What is online matriculation at Queen Margaret University?
All students are required to formally register with Queen Margaret University; this registration process is referred to as Online Matriculation. Once you have matriculated, you are entitled to pursue your course and access online facilities.
How do I log into the QMU network from off campus?
Information on how to log into the QMU network from off campus is available from the Remote Access pages on the Information Technology Service website. Logging into the network in this way will give you access to resources and your files as if you were using a terminal on campus.
How can I access my QMU mailbox and Remote Desktop?
You can now access your QMU mailbox and the remote desktop service with a variety of smartphones and mobile devices. QMU computer terminals across campus are linked to a battery of multi-function print devices (MFDs). Each of these devices is designed to provide high quality black and white printing, scanning and copying.
Why study online at QMU?
At QMU, online learning provides students with access to specialised knowledge, in a comfortable, friendly community-based online environment. Online learning is a great solution for learners who need flexibility to allow them to study.
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What is online learning at QMU?
Online learning at QMU is all about you interacting with your fellow learners and tutors through online discussions, seminars and groupwork.
Can you access up to date online materials?
You can easily access, revise, and review up-to-date online materials, informing discussions about cutting-edge research and its impact on practice. As more of our students grow up in an online world, these benefits will become increasingly important in future.
Is QMU online?
We call upon a pool of informed, international experts to share the latest developments in their subject area, discussing issues relevant to our learners’ professional lives. The hallmark of our developing approach to online learning involves fostering online communities of learners. Online learning at QMU is not a solitary activity . Instead, technology facilitates conversations and a communal approach to learning. Learning is interesting, interactive, supportive – and flexible.
How long does it take to get into Queen Margaret University?
Once you have matriculated, you are entitled to pursue your course and access online facilities. The process will take around 15 Minutes to complete.
What is Hub QMU?
Hub@QMU is our online virtual learning environment and is hosted on the Blackboard platform.
What network does QMU use?
All QMU students, staff, and visitors from participating institutions should use the eduroam network. Instructions on how to connect can be found on the link.
What email service does QMU use?
Outlook Webmail. If you wish to access email on the web, the QMU Outlook Webmail service can be used. Go to access your QMU mailbox from a web browser or any internet connected computer.
What is QMU username?
Your username to access QMU IT systems is the same as your matriculation number. Your password is the one which you received when you matriculated.
What is OneDrive for QMU?
OneDrive. OneDrive, part of Office 365, is Microsoft’s cloud storage option and is available to all QMU students and staff. Please note: QMU recommends the use of OneDrive over external hard drives and/ or USB thumbsticks as we cannot guarantee interoperability of such devices with all on-campus platforms.
How to register for SSPR?
You can register for SSPR using this link. Sign in using your @qmu.ac.uk email address and password. You can then set up authentication to a phone, secondary email address or security questions. Once you are registered, whenever you are prompted to change, or you have forgotten your password, you need to go to passwordreset.microsoftonline.com/.
Remote access
For easy access to our resources from off campus you are advised to use Remote Access.
While the use of the Remote Desktop is the preferred method of connection to LRC e-resources when off-campus, it is also possible to connect to individual resources using your institutional login (the one you use for email etc).
Specific Username and Password
There are a small number of electronic journals which still require a specific username and password for full text access. This is indicated by a padlock icon next to the journal title on the A to Z list of electronic journals.