Remote-access Guide

pros why is remote access important linux

by Ozella DuBuque PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Remote access is a great business and work solution in today’s fast-paced environment. It’s incredible to know that with this technology, locations and business emergencies no longer impede work productivity and business opportunities from coming.

Through a remote access solution, users can securely access office IT resources or their desktops at home on any device. So, if employees are traveling or need to tend to personal errands, they are free to dip in and out of work-related tasks, maintaining their productivity and work/life balance.Jul 5, 2018

Full Answer

What are the advantages of remote access?

One of the main advantages of remote access is that it helps to boost productivity for businesses that are managing both in-office work and remote work simultaneously.

Is a remote access solution right for your business?

Investing in the right remote access solution for your business is relatively cheaper than maintaining a full-time office. Providing a work from home culture means reducing the costs you’ll most likely spend on office equipment such as laptops, computers, desktops, etc. You can also address business emergencies more effectively using remote access.

How freelancers can benefit from remote access?

Freelancers who are always on the go but still need to accomplish projects can utilize remote access for their own benefit. By investing in the right remote access solution, they can access everything on their own computer from anywhere at any time. Remote access is a great business and work solution in today’s fast-paced environment.

What are the most popular types of remote access?

When an organization needs to provide employees or third parties remote access to its network, there are a number of solutions available. In this post, we’ll discuss the most popular types of remote access – VPNs, desktop sharing, PAM, and VPAM. 1. VPNs: Virtual Private Networks


What is the advantages of using remote access?

With remote access, employees can safely work from any device, platform, or network at their home office or abroad. Remote desktop functions allow them to remotely access important files and share their screen for meetings and troubleshooting.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of remote access?

Advantages of Remote Access1) Flexible Access. ... 2) Flexible Set-Up and Costs. ... 3) Full Control on Authorization and Access. ... 4) Centralized Storage and Backups. ... 5) Shared Resources; Greater Efficiency and Collaboration. ... 1) Security Issues. ... 2) Version Problems and Data Liabilities. ... 3) Hardware Issues Still Need On-Site Work.More items...•

What is the greatest benefit of remote access to an organization?

Flexibility. By allowing your staff to perform tasks outside the office using remote access, you can facilitate more flexible work arrangements and help employees create a better work/life balance.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using remote desktop instead of a VPN?

Unlike VPN, RDP typically enables users to access applications and files on any device, at any time, over any type of connection. The biggest advantage of RDP is that you have access to network resources, databases, and line-of-business software applications without the limitations and high bandwidth demands of VPN.

What are the disadvantages of remote desktop?

Conclusion. We have already seen the qualities of working with remote desktops, it has many advantages such as security and accessibility, however, the disadvantages make it a modality which is not suitable for those jobs which require precision in deliveries or absolute control of the equipment.

What are potential risks associated with remote access?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

What is the difference between Remote Access & Telecommuting?

Restrictions: Remote work allows you to work from anywhere in the world without any restrictions or demands from your employer to come into the office for face-time but with telecommuting, you are required to come into the office on specific days and maybe also be required to be in a certain location for purposes like ...

What is remote access in networking?

Remote access is the act of connecting to IT services, applications, or data from a location other than headquarters. This connection allows users to access a network or computer remotely via the internet.

Why do companies use VPNs?

For all these reasons, VPNs have become a popular option for companies who need to give their employees remote access, but want to provide online security and privacy.

What are the two types of users that need privileged accounts?

Many organizations need to provide privileged accounts to two types of users: internal users (employees) and external users (technology vendors and contractors). However, organizations that use vendors or contractors must protect themselves against potential threats from these sources.

Why is VPN important?

To fully achieve its goals, a VPN must accomplish two important tasks: Protect that connection, so that your files (and your company’s network) won’t be compromised. VPNs achieve this second step by encrypting data, these encryption and masking features help protect your online activities and keep them anonymous.

What is desktop sharing?

