Remote-access Guide

qld parliament remote access

by Dr. Burnice Wiegand IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What do I do if I Have Issues with remote access?

If you are having issues accessing Remote Access please contact the ITS Help Desk on 355 36999. For password issues you can use the self-service portal below to reset your password. This system is the property of Queensland Legislative Assembly (QLA) and is for authorised individuals use only.

What is the restricted access to remote communities direction?

This Public Health Direction is to be read in conjunction with other Public Health Directions issued under section 362B of the Public Health Act 2005 that have not expired or been revoked. This Public Health Direction may be referred to as the Restricted Access to Remote Communities Direction.

Is further publication of broadcast footage a contempt of Parliament?

The further publication of the broadcast in contravention of any of the conditions set out under the heading “Conditions of Access” is a contempt of Parliament under section 58 of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001. The Queensland Parliament has adopted terms and conditions for the use and further publication of its broadcast footage.

How do I contact the QLD Government?

Contact us. For general enquiries, feedback, complaints and compliments: 13 QGOV (13 74 68 13 74 68) For COVID-19 related enquiries: 134 COVID (13 42 68 13 42 68) /QueenslandGovernment @QldGov; Other contact options


Where does Qld parliament meet?

Parliament House is located at the corner of George and Alice Streets in the Brisbane central business district and is surrounded by the City Botanic Gardens, the Queensland University of Technology Gardens Point campus and the Brisbane River.

How is QLD Parliament different to other states?

HISTORY OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL The Queensland Parliament is unique among Australian states in that it was the only colonial Parliament (pre-1901) to commence with two chambers and is now the only state parliament to have just one chamber, following the abolition of the Legislative Council in 1922.

How many members are in the lower House in Queensland?

The Legislative Assembly consists of 93 Members, representing 93 electoral districts, who are elected by the people of Queensland.

How many houses does the Qld parliament have?

The Queensland Parliament is a unicameral parliament, meaning that it is comprised of only one House, that is, the Legislative Assembly. There are 93 members of the Legislative Assembly with each member representing an electorate.

Why QLD has no Upper House?

The Queensland Legislative Council was the upper house of the parliament in the Australian state of Queensland. It was a fully nominated body which first took office on 1 May 1860. It was abolished by the Constitution Amendment Act 1921, which took effect on 23 March 1922.

When did Qld lose Upper House?

The Act was proclaimed on 23 March 1922, ending the 63-year history of the Queensland Legislative Council. The abolition of the Upper House of the Legislative Council in 1922 makes Queensland's Parliament the only Australian single-chamber legislature.

Which state has the most seats in the House of Representatives?

CaliforniaThere are currently 435 representatives, a number fixed by law since 1911. The most populous state, California, currently has 52 representatives. There are six states with one representative: Alaska, Delaware, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming. Each representative serves for a two-year term.

How many MPS are in Qld?

Members of the 93-member Legislative Assembly are elected under a full preferential voting system to represent single-member electorates for four-year terms.

Can a senator be prime minister?

As you stated, the Prime Minister is always a member of the House of Representatives. This is by convention – tradition – ; there is no rule that the Prime Minister can not be a senator.

Which state has only one chamber in its Parliament Australia?

In Australia the two territories—the ACT and the Northern Territory—have both adopted single-chamber parliaments. Queensland abolished its upper house more than 70 years ago.

Does Queensland have two houses of Parliament?

In Australia, the Federal Government has two chambers, as do the governments of all the states, except Queensland. At its separation from New South Wales in 1859, Queensland had two houses of Parliament, the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council.

How many MPS are there in Brisbane?

Parliament of QueenslandStructureSeats93Political groupsGovernment (52) Labor (52) Opposition (34) Liberal National (34) Crossbench (7) Katter's Australian (3) Greens (2) One Nation (1) Independent (1)Elections25 more rows

How are laws made in Queensland?

A law, called an Act, is made by the Parliament when a Bill for the Act is passed by the Parliament and, after its passage, is given assent by the Governor. The Constitution of Queensland 2001 and the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001 provide for matters related to the Parliament and its power to make laws.

Does Queensland have two houses of parliament?

In Australia, the Federal Government has two chambers, as do the governments of all the states, except Queensland. At its separation from New South Wales in 1859, Queensland had two houses of Parliament, the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council.

What are the difference between unicameral and bicameral legislature?

