How do I access QUB resources while off campus?
Need to access QUB resources while off campus? Use the following methods Access to Citrix is now on a Request Only basis, please log a request with the IT Service Desk. If you are using Citrix for the first time then please follow the instructions in Citrix Help relevant to your operating system and browser.
What is information services at Queen’s Belfast?
Queen’s University Belfast, Information Services provides an off campus access service for staff and enrolled students. The systems and the hardware needed for providing access are located at Queen’s where they are monitored and supported by Queen’s IS Department.
Do I need to use Citrix to access QUB?
If you do require VPN access to the QUB network while working remotely and any of the following apply to you then you will need to use Citrix: Guidelines are available on how to connect through Citrix. Please note: There are a limited number of Citrix licences and we have to restrict access to specific staff.
What can you do with QuickBooks remote access?
Powered by Cisco WebEx, QuickBooks Remote Access enables you to quickly and easily access your QuickBooks, email, and other programs and documents from anywhere, any time. Transfer a file, or a whole folder, between computers. Copy and Paste between remote and local PCs. Easily print documents from your remote PC to a local printer.
How to stay connected while working remotely?
Use a tool like Microsoft Teams to stay in contact and share information with colleagues (and students). Using platforms like this helps you stay connected throughout the day.
How to keep your home office separate from your living room?
Keep your home office separate - Try to keep your working space at home separate from your living space, this may mean setting up a temporary desk during working hours or converting a spare room into an office. Try to keep to office hours and if needs be pack everything away at the end of the day.
What is a virtual private network?
Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions allow you to access resources on the Queen’s private network while you are working remotely. We currently have two such solutions recommended to staff.
What is the importance of structure in a remote work environment?
Structure – managers need to ensure remote workers joining the team have structure for their first day, first week and beyond. The lack of in-person interaction will make this more difficult. If this does not happen, a new employee will feel demotivated
How to access Harvard Business Review?
Note: In order to access the Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles below, you will need to click on the Supplier Platform. Under ‘Business Source Premier’, click on the date ‘01 Oct. 1922’ and it will take you to the interface, where you can search the journal with key words or select date and issues. To find the articles listed, click on ‘search within this publication’ and in the top search bar, insert one of the HBR titles listed below and click ‘search’.
How to register for Nature Masterclasses?
Nature Masterclasses Online - Register via Nature Masterclasses website. On the Login page, select ‘Login with your institutional credentials’, further details available in the user guide
Is Queen's University working from home?
In response to the Public Health advice and Government guidelines issued due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a large proportion of staff across Queen’s University have been working from home since March 2020. This significant change to the way we work happened immediately with staff given no time to prepare. The nature of the situation means that guidelines are continually under review and subject to sudden change, which may have further implications for how we work.
Service Hours
The Service is available to all authorised users on a daily 24 hour basis.
Support Hours
The Service is supported from 09:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday, except for Public and agreed Queen’s holidays. Details of which can be found at [link to be inserted].
Service Owner
To facilitate these critical times, the SCCs provide extended opening hours. Details of opening hours can be found at: http://www.qub.ac.uk/directorates/media/Media,404227,en.pdf
Get to the information you need–when you need it
A: QuickBooks Remote Access is a secure service that allows you to access–and work on–everything on your PC from any other computer with an Internet connection.
Save time and money. Boost client satisfaction
Save travel time and expense with easy, secure access to your clients' QuickBooks files. Access their data in real time and answer their questions fast.
How to access Queen's Online files?
For those of you who have files stored on Queen’s Online in a SharePoint site, you can access the files remotely by logging into: https://www.qub.ac.uk/qol/ (site links are available via the Schools/Directorates section) or directly via your School/Directorate SharePoint Site URL Quick Start Guide - Copying Files and Folders into SharePoint.
Where do Q Drive files move to?
For current shared Q Drive files move to Files in Teams or to an existing Queen’s Online SharePoint site.