Remote-access Guide

raspberry pi nas server remote access

by Ms. Donna Kertzmann Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Access your NAS from macOS From your desktop, press Command+K. Type smb://XXX.XXX.X.XXX (replace with the IP address of your NAS Raspberry Pi).

The Raspberry Pi NAS can be accessed by any device on the network. To access the Raspberry Pi NAS from a Windows PC, go to This PC, click the Computer tab, and then click Map network drive: After that, a prompt will ask you for the network folder you'd like to map. You can use any drive letter you want.

Full Answer

How do I connect my Raspberry Pi to a NAS system?

Your NAS system should now be ready to use. From your desktop, press Command+K. Type smb://XXX.XXX.X.XXX (replace with the IP address of your NAS Raspberry Pi). Enter your username and password. Your username and password will be the ones you created in Raspberry Pi Imager. Your shared folder will now show in a finder window. Open Windows Explorer.

How can I access my Raspberry Pi from a remote computer?

If you want to access your Raspberry Pi from a remote computer, you can use SSH to do this, and get a terminal as if you were on the Raspberry Pi directly.But for this, you'll need the IP address and...

How do I connect to my Raspberry Pi without the passphrase?

This allows you to connect to your Raspberry Pi without entering the passphrase. Run the following command to store it in your keychain: Secure Copy ( scp) is a command for sending files over SSH. This means you can copy files between computers, say from your Raspberry Pi to your desktop or laptop, or vice-versa.

How do I Find my Raspberry Pi's IP and MAC address?

After a few seconds you will get a list with all the devices connected to your network. Scroll down to the entry with the manufacturer "Raspberry Pi". You will see the IP address in the bottom left-hand corner, and the MAC address in the bottom right-hand corner of the entry.


How do I access my Raspberry Pi NAS from anywhere?

If your tunnel status is online then you can open your Raspberry pi terminal using Shellinabox on a browser from anywhere. Open a browser in any computer or mobile phone that is connected to internet and type the address marked in the image onto the Browser's Address bar.

Can a NAS server be accessed remotely?

External access is the ability to remotely access your Synology NAS from any device with an internet connection. DSM allows you to easily set up remote access to your Synology NAS, so you can sign in to DSM or other services by simply entering a custom domain name into your web browser.

Can you use a Raspberry Pi as a NAS server?

The Raspberry Pi, on the other hand, is such a versatile little board that it can act as a cheap trial NAS that—once you grow out of it—can be repurposed for something else. It isn't as rock-solid as, say, a Synology NAS unit, and RAID doesn't work particularly well on the Pi if you want data redundancy.

How do I access my Raspberry Pi on my network?

Connect your ethernet cable to your computer and to the Raspberry Pi. Plug in the wall power adapter into the Raspberry Pi, and then plug it into the wall to turn the power on. Once the power is connected to the wall, the Raspberry Pi will be on. On your computer, open Putty and enter the Host Name as raspberrypi.

How can I access my home server from outside?

Use a VPN. If you connect to your local area network by using a virtual private network (VPN), you don't have to open your PC to the public internet. Instead, when you connect to the VPN, your RD client acts like it's part of the same network and be able to access your PC.

How do I setup a remote storage server?

1:4417:47Make a Home Storage Server, The Cheap and Easy Way! - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipImportant you will need to have enough space in your system to hold multiple drives. And yourMoreImportant you will need to have enough space in your system to hold multiple drives. And your motherboard will need enough sata connections for the number of drives you intend to install.

How fast is a Raspberry Pi NAS?

Copies to the Pi NAS, with three Seagate IronWolf 8TB NAS drives in RAID 5, measured around 95 MB/sec. Copies from the Pi clocked in around 193 MB/sec.

How much RAM do you need for FreeNAS?

From "How much RAM is needed": FreeNAS requires 8 GB of RAM for the base configuration. If you are using plugins and/or jails, 12 GB is a better starting point.

How do I turn my Raspberry Pi into a server?

Turning Your Raspberry Pi Into a Personal Web ServerStep 1: Materials. - Raspberry Pi. ... Step 2: Preparation. ... Step 3: Initial Configuration. ... Step 4: SSH Set Up. ... Step 5: Installing Apache. ... Step 6: Install MySQL. ... Step 7: Install FTP. ... Step 8: Finalization.More items...

Can you SSH into a Raspberry Pi from anywhere?

In other words, Tunnel In will allow you to ssh into raspberry pi even if you are not in the same network with your device, instead, you can ssh into raspberry pi remotely (from anywhere in the world).

How can I secure my NAS remotely?

Secure remote access to NAS with an encrypted connection. A virtual private network (VPN) allows secure access to network resources and services across public networks. To access your QNAP NAS from the Internet, first establish a VPN connection to your router, and then connect to the QNAP NAS via VPN.

How do I access my Synology NAS remotely?

