Remote-access Guide

raspberry pi nodejs mysql express remote access

by Molly Langosh MD Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Remote Access First we need to edit the MySQL config: sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf Find the configuration line called bind-address. By default this is set to This is the local address (es) / network adaptors that MySQL will listen for connections on. The RPi default is for localhost only.

Full Answer

Can I install MariaDB on a Raspberry Pi?

Like MySQL, MariaDB is relatively easy to use and free. Why not just install MySQL? Well, it turns out that there isn’t a MySQL package available for installation on a Raspberry Pi using apt-get, which is the preferred way of installing and managing software on Debian and several other Linux distributions. At least I couldn’t find one.

How to install NodeJS on Raspberry Pi?

Installing the NodeJS runtime on your Raspberry Pi is a straightforward process and only takes a couple of commands. Alongside NodeJS, you will also install NPM to your Raspberry Pi. NPM is the default package manager for NodeJS and is what you will use to install additional modules.

How to create an express web server on Raspberry Pi?

Utilizing the default port, open a web browser and navigate to localhost:3000. You should see 'Express, Welcome to Express'. You have successfully created an Express web server. Edit the rc.local file. This file runs every time the Pi boots up Before the line "exit 0" add the following line: "su pi -c ‘node /home/pi/myapp/server.js < /dev/null $’"

How do I log in to my Raspberry Pi?

Log into the Pi once it has booted up using the default username and password if requested. The initial username is "pi" and the initial password is "raspberry". If you have access to an Ethernet cable simply plug it in and you are good to go. If you are using Wifi, there are a couple of different ways to accomplish this.


How do I enable MySQL remote connection on Raspberry Pi?

The following worked for me, courtesy of a comment found on this instructable:Grant access to your remote machine using: GRANT ALL ON *. * TO 'root'@'192.168. ... Go into the my. cnf file ( sudo nano /etc/mysql/my. ... Reload MySQL config ( service mysql reload )Restart MySQL server ( service mysql restart )

How connect NodeJS and express in MySQL?

2:436:15Node.js Tutorial | MySQL Database Connection in Express.js ApplicationYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo in first key we have to write host and in value we have to write localhost. Next we want toMoreSo in first key we have to write host and in value we have to write localhost. Next we want to define database name from which we want to connect out node. Application.

Can NodeJS communicate with MySQL?

Here we are calling connect function on the connection variable which we have created already. Now we will see the following output on the terminal as shown in the screenshot: In this way, NodeJs application can be connected with the Mysql database.

Is it good to use MySQL with node js?

The aim of this article is to explain the common misconception about using MySQL with Node. js and to assure you that there is completely nothing wrong with using this database together with Node. js.

Can we use MySQL with Express?

Connecting to MySQL var mysql = require('mysql') var connection = mysql. createConnection({ host: 'localhost', user: 'your_user', password: 'some_secret', database: 'the_app_database' }) connection. connect(function(err) { if (err) throw err console. log('You are now connected...') })

What is Express in node JS?

Express is a node js web application framework that provides broad features for building web and mobile applications. It is used to build a single page, multipage, and hybrid web application. It's a layer built on the top of the Node js that helps manage servers and routes.

Which database is best for Node js?

Node. js supports all kinds of databases no matter if it is a relational database or NoSQL database. However, NoSQL databases like MongoDb are the best fit with Node.

How do I create a database connection in Node js?

We can use Node. js in database applications. Here we use MySQL as a database with Node....Create Connectionvar mysql = require('mysql');var con = mysql. createConnection({host: "localhost",user: "root",password: "12345"});con. connect(function(err) {if (err) throw err;More items...

How do I connect to a MySQL database?

To Connect to a MySQL DatabaseClick Services tab.Expand the Drivers node from the Database Explorer. ... Enter User Name and Password. ... Click OK to accept the credentials. ... Click OK to accept the default schema.Right-click the MySQL Database URL in the Services window (Ctrl-5).

How express JS connect to database?

For other options, search on the npm site.Cassandra. Module: cassandra-driver. Installation. $ npm install cassandra-driver. ... LevelDB. Module: levelup. Installation. $ npm install level levelup leveldown. ... MySQL. Module: mysql. Installation. ... MongoDB. Module: mongodb. Installation. ... PostgreSQL. Module: pg-promise. Installation.