Desktop sharing. Desktop sharing is another way organizations can provide remote access to users. These software tools can provide real-time sharing of files, presentations, or applications with coworkers, vendors, or other clients. There are many applications made possible by desktop sharing including remote support, webinars, ...

What are some applications that can be shared on desktop?

There are many applications made possible by desktop sharing including remote support, webinars, and online conferences with audio and visual content (presentation sharing), and real-time global collaboration on projects.

Can hackers use VPNs?

Hackers have also exploited VPNs in prolonged multi-stage cyberattacks. As detailed in a 2018 US government alert, Russian cyber activity targeted “trusted third-party suppliers with less secure networks”, “leveraging remote access services … such as VPN, RDP, and Outlook Web Access (OWA)” to exploit the insecure infrastructure of those third-party suppliers and gain access to other, final targets. VPNs are specifically mentioned by name in the alert as a major initial access point for hackers.

Can VPNs be exploited?

VPNs are exploited in major data breaches. A note of caution for those thinking of using VPNs: their reputation has suffered a major blow due to their implication in a number of serious data breaches. National news stories have reported on how hackers exploited VPNs to cause data breaches at several major companies .

Why is remote access important?

Providing your employees the freedom to work anywhere they want to sounds like the best job to many . With this, they can maintain a work-life balance culture where they have more time to spend with themselves and their loved ones. This, in return, increases their work satisfaction rate and improves your company’s turnover rate.

How Important Remote Access is These Days?

According to Forbes, almost 50% of the US workforce is expected to be working remotely by the year 2027. So what does this mean to modern businesses? Well, if remote working is going to be the trend in the coming years, businesses that want to make it in the long run should start embracing remote access as soon as they can. This isn’t only going to be beneficial to the employees themselves, but to companies and organizations as well.

What is remote access?

Remote access is defined as the ability to access a computer, device, or a specific network from an offsite location. This can refer to employees who still have access to their office equipment such as computers and laptops even outside of office hours. Technical support organizations can also utilize remote access to connect to their clients devices in order to resolve any technical problems.

Can freelancers access their own computer?

Freelancers who are always on the go but still need to accomplish projects can utilize remote access for their own benefit. By investing in the right remote access solution, they can access everything on their own computer from anywhere at any time.

Can you use remote access on multiple devices?

Even simple device users can use remote access to accomplish day-to-day functions. Those who have multiple devices can use this technology to connect them remotely all at the same time. You can also provide technical help to your loved ones who live in a different city without needing to be at their exact locations.

Is remote access good?

Remote access is a great business and work solution in today’s fast-paced environment. It’s incredible to know that with this technology, locations and business emergencies no longer impede work productivity and business opportunities from coming. Now that you know how important remote access is, it’s time for you to utilize it for your own good ...

What is Remote Access?

Remote access refers to two separate, yet related purposes that allow access to a computer system from a geographical distance.

How Does Remote Access Work?

Remote access lets you connect with other devices that are not in your physical vicinity by using a combination of software, hardware tools, and network configurations to send data from one device to the other through encrypted channels.

Why is Remote Access So Important?

Due to the growth of remote work in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote access and team communication methods have become extremely important for businesses in 2021.

Examples of Remote Access

Below, we’re going to take a look at 6 different examples of remote access and why each is important in a business.

How to access Linux desktop from laptop?

If you’re not a fan of Teamviewer, another excellent way to access your Linux desktop from your Linux laptop is through Google Remote Desktop. It can be done with the Google Chrome web browser on Linux, is easy to use, and allows for out of network connections like Teamviewer.

Can you remotely access Teamviewer 15?

Please note that the installation of Teamviewer 15 must happen on both the Linux laptop and the Linux desktop. You will not be able to remotely access your desktop from your laptop without having the app set up on both.

Can you use TeamViewer on Linux?

Once connected to the Linux desktop via Teamviewer, you will be able to use and manipulate your Linux desktop from your Linux laptop as if you were sitting right at it!

What is remote access technology?

