How many students are in Queens’?
I am delighted to welcome you to Queens’. This is a thriving school with a well-established reputation for high standards. Today we are the largest co-educational state school in Hertfordshire, with 1700 students on roll. Read More…
Is remote learning a good idea for NYC students?
Remote learning has been a disaster for students, teachers and counselors in New York City. Christopher Sadowski Mayor Eric Adams and his schools chancellor, David Banks, recently endorsed the idea of a remote option for students, likely prompted by low attendance rates the last two weeks.
Why choose Queens’?
I am delighted to welcome you to Queens’. This is a thriving school with a well-established reputation for high standards. Today we are the largest co-educational state school in Hertfordshire, with 1700 students on roll.
Why do so many students choose remote school?
Many families, furthermore, would choose remote for non-COVID reasons. Before the pandemic, I made many home visits to students who had school anxiety, crippling depression or other obstacles to regular attendance. Now many of these students will stay remote to the detriment of their mental health and academic well-being.

To support the highest levels of academic success, as we continue to engage in Remote Learning, it is essential that all students have access to effective instructional technology and internet access. Our QHST Professional Community is here to provide support to our QHST Students and Families with all aspects of Remote Learning
To support the highest levels of academic success, as we continue to engage in Remote Learning, it is essential that all students have access to effective instructional technology and internet access. Our QHST Professional Community is here to provide support to our QHST Students and Families with all aspects of Remote Learning.
As of January 12th, 2021, QHST Students and Families can no longer directly request Remote Learning devices (IPADs) from NYCDOE Central. As a result, please use the QHST Student Technology Support Request Form for Remote Learning Device & QHST G-Suite Account Support (linked below) to make a request for an internet enabled device
As of January 12th, 2021, QHST Students and Families can no longer directly request Remote Learning devices (IPADs) from NYCDOE Central. As a result, please use the QHST Student Technology Support Request Form for Remote Learning Device & QHST G-Suite Account Support (linked below) to make a request for an internet enabled device.
Who is the President of Queens Borough?
Queens Borough President Donovan Richards is urging the city’s Department of Education (DOE) to offer a remote learning option for its public school students this fall as the COVID-19 delta variant has caused the number of positive cases to rise throughout New York City.
What is the DOE family guidebook?
The DOE recently released a family guidebook that provides information on health and safety protocols in NYC schools, what students should expect and more.
What is Queens High School?
At the Queens High School of Teaching, students receive so much more than an ordinary education. We pride ourselves on creating a unique, exciting environment that embraces all types of learners and promotes growth both academically and personally. Students and families are also welcomed into a dynamic and supportive community.
How many days per week does QHST remote learning take?
If students and families select full Remote Learning, students will not attend school in-person and will engage in all Remote Learning 5 days per week using our QHST G-Suite platform.
What are the duties of a student leader in QHST?
Students please remember, your duties will include exemplifying and upholding the QHST school-wide values and the values of the QHST Community. Obtaining a position within our student government requires emotional maturity and commitment to your role as a student leader, as well as responsibility to our school values. You will be expected to attend a leadership class.
What is NYCSA in school?
We encourage you to check your New York City Schools Account (NYCSA) to track your student’s progress towards graduation. Families can use the Graduation Tracker in NYCSA to view the credits a student has earned, the exams a student has passed, the student’s credits-in-progress, and the remaining credits a student needs to receive either a Regents or advanced Regents diploma.
How are AP exams administered?
AP exams are administered at the direction of the College Board, a separate educational organization. As you know, in response to school closures due to COVID-19, the College Board has shifted all paper-based AP exams to online testing. In order to take the exams, students must have access to a computer, tablet or smartphone, as well as access to the internet. We know that access to technology impacts many students’ ability to take the online AP exams that begin May 11 and we prioritized device distribution to high school students who filled out the Remote Learning Device Survey.
What is MIS C in children?
Additionally, over the past few weeks, another COVID-19 related illness has been detected in children across our city, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a new health condition associated with COVID-19 that is appearing in children in New York City and elsewhere. The syndrome was previously called pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome or PMIS. MIS-C is like other serious inflammatory conditions such as Kawasaki disease and toxic shock syndrome. Children with MIS-C can have problems with their heart and other organs and need to receive medical care in a hospital. MIS-C is a rare condition. However, because children with this syndrome may become seriously ill, it is important that parents know the signs and symptoms their children may have, so they can get help right away. Additionally, please see the attached document for more information related to MIS-C.
How many dedicated educators are there in NYC?
We know you and your children are moving mountains to keep learning going during this time, as are the more than 150,000 dedicated educators and staff at the NYC Department of Education. I am so grateful for the support you have provided your children as we all have quickly worked to adapt to this entirely new approach to education. These are disruptive and stressful times that have already come with many challenges and a constantly evolving landscape. But with your help, we are making progress every day.
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