Can I use node js instead of PHP?

If speed is extremely important for your application, e.g. a browser-based multiplayer game or a chat application, Node. js can become a better choice than PHP. Comparing Node. js with PHP, the first is inherently asynchronous, event-driven, and non-blocking, while the second is a synchronous programming language.

How do I call a node JS function in MySQL?

Calling MySQL Stored Procedures from Node. jsConnect to the MySQL database server.Call the stored procedure by executing the CALL spName statement. The spName is the name of the stored procedure.Close the database connection.

How connect react js to MySQL database?

How to implement a server for ReactJS and MySQL applicationCreate the database to store our records.Create the server connection to the DB.Define the endpoints for the CRUD app.Create react app and define the frontend.Integrate the front end and backend.

How do I create a database connection in Node JS?

We can use Node. js in database applications. Here we use MySQL as a database with Node....Create Connectionvar mysql = require('mysql');var con = mysql. createConnection({host: "localhost",user: "root",password: "12345"});con. connect(function(err) {if (err) throw err;More items...

How use MongoDB express js?

Set upInstall Node. js. ... Install the MongoDB Node. js Driver. ... Create a free MongoDB Atlas cluster and load the sample data. Next, you'll need a MongoDB database. ... Get your cluster's connection info. ... Import MongoClient. ... Create our main function. ... List the databases in our cluster. ... Save Your File.More items...•

Which DB to use with node js?

MongoDB“Node. js can only be used with MongoDB (which is the most popular NoSQL database).”

Re: Remote Access to Mysql on PI

There seems to be little mention here of PhpMyAdmin , which is a browser based way of accessing MySQL databases. It can be used on the host computer browser by ‘localhost/phpmyadmin’ and from other computers on the same network using the local IP address of the computer with the database followed by’/phpmyadmin’.

Re: Remote Access to Mysql on PI

answer from by jimva » Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:09 am thank You very much ! I had need to connect windows Workbench from public network to raspbian Mysql in into my home. Jan answer maybe works for someone but didnt work when I tried it that way. Bind address should be like said by jimva : and second step is to create mysql user and grant privileges..

Re: Remote Access to Mysql on PI

Hi guys, I've tried all that was said in this thread and got no success to the problem as stated by the original thread message. I did get success though after re-setting my wlan IP to dhcp; because I had previously set it to static to connect via ssh. I really hope this helps someone else.

Re: Remote Access to Mysql on PI

Pardon me for butting in here. While the responses on the connection strings (for Python, etc.) are fine in an earlier section of this thread, my recommendation is to use the MySQL command line interface on the client machine to check the connectivity after permissions have been granted on the host MariaDB/MySQL server.

How to install MariaDB on Raspberry Pi?

To install mariadb on raspberry Pi, run following series of commands. The update and upgrade are optional if you’ve recently done them on your raspberry Pi. So Open the terminal of Raspberry Pi, and use these commands to get mariadb installed on your raspberry pi

What is the default port number for MariaDB?

3306 is the default port number of mariadb server on raspberry pi and then you can see the data through dbeaver

What is the localhost address for bind-address?

Here, find the bind-address line which should be currently pointing to localhost address which is In order to login from external source, you’ll have 2 options.

Can MariaDB be used on Raspberry Pi?

By default, MySQL or Mariadb on raspberry pi is not configured to accept remote connections. You can enable remote connections by modifying the configuration file: For me, in the raspberry pi, the configuration file WAS NOT LOCATED on this address

What port is Raspberry Pi Node.JS running on?

The Raspberry Pi Node.JS server can then be started. Since we use the GPIOs we have to start it with sudo. So I decided to run the server on port 80, because we can easily access it via the hostname or internal IP of the Pi without specifying the port. The prerequisite is that nothing else is running on this port (such as Apache2). So we start now:

How to check if everything is working on Raspberry Pi?

Save it with CTRL + O and exit with CTRL + X (Nano Editor). To check if everything has worked, you can restart the Raspberry Pi ( sudo reboot) and then call the URL in your browser again. If the page is displayed, everything has worked.

What is the NPM file?

