Full Answer
How do I connect to my work computer at Purdue?
More information: visit Purdue’s GoldAnswers knowledge base, purdue.edu/goldanswers, and type 168490 into the SEARCH box. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) can allow a user to connect with a work computer at Purdue and use it as if they were on campus. RDP is not available for students.
What time does software remote start at Purdue University?
Sunday: 11 a.m. to midnight. Software Remote is a service provided by ITaP that allows students to access many of the applications available in ITaP labs. Purdue has an agreement with the video-conferencing platform Zoom that allows users on the West Lafayette campus to use the service at no cost for 2021.
How do I connect to Purdue's boilerkey with a VPN?
Put in webvpn2.purdue.edu, click Connect and put in your username and BoilerKey again. Now that VPN is connected, start Remote Desktop Connection. Apple has the program available to download on the App Store. Once it is downloaded, open the program and click the plus (see image below), then select Add PC.
Why should I use Purdue's VPN service?
By using Purdue's VPN service you can access resources that are only available on campus from the comfort of your own home.

Remote Shell Access
The CS Department UNIX systems accept remote shell access to authorized users via SSH. When configured and used properly it should provide reasonable authentication and security. Our servers support SSH2.
Remote Email Access
ITaP provides documentation for their email services at https://www.itap.purdue.edu/email/.
Remote Share Access
Access to CS SMB shares (served by Windows machines or Samba servers on UNIX machines) is only possible through a campus VPN connection or SSH tunneling. Visit the Purdue VPN page for information on setting up a VPN connection with a Windows machine.
What is RDP in Purdue?
Remote Desktop Protocol ( RDP) can allow a user to connect with a work computer at Purdue and use it as if they were on campus. RDP is not available for students. RDP requires the user to establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection first, before the remote desktop can be established.
What is the new VPN name for Purdue University?
To do that, a new VPN was added. The new VPN is named webvpn2.purdue.edu. Note: users should try to use the VPN named webvpn.purdue.edu if webvpn2.purdue.edu doesn't work.
What is software remote?
Software Remote is a service provided by ITaP that allows students to access many of the applications available in ITaP labs.
How to sign in with boiler key?
Sign in with your BoilerKey (pin,push) and a secure connection should be established. Note: the login box in AnyConnect will not look like the usual BoilerKey login box. Nonetheless, you need to enter your BoilerKey pin,push where it asks for a password.
What is the number to call for Purdue?
The center is staffed 24 hours a day and anyone feeling ill or who has potentially been exposed to the virus should call the Purdue COVID-19 Information Center at 765-496-4636 or toll-free at 1-833-571-1043.
What is the PPHC in West Lafayette?
The Protect Purdue Health Center (PPHC) is a dedicated center for West Lafayette campus students, faculty and staff. It will serve as the main point of contact for COVID-19 sampling, testing and quarantining on campus. The center is staffed 24 hours a day and anyone feeling ill or who has potentially been exposed to the virus should call the Purdue COVID-19 Information Center at 765-496-4636 or toll-free at 1-833-571-1043.
Does Purdue have Zoom?
Purdue has an agreement with the video-conferencing platform Zoom will allow users on the West Lafayette campus to use the service at no cost for 2021. To learn more visit the Zoom information page .
Connecting to a UNIX Server
All of our UNIX machines can be remotely accessed through a protocol called SSH. Windows users will need to install SecureCRT, PuTTy, or another SSH client. Mac and Linux machines typically come with SSH clients installed.
UNIX Shells & Configuration
Since most of UNIX is driven from the command line, it is a good idea to learn about the shell, the interface through which you enter commands & control the system. The shell can also be scripted, allowing you to write short programs to automate tasks on the machine.
Setting UNIX Path
On UNIX systems, PATH is a special environment variable that stores a list of directories, in order, that are searched for executable programs to run. You can see your current PATH by running echo $PATH . A default PATH is set by the system when your account is created, but you may want to add other directories later.
Viewing Your Running Processes
To check to see what processes you have running on a server, run ps -ef | grep ^`whoami`. Note the special characters - the '|' (pipe) is located above the enter key, the '^' (caret) is typed with SHIFT+6, and the '`' (backtick) is located to the left of the 1 key. That command will output something like the following:
Killing a Process
If you have a process running out of control or something has gotten stuck from a previous session, you can kill the unwanted process. Use the command in the Viewing Your Running Processes section to find the PID (2nd column) of the process you want to end.
How to share your computer with someone else?
They'll have full access to your apps, files, emails, documents and history. On your computer, open Chrome. In the address bar at the top, type. chrome://apps. and press Enter. Click Chrome Remote Desktop .
What happens when someone enters your access code?
When the other person enters the access code, they’ll see your email address and have full control of your computer.
How to remove Chrome Remote Desktop?
Right-click "Chrome Remote Desktop" and click Remove from Chrome.
How to put in your computer name?
Put in your computer name or IP address (which you should have received in an email) into the text box labeled PC name. Once you click Connect, you will be prompted to enter your credentials. You will need to click More choices and then put in the username recommended in the email that has your computer name.
Is remote desktop fully encrypted?
For your security, all remote desktop sessions are fully encrypted.
What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?
Virtual Private Networking is a method by which a user can access an organization's internal network over the internet in a secure manner. A VPN provides users who are not on that internal network secure access to resources inside it.
That's great, so why should I use Purdue's VPN service?
By using Purdue's VPN service you can access resources that are only available on campus from the comfort of your own home.
OK I'm sold. How do I get connected?
How you connect depends on whether you have administrator access on your computer. If your department's IT staff administers your computer, you will need to contact them to install the VPN client for you. If you maintain your own computer, you can go to the Community Hub to download the software and follow the normal software installation process.

Connecting to A Unix Server
- All of our UNIX machines can be remotely accessed through a protocol called SSH. Windows users will need to install SecureCRT, PuTTy, or another SSH client. Mac and Linux machines typically come with SSH clients installed. Note that the UNIX machines are only accessible on the campus network (including on PAL). You need to use the Purdue VPNto conn...
Unix Shells & Configuration
- Since most of UNIX is driven from the command line, it is a good idea to learn about the shell, the interface through which you enter commands & control the system. The shell can also be scripted, allowing you to write short programs to automate tasks on the machine. Many UNIX programs, including the shells, store configuration information in environment variables and files in your ho…
Setting Unix Path
- On UNIX systems, PATH is a special environment variable that stores a list of directories, in order, that are searched for executable programs to run. You can see your current PATH by running echo $PATH. A default PATH is set by the system when your account is created, but you may want to add other directories later. Your PATH can be changed in either your .login or .profilefile, depend…
Viewing Your Running Processes
- To check to see what processes you have running on a server, run ps -ef | grep ^`whoami`. Note the special characters - the '|' (pipe) is located above the enter key, the '^' (caret) is typed with SHIFT+6, and the '`' (backtick) is located to the left of the 1 key. That command will output something like the following: The output lists, in order, the user that own the process, a unique p…
Killing A Process
- If you have a process running out of control or something has gotten stuck from a previous session, you can kill the unwanted process. Use the command in the Viewing Your Running Processes section to find the PID (2nd column) of the process you want to end. Once you found the PID (and are sure it's the right one!), run kill -9 PID, replacing PID with the PID of the misbeha…