The unicameral legislature, also known as unicameralism, is a legislative system in which only one house or assembly is present. Whereas a bicameral legislature is a form of government in which power is split between two houses.

How many state parliaments are there?

OverviewState/ TerritoryTotal no. of repsStatesNSW135VIC128QLD9310 more rows

What is breaching the terms and conditions of the Queensland Parliament?

Breaching the terms and conditions is a contempt of Parliament.

Who has authorised the rules which must be followed by media filming or photographing on the parliamentary precin?

The Speaker has authorised the rules which must be followed by media filming or photographing on the parliamentary precinct. Parliamentary committees apply these rules within committee proceedings, subject to any other express directions of a committee chair.

What is contempt of Parliament?

Use of the broadcast material in contravention of a condition imposed by the Legislative Assembly or its committees will constitute a contempt of Parliament.

Is the Queensland Parliament broadcast protected?

This broadcast is protected by the powers, immunities and rights of the Legislative Assembly, but further publication of the broadcast (in whole or in part) is not similarly protected. The broadcast of proceedings is not the official record of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly ...

Can points of order be rebroadcast?

Points of order, and matters claimed to be points of order may be rebroadcast except:

Is the broadcast of proceedings an official record?

The broadcast of proceedings is not the official record of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly or its committees and cannot be used to contradict, add to or impugn the accuracy of the official reports of debates (Hansard). (Section 57 of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001 provides that the reports of the debates (Hansard) ...

What is the power of the Queensland Parliament?

The Parliament, constituted in Queensland by the Legislative Assembly and the Governor as the Sovereign’s representative, has power to make or amend laws for the the ‘peace, welfare and good government’ of the State. This power is referred to as the ‘plenary power’ of the Parliament . The only real limits on the law-making power of the Queensland Parliament are the Commonwealth Constitution and the entrenched provisions of the Queensland Constitution.

What is the unique feature of Queensland?

Queensland is unique amongst the Australian States in that it has a unicameral Parliament. That is, it has only one House of Parliament - the Legislative Assembly. All other Australian States have bicameral Parliaments, meaning they have two Houses of Parliament -a Lower House (a Legislative Assembly or House of Assembly) and an Upper House (a Legislative Council).

What is the function of the Legislative Assembly?

One of the principal functions of the Legislative Assembly, therefore, is to be an integral part of the law-making or legislative process. It is in the Legislative Assembly where Bills (law -making instruments) are introduced, debated, amended and passed. When a Bill is passed it is given Royal Assent by the Governor and, at that time, converted to an Act - a new law or an amendment to an existing law.

What is Westminster system of government?

Reference to the Westminster system of government means the system of government developed in the United Kingdom; Westminster being where the UK Parliament meets. This system of government is characterised by governments being formed from those that retain the support and confidence of the Lower House. Ministers are Members of Parliament and are responsible to the Parliament for the matters that they administer. Cabinet, comprising the Premier and other Ministers, is collectively responsible to the Parliament.

What does "in the suitable place" mean?

resides in the suitable place; or. enters the suitable place to provide emergency or medical care to a person residing in the suitable place; or. as otherwise required or permitted under a direction given to the person by an emergency officer (public health).

Who must comply with public health directions?

A person to whom a public health direction applies must comply with the direction unless the person has a reasonable excuse.

What is section 362B?

On 29 January 2020, under the Public Health Act 2005, the Minister for Health and Minister for Ambulance Services made an order declaring a public health emergency in relation to coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The public health emergency area specified in the order is for ‘all of Queensland’.

What is an approved community transport arrangement?

Approved community transport arrangement means travel arrangements approved by an emergency officer (public health) that comply with the requirements of the Chief Health Officer.

What is a resident of a declared travel zone?

a resident of a declared travel zone for the designated area who is entering to visit a family member; or. a resident returning from receiving health care outside of the declared travel zone for their designated area, or a carer or support person who is accompanying the person; or.

How long do you have to live in a suitable place?

must travel directly, or in a manner instructed by an emergency officer (public health), from their point of entry to a suitable place and reside in the suitable place for 14 days;

Can a person enter a designated area?

A person must not enter a designated area unless one of the following apply: the person is a member of the Australian Defence Force and is entering in the course of a member’s duty; the person is an official performing functions under an Australian law relating to public health or biosecurity;

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