With the help of the NPM (Node.js Package Manager), additional libraries can be easily installed and used in a node project. Typically, a created project has a file named “package.json” in the root directory. In this file “dependencies” are used to specify the packages used (minimum required). If you use / download another project, the required packages must first be installed. To do this, change to the directory where the package.json is located and enter:

What is a NodeJS server?

A NodeJS server is a prerequisite for many different applications, such as HomeBridge. Many other projects, for which a server is needed, can also be realized with a Raspberry Pi and NodeJS.

What is a node.js?

N ode.JS is a server platform that uses JavaScript. Originally developed for the Google Chrome browser, it is very resource-efficient, which makes the use of a Raspberry Pi Node.JS web server interesting.

Is Node.JS in the predefined package source?

The process may take some time. Since Node.JS is not in the predefined package sources, we must add it first. The latest LTS version can be viewed on the Node.JS website and adapted accordingly.

Can I use a DNS server on my Raspberry Pi?

If you want to permanently access the server from outside your home network, it makes sense to install a DNS server. Of course, the selected ports must also be selected and enabled in your router via port forwarding for the internal IP address of your Raspberry Pi.

How to run ExpressJS in npm?

Once npm in installed, Type "sudo npm install express -g". This downloads ExpressJS in the package manager's global directory, so you can run Express in any folder.

How to install NodeJS on Pi?

Express utilizes NodeJS to run. To install NodeJS we need to apt-get it on to the Pi. Enter `sudo apt-get install nodejs -y`. Ensure NodeJS is installed by entering `nodejs -v` to get the current version number installed.

How to connect a Raspberry Pi to a monitor?

Plug in the monitor using the HDMI cable, plug in your USB keyboard, plug in your USB mouse and power source to the Raspberry Pi.

What port do you use for Express?

choose TCP and for the port you can use whatever port you set on your node server in the express app, we used 1337

What file runs every time the Pi boots up?

Edit the rc.local file. This file runs every time the Pi boots up

What to do if add_network returns a number other than 0?

Remember, if your add_network command returned a number other than 0, replace the 0 in the command with whatever number was returned.

What command to use to configure access point?

Enter command `wpa_cli` to configure the access point.

How to access MariaDB from remote host?

If you’re planning on accessing the server from any remote hosts, or even the local host’s IP address, you’ll need to configure MariaDB to allow that. To accomplish this you’ll need to edit /etc/mysql/mariadb. conf.d/50-server.cnf (the actual file name may be different, but the location should be the same). This is the configuration file for MariaDB. The top few lines of the file should look something like this:

Why is MariaDB installed on Kubemaster?

Perhaps the primary reason I had for installing MariaDB on kubemaster is that it’s accessible from both the cluster and external networks.

What does "use mysql" mean?

use mysql; indicates we want to perform the following commands from the mysql database. This is the main system database, where things like user information are stored. CREATE USER 'app1'@'%' obviously creates the user. As with root above, @ indicates which host the user will be allowed to log in from. Specifying the '%' wildcard indicates that the user app1 will be allowed to log in from any host. As above, IDENTIFIED BY specifies the password.

Is MariaDB easy to use?

Like MySQL, MariaDB is relatively easy to use and free. Why not just install MySQL? Well, it turns out that there isn’t a MySQL package available for installation on a Raspberry Pi using apt-get, which is the preferred way of installing and managing software on Debian and several other Linux distributions.

Can MariaDB be installed on Raspberry Pi?

This article covers how to install and configure MariaDB, a feature-equivalent alternative to MySQL, on a Raspberry Pi. Installing is relatively straightforward. Configuring the database is somewhat more involved but still quite manageable.

Can MariaDB connect to localhost?

Notice the last line above, the line specifying the bind-address. If this is not commented out, and it won’t be, then you’ll only be able to connect to MariaDB from localhost or To allow connectivity from elsewhere in the network, like the other hosts in the cluster, you’ll need to comment that line out as shown above and restart the server:

Who created MariaDB?

MariaDB was created by the original developers of MySQL from a MySQL fork. See this resource for a discussion of the pros and cons of MySQL vs. MariaDB. Per the developers of MariaDB: “MariaDB versions function as a ‘drop-in replacement’ for the equivalent MySQL version.”

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