Remote-access Guide

pros and cons of remote access technology

by Aiden Harris Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Pros and Cons: 3 Types of Remote Access Methods

  • IPsec VPN. A common remote access technology in use today is the IPsec VPN. A piece of software called a VPN client is...
  • SSL VPN. A newer technology that is making inroads in the remote access market is the SSL VPN. SSL, which stands for...
  • Microsoft DirectAccess. A relatively new player to the remote access arena was not...

Advantages of Remote Access
  • 1) Flexible Access. ...
  • 2) Flexible Set-Up and Costs. ...
  • 3) Full Control on Authorization and Access. ...
  • 4) Centralized Storage and Backups. ...
  • 5) Shared Resources; Greater Efficiency and Collaboration. ...
  • 1) Security Issues. ...
  • 2) Version Problems and Data Liabilities. ...
  • 3) Hardware Issues Still Need On-Site Work.
Apr 7, 2022

Full Answer

What are the benefits of remote access?

The first and perhaps most important benefit of remote access is the flexibility and ease. When certain complications make working in the office difficult if not impossible, ensuring business continuity is essential.

What are the disadvantages of remote work?

While remote work has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages. Here are some things to consider before making it a permanent part of the work environment. 8. Distractions at home There are many distractions at home that can detract from an employee's focus on their work.

What are the disadvantages of using VPNs for remote access?

Another drawback to using VPNs for remote access: they may expose organizations to compliance or regulatory risk. As cyberattacks have become more costly, sophisticated, and frequent, some policy-making groups have imposed tougher standards on their auditing processes and regulators are asking tougher questions about third-party access methods.

Will remote access slow down the uptake of remote work?

The only thing that might slow down the uptake is, of course, the disadvantages that come with remote access. Yes, that’s right - while remote access has numerous benefits, it also turns out it has its fair share of downsides.


What is the advantages of remote access?

With remote access, employees can safely work from any device, platform, or network at their home office or abroad. Remote desktop functions allow them to remotely access important files and share their screen for meetings and troubleshooting.

What are disadvantages of RDP?

Reliable Network Required: For a client computer to connect successfully to a host computer, you need a working and reliable network connection. Otherwise, the entire remote desktop service may break down.

What are the advantages of a desktop remote technology?

Here are 5 ways your business benefits from getting a remote desktop connection.Working Remotely. If you have or want a BYOD environment at your company, you need to have the resources to make it efficient. ... Top Security. ... Savings. ... Easy Access. ... Easy Management.

Is there any potential downside to the use of remote control software?

While this system can certainly streamline working practices, there are some disadvantages including downtime. When the network is down the entire system is inaccessible so it's imperative that your system has a consistency of performance.

How insecure is RDP?

RDP itself is not a secure setup and therefore requires additional security measures to keep workstations and servers protected. Without proper security protocols in place, organizations face several potential risks, including the increased risk of cyberattacks.

What is the greatest benefit of remote access to an organization?

Flexibility. By allowing your staff to perform tasks outside the office using remote access, you can facilitate more flexible work arrangements and help employees create a better work/life balance.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using remote desktop instead of a VPN?

Unlike VPN, RDP typically enables users to access applications and files on any device, at any time, over any type of connection. The biggest advantage of RDP is that you have access to network resources, databases, and line-of-business software applications without the limitations and high bandwidth demands of VPN.

What are potential risks associated with remote access?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using remote desktop instead of a VPN?

Unlike VPN, RDP typically enables users to access applications and files on any device, at any time, over any type of connection. The biggest advantage of RDP is that you have access to network resources, databases, and line-of-business software applications without the limitations and high bandwidth demands of VPN.

Is Windows RDP good?

Our Verdict If you have one of the upper-tier versions of Windows (Pro, Enterprise), and fair to good computer/networking chops, Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection is an excellent free option for accessing your Windows PC from other computers or devices.

What is the disadvantage of TeamViewer?

TeamViewer consists of an intuitive and easy-to-use interface with powerful remote access features. Besides having plenty of useful functionalities such as identification of unattended access, wake-on-LAN, and ticket assignment, it has a few limitations in terms of security, image quality, and cost.

Is remote desktop reliable?

