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How to access University of Adelaide email?
You can access your University of Adelaide Email from adelaide.edu.au by clicking the ‘Quicklinks’ tab and then ‘University Email’.
How to forward email to University of Adelaide?
You can automatically forward your University of Adelaide student emails to your personal email account (Gmail/QQ/Hotmail etc.). Log into Student Gmail account. Click on ‘Settings’ near top right. Click on ‘See all settings’. Click on the ‘Forwarding and POP/IMAP’ tab. Click on ‘Add a forward address’.
How to set up a Gmail account for students?
We recommend all students complete this checklist to get started: 1 Connect to Wi-Fi (if on campus) 2 Set up your student email 3 Download & set up the Gmail app 4 Install Office 365 on your laptop 5 Set up a ‘Box’ account
How to view Adelaide timetable?
Once this is done, you will be able to view your timetable on Access Adelaide under Students > Enrolment > Weekly Timetable.
What is the number for Adelaide Unicare?
For after-hours care, you can also call 137425 for an in-home doctor service. Adelaide Unicare has a fully operational medical clinic at the North Terrace campus, providing Health Services to students. Services also include Pre-University Placement Serology Screening for Students.
What happens if you use the internet for illegitimate purposes?
downloading movies, playing games, etc.) then the University IT will limit your access and your internet will become very slow. You will then be notified via your student email of the restrictions put in place on your account.
Why is the U drive backed up?
The U: drive is backed-up every evening by the University for greater security and safe keeping of your documents.