Using Stata in Adroit You need to VPN to the University using GlobalProtect, see here The portal address is This will also allow you to access DSS data sources restricted to Princeton students, faculty, and staff.
Full Answer
Do I need a VPN for remote access to Princeton?
You then have secure, authenticated remote access to Princeton services while keeping Princeton’s resources safe. If you are dealing with sensitive information related to Princeton in a public space (e.g., while traveling or using Wi-Fi in an airport or café), a VPN will provide you with additional security.
What is the goal of the Stata tutorial?
The goal of this tutorial is to get students started in data analysis using Stata. These pages are meant to be basic tools to help you in your research. The commands presented here are in their basic format. Over time and with practice you will be able to develop your own shortcuts to make the procedures work faster. We encourage you to do so.
How do I contact Princeton University for data analysis or data visualization?
Please do not hesitate in contacting us at for any questions regarding data sources, data analysis, or data visualization. Statistical consulting services are available to currently enrolled/employed members of Princeton University.
What statistical consulting services does Princeton University offer?
Statistical consulting services are available to currently enrolled/employed members of Princeton University. DSS consultants provide statistical and software assistance in quantitative analysis of electronic data as part of independent research projects, such as junior papers, senior theses, term papers, dissertations, and scholarly articles.

How does VPN work in Princeton?
By connecting to the Princeton network virtually, you are able to access Princeton’s information resources while being protected through existing network security tools, such as the firewall. A VPN ensures that your information, as well as Princeton’s, is delivered in a secure fashion through the use of firewall rules. Firewall restricts the greater public from accessing Princeton’s servers, which protects them and the information that they contain from unwanted traffic (i.e., the internet and hackers). You then have secure, authenticated remote access to Princeton services while keeping Princeton’s resources safe. If you are dealing with sensitive information related to Princeton in a public space (e.g., while traveling or using Wi-Fi in an airport or café), a VPN will provide you with additional security.
What is VPN in Princeton?
A VPN ensures that your information, as well as Princeton’s, is delivered in a secure fashion through the use of firewall rules. Firewall restricts the greater public from accessing Princeton’s servers, which protects them and the information that they contain from unwanted traffic (i.e., the internet and hackers).
How to run Stata in text mode?
To run Stata in text mode on Unix, connect to the Nobel server using an SSH program such as SSH Secure Shell, which is available on all the OIT clusters. After logging in, type "stata" at the prompt.
Can you run Stata in Unix?
Sometimes you may want to run a Stata job as a background Unix process. This is usefull if you have a very large dataset or are running complex stata procedures that will take a long time to finish. Running stata as a background process lets you start your commands running, go away and ignore it for a while, and then come back and retrieve your output. If Stata is running in the background, it won't be interrupted if someone closes your SSH window on you, or even turns off the computer you're connected from.
How to access Princeton protected applications?
The easiest way to access protected applications is through the GlobalProtect Portal on the web. For this, all you need is a web browser. Some Princeton applications available through this portal are:
How can I access the Central File Server remotely?
Please note: If you are off campus, you will need to make a VPN connection to the University before accessing the Central File Server. Once a VPN connection is established, follow the instructions below to access drives.
Can Sonicwall VPN access library resources?
Library digital resources hosted by external vendors cannot be accessed using the Global Protect VPN. At this time, continue to use SonicWall VPN to access these resources.
Using Stata in Adroit
You need to VPN to the University using GlobalProtect, see here The portal address is This will also allow you to access DSS data sources restricted to Princeton students, faculty, and staff.
The DSS computer lab is located at A-12-G (A-floor, click here for a map) in Firestone Library
The lab is open when Firestone Library is open. If you would like to use lab computers and do not need assistance, you may come in anytime when the library is open. Assistance is provided according to the staffing schedule posted on the sidemenu on the left.
What is a VPN in Princeton?
Virtual Private Network (VPN) services are managed by Princeton's Office of Information Technology (OIT) These require installing and configuring software compatible with your computer's operating system. At the present time only the "SonicWall Secure Mobile Access VPN" option on OIT's page is fully compatible with all Library electronic resources so please utilize that option for your research. Instructions for Windows, OS X, Linux, and mobile devices are provided. A VPN service enables the computer you are using when connected to function as if it was a part of the campus network. In addition to SonicWall OIT also offers the Global Protect VPN for use for staff and students who need to join the campus network, however at the present time that service is not compatible with many of the resources for research that the Library provides. SonicWall is the best choice if you wish to do Library research using SRA. See EZProxy if you are looking for an alternative remote research option.
What is the library's electronic resources?
Most of the Library's electronic resources are available to registered students, faculty, and staff when away from campus, including while abroad. The Library offers two means of remote access EZproxy, and through the University's VPN Services. A select number of electronic resources are also available to Alumni.
Does Sonicwall OIT have VPN?
In addition to SonicWall OIT also offers the Global Protect VPN for use for staff and students who need to join the campus network, however at the present time that service is not compatible with many of the resources for research that the Library provides.
What is stata available for?
Stata is available for Windows, Unix, and Mac computers. This tutorial was created using the Windows version, but most of the contents applies to the other platforms as well. The standard version is called Stata/IC (or Intercooled Stata) and can handle up to 2,047 variables.
How to get help in Stata?
Stata has excellent online help. To obtain help on a command (or function) type help command_name, which displays the help on a separate window called the Viewer. (You can also type chelp command_name, which shows the help on the Results window; but this is not recommended.) Or just select Help|Command on the menu system. Try help ttail. Each help file appears in a separate viewer tab (a separate window before Stata 12) unless you use the option , nonew.
What is SMCL in Stata?
By default the log is written using SMCL, Stata Markup and Control Language (pronounced “ smickle”), which provides some formatting facilities but can only be viewed using Stata’s Viewer. Fortunately, there is a text option to create logs in plain text format, which can be viewed in an editor such as Notepad or a word processor such as Word. (An alternative is to create your log in SMCL and then use the translate command to convert it to plain text, postscript, or even PDF, type help translate to learn more about this option.)
What commands does Stata use?
Stata has other commands for interacting with the operating system, including mkdir to create a directory, dir to list the names of the files in a directory, type to list their contents, copy to copy files, and erase to delete a file.
What is stata graph?
Stata is a powerful statistical package with smart data-management facilities, a wide array of up-to-date statistical techniques, and an excellent system for producing publication-quality graphs. Stata is fast and easy to use. In this tutorial I start with a quick introduction and overview and then discuss data management, statistical graphs, and Stata programming.
What is the purpose of the post-estimation command in Stata?
A useful command is predict, which can be used to generate fitted values or residuals following a regression. The command
How to change the color of Stata?
You can also save (and then load) named preference sets using the menu E dit| P references. I happen to like the Compact Window Layout. You can also choose the font used in each window, just right click and select font from the context menu. Finally, it is possible to change the color scheme under General Preferences. You can select one of four overall color schemes: light, light gray, blue or dark. You can also choose one of seven preset or three customizable styles for the Results and Viewer windows.