A common remote access technology in use today is the IPsec VPN. A piece of software called a VPN client is installed on the end user’s computer and is configured with details about the target network, such as the gateway IP address and a pre-shared security key. Each time the user wants to connect to the corporate network, they start the VPN client, which creates a secure connection to the corporate firewall.

Which operating system do you need for client?

Clients are required to use either the Ultimate or Enterprise versions of Microsoft’s Operating Systems.

Is VPN required for telecommuting?

Being able to connect securely to your corporate network from a remote location using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is important, and it may be required by your job if you are a telecommuter. There are some remote access technologies that are widely used, but some new methods have recently emerged that have the ability to change how we work.

Is DirectAccess going to be widespread?

DirectAccess is not going to gain widespread adoption until the OS licensing requirements are revised and the networking is reworked to be more straightforward. While IPv6 is the future of networking, we currently live and work in an IPv4 world, especially on the LAN (as of May 2014, IPv4 still carried more than 96% of Internet traffic worldwide, according to Google ). Setting up a new remote access technology should not require one or more potentially expensive projects before it can be deployed.

Why is stability important in Linux?

The significantly lower rate of crashes makes maintaining the server much easier. As a result, stability is a big win for Linux. Once you have a Linux server se t up, you probably won’t need to worry about maintenance for quite a while.

Why is Windows so popular?

Because it is the most popular operating system in the world, Windows is frequently targeted by hackers and other infiltrators. The constant updates that Windows server software gets also renders it more vulnerable to exploits, bugs, and hacks.

Does Linux have vendor support?

In general, paid versions of Linux tend to have vendor support, especially if you pay for the Enterprise edition. Free or discounted versions of the operating system lack that support.

Is Linux stable?

By comparison, Linux is quite stable. Some versions of the software, particularly the Enterprise editions, use long-standing protocols and software kernels that are completely stable due to the amount of time they have had to have all the bugs fixed.

Is Linux more stable than Windows?

By comparison, Windows users only need to install and run the recommended software configurations. The winner in terms of ease of installation is Windows, although it is worth noting that Linux doesn’t require as many critical updates and reboots, so it can be more stable once you have your server up and running.

Is Linux an open source operating system?

Linux is an open source operating system that requires some training but is quite easy to modify and improve upon once you have somebody experienced in its operation. More details about the pros and cons of moving to a Linux server are provided here. Contents. Installation.

Is Linux better than Windows?

Linux servers have many advantages over Windows, but they do require an IT team that knows the ins and outs of the operating system and which can respond to issues with speed and confidence. Moving to Linux can be a great way to streamline your business as long as you are properly educated and prepared.

Why Is Linux Important?

Linux has become the operating system secretly powering many of the machines we interact with on a daily basis. Linux runs ATM machines, gas pumps, and in-flight entertainment. It manages websites, cash registers, and the drones we send to Mars.

What Is Linux?

Linux is technically not a desktop operating system, but a kernel. The kernel is the part of your computer that enables physical hardware to communicate with what’s on-screen. The kernel is the reason text appears when you type, the cursor moves when you stroke the touchpad, and images appear on your monitor.

The Essential Toolkit for the Terminal

Linux includes a large number of commands, but we’ve chosen 37 of the most important ones to present here. Learn these commands, and you’ll be much more at home at the Linux command prompt.

1. alias

The alias command lets you give your own name to a command or sequence of commands. You can then type your short name, and the shell will execute the command or sequence of commands for you.

4. chmod

The chmod command sets the file permissions flags on a file or folder. The flags define who can read, write to or execute the file. When you list files with the -l (long format) option you’ll see a string of characters that look like

5. chown

The chown command allows you to change the owner and group owner of a file. Listing our example.txt file with ls -l we can see dave dave in the file description. The first of these indicates the name of the file owner, which in this case is the user dave. The second entry shows that the name of the group owner is also dave .

6. curl

The curl command is a tool to retrieve information and files from Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) or internet addresses.

8. diff

The diff command compares two text files and shows the differences between them. There are many options to tailor the display to your requirements.

9. echo

The echo command prints (echoes) a string of text to the terminal window.

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