Remote-access Guide

princeton university remote access

by Lucas Bogan Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Do I need a VPN for remote access to Princeton?

You then have secure, authenticated remote access to Princeton services while keeping Princeton’s resources safe. If you are dealing with sensitive information related to Princeton in a public space (e.g., while traveling or using Wi-Fi in an airport or café), a VPN will provide you with additional security.

Why can't I access certain resources on Princeton's network?

If you are having problems with a specific resource please include the URL you are trying to access in your message. Virtual Private Network (VPN) services are managed by Princeton's Office of Information Technology (OIT) These require installing and configuring software compatible with your computer's operating system.

How can I access the library remotely?

The Library offers two means of remote access EZproxy, and through the University's VPN Services. A select number of electronic resources are also available to Alumni. The EZproxy service requires no configuration.

Can I use EZproxy to access resources in Princeton only listings?

Resources in the listings marked "Princeton Only" do not work through EZproxy and are available only from designated Library workstations within our physical libraries. Use the EZproxy service if you are using a public computer (hotel, public library, Internet cafe, etc.).


Accessing protected applications through the web

The easiest way to access protected applications is through the GlobalProtect Portal on the web. For this, all you need is a web browser. Some Princeton applications available through this portal are:

Accessing protected applications using software installed on your device

You will need to install GlobalProtect software to access a subset of Princeton’s protected resources, including:


Can I keep the SonicWall SRA Connect Tunnel software installed on my device?

How can I access the Central File Server remotely?

Please note: If you are off campus, you will need to make a VPN connection to the University before accessing the Central File Server. Once a VPN connection is established, follow the instructions below to access drives.

When to GlobalProtect VPN

When sharing or accessing University information from off-campus—especially when on wifi in a public place, or when sharing Restricted or Confidential information—use Princeton's Global Protect VPN. GlobalProtect VPN provides anytime access to the University network. It also leverages existing network security tools, including the firewall.

How to Use It

The easiest way to access protected applications is through the GlobalProtect Portal on the web. For this, all you need is a web browser. Some Princeton applications available through this portal are:

Accessing protected applications using software installed on your device

You will need to install GlobalProtect software to access a subset of Princeton’s protected resources, including:

Welcome to the Library

As faculty, staff, and students working remotely you have the same online access to Princeton University Library resources as when you are on campus. This includes:

Getting in Touch

If you are doing research and have a question that requires discipline-specific knowledge, you can reach out to a subject specialist. You may also want to consult a subject specific research guide based on your discipline..

What is a VPN in Princeton?

Virtual Private Network (VPN) services are managed by Princeton's Office of Information Technology (OIT) These require installing and configuring software compatible with your computer's operating system. At the present time only the "SonicWall Secure Mobile Access VPN" option on OIT's page is fully compatible with all Library electronic resources so please utilize that option for your research. Instructions for Windows, OS X, Linux, and mobile devices are provided. A VPN service enables the computer you are using when connected to function as if it was a part of the campus network. In addition to SonicWall OIT also offers the Global Protect VPN for use for staff and students who need to join the campus network, however at the present time that service is not compatible with many of the resources for research that the Library provides. SonicWall is the best choice if you wish to do Library research using SRA. See EZProxy if you are looking for an alternative remote research option.

What is the library's electronic resources?

Most of the Library's electronic resources are available to registered students, faculty, and staff when away from campus, including while abroad. The Library offers two means of remote access EZproxy, and through the University's VPN Services. A select number of electronic resources are also available to Alumni.

Does Sonicwall OIT have VPN?

In addition to SonicWall OIT also offers the Global Protect VPN for use for staff and students who need to join the campus network, however at the present time that service is not compatible with many of the resources for research that the Library provides.

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