While remote desktop software comes with inherent risks, Chrome Remote Desktop is safe and secure. Its remote sessions use AES computer encryption through a secure SSL connection, protecting your data while you remotely access your computer.

What is remote access technology?

A common remote access technology in use today is the IPsec VPN. A piece of software called a VPN client is installed on the end user’s computer and is configured with details about the target network, such as the gateway IP address and a pre-shared security key. Each time the user wants to connect to the corporate network, they start the VPN client, which creates a secure connection to the corporate firewall.

Does IT need to touch each machine?

The IT department does not need to touch each machine that needs remote access. Network administrators can set up granular security policies for specific resources on the corporate network, even down to a single web-based application. Software clients are available for mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads.

Is VPN required for telecommuting?

Being able to connect securely to your corporate network from a remote location using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is important, and it may be required by your job if you are a telecommuter. There are some remote access technologies that are widely used, but some new methods have recently emerged that have the ability to change how we work.

Is DirectAccess going to be widespread?

DirectAccess is not going to gain widespread adoption until the OS licensing requirements are revised and the networking is reworked to be more straightforward. While IPv6 is the future of networking, we currently live and work in an IPv4 world, especially on the LAN (as of May 2014, IPv4 still carried more than 96% of Internet traffic worldwide, according to Google ). Setting up a new remote access technology should not require one or more potentially expensive projects before it can be deployed.

What is remote access?

Remote access is a double-edged sword when it comes to system security. You see, although it comes with data encryption, access controls, and activity logging, it happens to introduce additional vulnerabilities that could be used as attack points.

Can anyone remotely access a network?

A fully remotely accessible network is not something that anyone can randomly set up. Even seasoned experts and managed service providers take days to piece together all the infrastructure resources and, ultimately, have everything working seamlessly.

Why is remote access important?

With a remote access VPN, you will have access to localized information without having to be within the location where the information is stored. Due to this fact, remote access VPNs increase productivity and also reduce the costs of staffing, because there is no need to depend on other people being physically present at the location to access network resources.

Why use VPN for remote access?

In addition to permitting users to make use of network resources remotely, a VPN solution for remote access needs to account for the fact that different users may require different access permissions and also use different devices. For example, some users may have Windows-based devices while others have Apple-based devices. A standard VPN solution enables the connection of these devices to the network easily and safely.

What is Remote Access VPN?

As stated earlier, remote access VPN enables you to connect to the network without being physically present, but what is remote access VPN exactly? Remote Access VPN can be defined as a VPN created to allow multiple users to connect to a particular network and use the network resources without a physical presence where the network is located.

What is IPsec remote access?

IPsec-based remote access also gives a lot of flexibility and customizability through moderation of the VPN client application. Using APIs, IPsec client software enables organizations to control the interface and the functionality of the VPN client to be used in the application like integrating with other computer applications and some special use cases.

Why use full network access?

This reason, therefore, minimizes the deployment and operation costs of setting up an SSL VPN. Like clientless access, full network access provides complete access control and customization depending on the access privileges given to the end user. Full network access is chosen naturally for employees that need remote access to the same network and application resources they use when they are in the office, or for any client-server software that cannot be delivered through a web-based clientless connection.

What are the most common security issues in the world?

Worms, spyware, viruses, data theft, hacking, and application abuse are considered among the highest security issues on today’s networks. Because of how VPNs are structured and deployed, remote-access and remote-office VPN connectivities are the common points of entry for this kind of threat.

How can an attacker gain access to a network?

Attackers can try to gain access to your network in ways such as attacking any remote device that has a vulnerability or through an inadequate firewall. If you have weak encryption, attackers can intercept the data during transmission between your network and remote users. They can also take a direct approach, such as disguising as an employee or an entitled remote user.

Why is remote desktop important?

With a remote desktop, support is also centralised and it cuts costs by decreasing the need for additional or multiple copies of the same business software. This means that new software is rapidly deployed because you only have to install it once. There is no need for large teams of IT administration at each location. Using a remote server administrator also makes remote connection management more efficient.

What is remote desktop?

