IPS complement an IDS?

On the other hand, an IPS complements an IDS by proactively monitoring a system’s incoming traffic to identify malicious requests. An IPS prevents intrusion attacks by blocking unauthorized or offending IPs, prohibiting malicious data, and alerting security personnel to potential security threats.

What is an IDS?

An IDS uses known intrusion signs or behavior heuristics to assess network traffic for suspicious activities.

Why is it important to have least privilege?

While least privilege helps provide authority for only specific resources required to complete the job at hand, it also enforces better security practices and reduces the likelihood of your organization becoming a victim to a cyber attack.

Why are security patches important?

Security patches for operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Android, iOS are essential because an OS vulnerability can have severe consequences. Additionally, continually update drivers and software applications as new patches become available.

Did security patches exist before the attack?

What’s interesting is that security patches for these vulnerabilities were available long before the attack was launched. But there were thousands of users who had not updated their security patches and thus, became victims of the attack.

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