Remote administering of Apache servers ApacheConf Lite has no such feature. ApacheConf PRO works under MS Windows platform (Windows 9x, NT 4, 2000, XP, Vista). But if you need to tune a configuration file for Apache web server under Unix
Unix is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, development starting in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others.
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How do I gain remote control over Apache GUI web tool?
To gain remote control over Apache GUI Web Tool from a browser, you need to add a rule on your system Firewall that opens Port 9999/TCP, which is the default port that Apache GUI Tools listens on.
How do I access Apache GUI web tool from a browser?
To gain remote control over Apache GUI Web Tool from a browser, you need to add a rule on your system Firewall that opens Port 9999/TCP, which is the default port that Apache GUI Tools listens on. Use the following commands to open port 9999 on RHEL/CentOS 7 using Firewalld utility.
How do I access Apache on my local network?
Use of your IP Address by others on your LAN should be sufficient to access Apache. BTW, local VirtualHost configurations are a godsend when you’re dealing with more than a single local domain. Use of your IP Address by others on your LAN should be sufficient to access Apache.

How do I access Apache remotely?
In this case do:Go to Your XAMPP Control panel.Click on apache > config > Apache (httpd. ... Search for Listen 80 and replace with Listen 8080.After that check your local ip using ipconfig command (cmd console)Search for ServerName localhost:80 and replace with your local ip:8080 (ex.More items...
Is Apache a remote server?
Apache Guacamole is a clientless remote desktop gateway. It supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH.
How do I configure Apache for external access?
Follow these steps:Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings.Right click “Inbound Rules” on the left pane.Choose “New Rule”.Choose “Port”.Choose “TCP”, and under “Specific ports” enter your port number (80).More items...•
How do I use Apache server?
Edit the Apache server configuration fileLocate the Apache http-vhosts. ... Edit the Apache http-vhosts.conf file. ... Modify the DocumentRoot setting to point to the Build Forge web application. ... Leave the port as 80 or change it to the port you run the Apache HTTP Server on locally. ... Modify any other settings in http-vhosts.
What is RDP on a computer?
Remote desktop protocol (RDP) is a secure network communications protocol developed by Microsoft. It enables network administrators to remotely diagnose problems that individual users encounter and gives users remote access to their physical work desktop computers.
What is a Guacamole server?
Apache Guacamole is a free and open-source cross-platform Remote Desktop Gateway maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It allows a user to take control of a remote computer or virtual machine via a web browser. The server runs on most Linux distributions and the client runs on any modern web browser.
What is Apache proxy server?
Apache can be configured as both a forward and a reverse proxy. An ordinary proxy (also called a forward proxy) is an intermediate server that sits between the client and the origin server. The client is configured to use the forward proxy to access other sites.
How do I find the IP address of my Apache server?
ServerName: Set to your DNS hostname, or IP address (to find out your IP address, run command " ipconfig "), or your computer name, or "localhost" (localhost is meant for local loop-back testing only, you can also use the localhost's IP address 127.0. 0.1), followed by the port number chosen above.
How do I restrict access to Apache by IP?
Apache allows you to limit directory access by IP, restrict file access by IP, limit URL access by IP. In fact, it allows you to restrict access to single IP, multiple IPs and range of IP addresses....Apache Restrict Access by IPOpen Apache Configuration File. ... Restrict Access by IP. ... Restart Apache web server.
What is virtual host in Apache?
The Apache HTTP server supports virtual hosts, meaning that it can respond to requests that are directed to multiple IP addresses or host names that correspond to the same host machine. You can configure each virtual host to provide different content and to behave differently.
Is Apache Web server free?
Apache HTTP Server is a free and open-source web server that delivers web content through the internet. It is commonly referred to as Apache and after development, it quickly became the most popular HTTP client on the web.
Is Apache Web server still used?
After Tim Berners-Lee's CERN httpd and NCSA HTTPd in the first couple of years of the internet, Apache – first released in 1995 – quickly conquered the market and became the world's most popular web server. Nowadays, it still is in that market position but mostly for legacy reasons.
How do I setup a web server?
