Is it possible to allow remote IPS on my router?
So yes it can stay on allow any remote IP but because everything is disabled it doesn’t matter if you allow any Ok thanks for the info! It means what it says. If you enable any sort of remote access things with that turned on, don't be surprised when Chinese + Russian script kiddies are fumbling around in your router.
What is the default TX setting in DD-WRT for TP Link?
I have a TP link router (Archer C7 v5), the default TX setting in DD-WRT on 2.4 GHz is 30 but it says (max 24). I didn't change the default & its working a bit too well.
Does Linksys acm3200acm work with DD-WRT?
I have Linksys ACM3200ACM with DD-WRT installed running Firmware: DD-WRT v3.0-r44715 std (11/03/20) It works well. I was trying to put YAMon (I know it is no longer in current support / development mode) but I believe there are some compatibility versions between the DD Build and this tool.
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How do I access my DD-WRT router from outside network?
[edit] Client Go to Administration -> Management -> Remote Access. Enable the necessary settings for remote Web or SSH access (note the WAN IP and port number), then in your main router forward that port to the WAN IP address of the Client router.
What is DD-WRT default IP address? up the Router With DD-WRT To do this, you can go to the router's IP address — which should be 192.168. 1.1 — in your web browser. This will take you to the router's admin page where you can use the default username and password to login and begin the setup.
What is the DD-WRT default password?
adminThe default username is root and the default password is admin (from v23 SP1).
Is DD-WRT free?
The programmers behind DD-WRT created it in Linux. This is an open-source software program, which means that anyone can edit it and share their versions of the software with others. DD-WRT is available online for free, so you can normally put it on your router at no cost (aside from the price of the router itself).
Is OpenWrt better than DD-WRT?
DD-WRT is a close, close second. It's proven to be a solid choice for custom router firmware, but it lacks in some features, customization, and update availability. OpenWrt is the best choice for most people with modern routers and with the time to sink into learning what exactly they can do with it.
How do I SSH into DD-WRT?
To connect to a router running DD-WRT firmware perform following:Login into router's web GUI as administrator.Go to Services > Services and "Enable" SSHd under Secure Shell.Go to Administration > Management and "Enable" SSH Management under Remote Access.More items...
How do I find my DD-WRT password?
Both routers have a password of "admin" by default. Click on "support and documentation" in your router's manufacturer's website to find out their default password.
Why DD-WRT is better?
Improved bandwidth prioritization. DD-WRT gives you more control over your connection. In this example, we refer to the option for prioritizing specific traffic above others. You can achieve this via Quality of Service (QoS). In other words, it allows you to dedicate more bandwidth to certain devices.
What does DD-WRT stand for?
DresDren-Wireless RouTerWhat Does DD-WRT Mean? DD-WRT (DresDren-Wireless RouTer) is a type of firmware for routers based on the Linux kernel. It was designed especially for 802.11a/b/g/h/n routers having the Broadcom or Atheros chipsets.
Can a router be hacked?
Yes, hackers can access your router and Wi-Fi remotely, especially if you have either of the following: Remote management is enabled in your router's settings. A weak router password that can be easily guessed.
Is DD-WRT firmware safe?
One thing is almost certain: DD-WRT is safer than what shipped on your router from the factory. I'm much more comfortable with DD-WRT than with most stock router firmware from a security point of view. Router firmware tends to be really buggy and insecure.
Is DD-WRT firmware secure?
The bright point of dd-wrt is not that it is "more secure", but that it makes it easier to install updates, and that is what security comes from. You still have to do it, though.
How do I reset DD-WRT to default settings?
Turn the device on, and then hold the Factory Reset button for 30 seconds. After you release, it should be reset to the default username and password.
How do I find my DD-WRT password?
Both routers have a password of "admin" by default. Click on "support and documentation" in your router's manufacturer's website to find out their default password.
Why DD-WRT is better?
Improved bandwidth prioritization. DD-WRT gives you more control over your connection. In this example, we refer to the option for prioritizing specific traffic above others. You can achieve this via Quality of Service (QoS). In other words, it allows you to dedicate more bandwidth to certain devices.
Trying to find a device to locate CAT 5e behind sheet rock
My home was pre-wired for CAT 5e. I'm not the original owner. All of the wiring terminates in a closet. The prior owner never used them. I cannot find where they go. I tried a tone generator from Ideal 33-864 that I already had from work. It's only good for identifying wires, not locating them.
10 Gb Switch Needed
So, AT&T just increased their fiber offerings. I was at 1 Gbps, and thought I'd at least try the faster speeds, so upped it to 2 Gbps.
Facepalm moment setting up new network
I'm a complete noob to the home networking thing and I learned a valuable lesson this week.
just got gb fiber..
Do i need to change cat 5 to cat 5e or cat 6 to take advantage of the best speed possible?
What is the UDM Pro equivalent by other brands?
What is the equivalent offered by other brands? I am new to this and I wanted to know :)
I went all-in when Netgear came out with the orbi system because it was supposed to be faster with enhanced wifi tech.
Hi, i just noticed that I can access/login my router's web admin interface by visiting my external IP address from outside my network. i thought i shouldn't be able to do this?
doesn't work either, that governs remote access (web gui managemnt, ssh, telnet).
Disabling Remote HTTP access shouldn't stop internal IP addres's. It should only stop access from the WAN port.
Disabling Remote HTTP access shouldn't stop internal IP addres's. It should only stop access from the WAN port.
Are you sure your accessing it externally? Like your not on a VPN or not still connected to the wireless or something of those lines. I know its a stupid question but I have made some silly mistakes before too.
yea i've been trying from a web proxy and also my neighbour's open wifi, can access it in both. i don't have vpn.
ok turns out the firewall rules were all messed up somehow. it's good now.