A remote desktop enables you to access and manage files, use office resources and generally do everything you’d be able to do if you were actually at the computer in question but from your home, on the road or from another location. But as with any IT system, remote desktop comes with its inherent pros and cons so for businesses or individuals it’s worth weighing up what’s good and bad about remote desktop as a way forward for your business.

Is downtime bad for network?

While this system can certainly streamline working practices, there are some disadvantages including downtime. When the network is down the entire system is inaccessible so it’s imperative that your system has a consistency of performance. The entire system will also work fine assuming the third party computers have strong and reliable internet connections.

Is remote desktop disaster recovery good?

Disaster recovery is excellent with remote desktop as there is no fear of losing files or important data while using the service. All of your important data will be held in secure data centres whilst all connections to your remote desktop are encrypted to ensure your work is safe and secured from being hacked.

What are the pros and cons of remote desktop?

The Pros & Cons of Using Windows Remote Desktop 1 It’s free. Remote Desktop is a built-in Windows service that runs on the Remote Desktop Protocol and therefore is completely free. You don’t have to spend a single dollar on a third-party tool if your needs are limited to in-office remote support or accessing your centralized file storage on-the-go. 2 It’s easy to set up. Although Windows Remote Desktop is disabled in the operating system by default, it’s very easy to turn it on. Note, however, that Home editions of Windows don’t include this service, but we’ll get back to that soon.

Is Remote Desktop free?

It’s free. Remote Desktop is a built-in Windows service that runs on the Remote Desktop Protocol and therefore is completely free. You don’t have to spend a single dollar on a third-party tool if your needs are limited to in-office remote support or accessing your centralized file storage on-the-go.

Why do instructors use remote proctoring?

Instructors at many institutions have adopted remote proctoring technologies in the hope that they will prevent students from cheating on assignments and exams. According to this 2017 article from Inside Higher Ed, administrators and remote proctoring companies have argued that when students know they are being monitored, they are less likely to cheat. A 2018 study in the Journal on Excellence in College Teaching appears to corroborate these claims. The authors found that in their analysis of 147 students’ exam results, “ on average, students using proctoring software scored 17 points (out of 100) lower than students who did not use the software .”

What is remote proctoring?

Remote proctoring technologies can take a variety of forms, from verifying students’ identity when they sit down to take the test at their computer to directly monitoring students during exam sessions with a webcam and microphone.

Does anxiety affect remote proctoring?

A 2019 study in the International Journal of E-Learning and Distance Education showed that heightened anxiety in remote proctoring contexts is not unique to the pandemic . The results of this study indicated that students who already had high anxiety performed worse in online-proctored exams (with a human proctor).

Does Cares Act funding allow UM Dearborn to hire additional personnel?

CARES Act funding also allowed UM-Dearborn to hire additional personnel. The authors of this analysis were careful to point out that just because additional resources are required to implement a “people-centered” strategy does not mean that adopting remote proctoring is an easier or less costly road.

Improved productivity

People have individual rhythms to their productivity that allow them to focus better and give more effort to their work at different times of day. Remote work might require people to align schedules occasionally, but it generally enables employees to work when they can achieve the most.

Less commuting time

Commuting presents many challenges that might interfere with your productivity. It can interfere with timely arrival to the office or to meetings elsewhere. Commuting is also a common source of stress that reduces the time you have for your personal life.

Healthy lifestyle empowerment

Besides having more time to exercise or focus on self-care, remote work empowers you to structure your day to address your health needs. Remote work commonly enables:

More take-home pay

States' laws vary, but there may be some instances where you can substantially increase your take-home pay if you work for a company in one state but live in another with no income tax. If you have questions about your tax obligations, be sure to seek guidance to ensure you file taxes correctly.

Enhanced savings

Commuting to work involves various costs that can add up to a substantial amount each year. Even if your employer has commuter benefits, you still usually have to pay for public transportation or your own vehicle to get to work.

Greater team diversity

Many businesses recognize that a diverse team can translate to more creativity, collaboration and value for the company. However, organizations have often struggled to bring in diverse voices if they're based in an area with uniform demographics.

Improved record keeping

Many communications in traditional offices occur between as few as two people, with no record of the exchange. This creates the opportunity for confusion, misunderstanding or limited access to information. In a remote work system, more reliable methods of communication are used more frequently.

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