Set Up Your Very Own Web Server!Step 1: Acquire a Dedicated PC. This step may be easy for some and hard for others. ... Step 2: Get the OS! ... Step 3: Install the OS! ... Step 4: Setup VNC. ... Step 5: Install FTP. ... Step 6: Configure FTP Users. ... Step 7: Configure and Activate FTP Server! ... Step 8: Install HTTP Support, Sit Back and Relax!More items...
How do I host a website on the internet?
How to Host a Website? 3 Easy Steps.Buy a domain name. Any website needs a name. Therefore, the first step is to register a domain name for your future website. ... Select a hosting provider and a hosting plan. With a domain name, you need to think about choosing a reliable hosting provider. ... Choose a hosting plan.
How to configure apache for remote access on Windows?
I have installed Apache locally on Windows XP and want to access it from another PC on the SAME network but connection is refused and can’t figure out how to edit conf file (searched on web but didn’t find any good answer).
What port does Apache use?
To provide access through YOUR Apache server, your setup must include your IP Address (in hosts) and your firewall must be opened for external access to port 80. Use of your IP Address by others on your LAN should be sufficient to access Apache.
remote web server access (apache)
right now all the servers have apache running......and CPU utilzation is at its max in them......so i want to make only one web serer for all the servers....
Apache web server instalation error in HP-UX 11.31
Hi , I am getting an error while installing on a new hp-ux 11.31 server for the first time. I have troubleshooted to some extent and installed the C compiler which it was asking for and now a new error has arised. please find the below error, Any help would be appreciated. $ make Making all... (1 Reply)
How to use Squid on Linux to control certain IP to access Web Server and certain IP cannot access?
Dear all experts here, :) I would like to install a proxy server on Linux server to perform solely to control the access of Web server. In this case, some of my vendor asked me to try Squid and I have installed it onto my Linux server. I would like know how can I set the configuration to... (1 Reply)
Unable to start the apache web server
Hi All, I'm getting this below error bash-4.1$ ./apachectl -k start (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address hostname:18000 no listening sockets available, shutting down Unable to open logs I tried to change the port number, still same error: ... (5 Replies)
Apache Web Server Config
Hi Gurus I am a newbie in Apache. I want to configure Apache Web server (A for reference) to receive all requests on Port-843 to be redirected to another Apache web server (B) and access a crossdomain.xml (located in /var/www/html) file there. I have put the following entries in... (0 Replies)
Apache Web Server - Invalid Response
Hi, I have a SCO Unix Openserver V6 server which is hosting a website with Apache V1.3 as the http server. The web site has an initial login screen which re-directs to another page once the user name and password has been verified. When connecting to the website and trying to login, it times... (0 Replies)
Uninstall Apache web server
Hello, I have a Solaris 10 and it looks like it was installed with apache. I see some files in: Since I'd like to use CSWapache2 from OpenCSW I'd like to remove the one from SUN but I don't know which package name it has. Do you know how can I remove it ? Thanks R.F ---------- Post... (4 Replies)
What port is MySQL running on?
For MySQL access, repeat the steps above but for port 3306 (or whatever port your MySQL service is running on).
How to allow port 80?
Follow these steps: Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings. Right click “Inbound Rules” on the left pane. Choose “New Rule”.
Where is httpd.conf?
Open up httpd.conf, found in the conf folder of your Apache installation directory.

- Configure Apache’s httpd.conf
- Enable port forwarding
- Add incoming rules on Windows Firewall
Configuring Apache
- Apache needs to be configured to listen to our port from all IP Address, not just our localhost. Open up httpd.conf, found in the conf folder of your Apache installation directory. Look for the following lines, making sure that Listen 80is specified. Save the file and restart Apache.
Enabling Port Forwarding
- Login to your default gateway ( and navigate to Port Forwarding. You will need to port forward 80 (the default port for Apache) to the local IP address of your computer. If you are using MySQL, you will also need to port forward 3306 (the default port for MySQL).
Configuring Windows Firewall
- Finally, if you have your firewall turned on, you will need to add a rule to the firewall to allow connections being made to port 80. Follow these steps: 1. Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings. 2. Right click “Inbound Rules” on the left pane. 3. Choose “New Rule”. 4. Choose “Port”. 5. Choose “TCP”, and under “Specific ports” enter …
- To verify that you can now access your web server using your external IP from a different network, visit http://canyouseeme.org/and specify to check port 80.