DSM 7.0 and above: Go to Control Panel > External Access > QuickConnect. DSM 6.2 and below: Go to Control Panel > QuickConnect....Via a mobile device:Open a Synology mobile app, such as DS file.Enter your QuickConnect ID, plus your DSM account and password.Click Login.

Does a NAS drive have an IP address?

Once connected to the network, your NAS device will share the general IP address of your own computer. Therefore, if you want to find out the IP address of your NAS device you just have to find out your computer's IP address through the Control Panel.

How do I access a NAS?

Access to the relevant LAN network configured on your Android device....Connecting to your NAS shareTap the LAN (Windows shares) option:Tap to add your NAS server details:Select a name for the New server connection:Provide the name of your server (or IP) followed by the name of a relevant share.More items...•

How to find the IP address of Raspberry Pi?

If all else fails you can connect a keyboard an a monitor to your Pi and log in with the username pi and password raspberry. Then you can use ifconfig to find out the IP address of the Pi.

What does NAT mean on a Pi?

This means that all machines inside your network seem to come from the the same IP address and there is no one-to-one mapping of addresses when trying to access a machine from the outside.

How to enable SSH access?

SSH access can be enabled by adding an empty file called ssh or ssh.txt under the root of the SD card.

Why is the Pi SSH port hardened?

As the Pi SSH port is now exposed to the Internet it is a good idea to protect it from possible hackers by changing to more secure settings. This is called hardening.

How to flash Raspbian?

Insert the SD card to the card reader, unzip the downloaded Raspbian image file and open Etcher. The flashing is really straight forward:

How to find my Pi?

Probably the easiest way to find your Pi is to log in to your wireless router admin page and find the connected devices. For example on my Asus device the admin page can be found from, consult the user manual of your router to get to the admin page and to see connected devices. The image below is from my router settings:

What to do if you can't find your Pi?

If you can’t find your Pi listed on your router you can try going back to the WiFi setup and create a new wpa_supplicant.conf file to the SD card and try again. You may have given the wrong network credentials; remember that the SSID is case sensitive.

Remote access to NAS box

Hi, I have recently installed squeezeplug for my Pi and I was wondering how I would go about accessing my files remotely when out of the home network. Tutorials and walkthroughs would be greatly received as I am currently retarded when it comes to the technical stuff. However, all that will hopefully change! Cheers

Re: Remote access to NAS box

Thanks ghans, I will give this a go when I get home from work tonight and let you know how I get on. Cheers

Re: Remote access to NAS box

I am doing well so far... I have created an account with No-IP, what am I meant to do next with the account?

How to connect Raspberry Pi to network?

Connect your Raspberry PI to the Network via a wired connection or via WLAN and open a terminal. In this documentation we use the last raspbian version running the kernel 4.9.

What is NAS server?

A ( Network Attached Storage) NAS Server is a network storage system to serve and share files to other client computers in a local area network. This enables multiple users to access and share the same file storage.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Raspberry Pi?

The great advantages of Raspberry PI are, it is very small, costs less than 40 USD and consumes very little energy. Disadvantages are, hard drives can only connected via USB interface and give you a performance loss compared to hard disks running over SATA. Also the setting up of RAID is not recommended over USB hard disks as this is very error sensitive.

How many USB ports does a Raspberry Pi have?

Raspberry Pi is a mini-computer build on a single PCB board, slightly larger than a credit card. It has a wired local area network (LAN) and four USB-Ports for different external devices like keyboard and mouse or external storage devices.

What operating system is used for Raspberry Pi 2?

The optimized operating system for the Raspberry Pi 2 and the Raspberry PI 3 is Raspbian, a free and open-source software based on Debian. Also, there are a couple of alternative operating systems available for the Raspberry Pi.

What version of Raspbian is used for Stretch?

In this documentation, we use the newest “Raspbian Stretch” operation system, released at 2017-08-16 with the kernel version 4.9.

How to install NTFS-3G?

sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g If it is done, we can mount the external disk to the new directory.


Every time you start working with Raspberry Pi, you would have come to this point that how good it was if you could access your pi outside your home network. Then you start searching for the techniques and there comes the Port Forwarding which is a bit tedious method, and it involves risks too.

What is it & Why?

Every time you start working with Raspberry Pi, you would have come to this point that how good it was if you could access your pi outside your home network. Then you start searching for the techniques and there comes the Port Forwarding which is a bit tedious method, and it involves risks too.

Can I use sshfs on RPi?

sshfs - there are clients for Linux, Windows, Mac and Android you need only ssh server running on RPi. With Windows client, you can map RPI as a network drive.

Is OwnCloud good for Raspberry Pi?

As stated in another answer here, owncloud is also a possible contender. However it doesn't run all that smooth on a Raspberry Pi, expect 3~5 second page loads with already optimised PHP.

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