Remote-access Guide

remote access api

by Samara Jakubowski Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Remote access API is offered in a REST-like style. That is, there is no single entry point for all features, and instead they are available under the ".../api/" URL where "..." portion is the data that it acts on.

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What is the Remote Desktop Services API?

The Remote Desktop Services API is a set of function calls into Wtsapi32.dll. To design your application to run in both Remote Desktop Services and non-Remote Desktop Services environments, use run-time dynamic linking to check for the presence of Wtsapi32.dll.

What are the different types of remote access API?

Currently it comes in three flavors: Remote access API is offered in a REST-like style. That is, there is no single entry point for all features, and instead they are available under the ".../api/" URL where "..."

What are the PC requirements to access API remotely?

Please note that there are several PC requirements to access API remotely: API supports multiple internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari). You may receive this message, “Your web browser is not compatible with API Healthcare Portal” if you are using Internet Explorer version 11.

What is remote’s global employee API?

In short: Remote’s Global Employee API will make global employment simple, streamlined, and accessible. We’re taking the international infrastructure that has allowed us to offer a superior experience for businesses and teams around the world and making it available to developers.

What is Jenkins API client?

What is Jenkins Rest?

How to check if a Jenkins URL is a Jenkins URL?

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What is remote access API?

The Remote Access APIs enable you to perform activities on Remote Access resources via a REST Web Service interface. Each Remote Access resource has its own URL path that can be accessed using the relevant HTTPS request verb.

What is Jenkins API?

Jenkins API Client is an object oriented ruby wrapper project that consumes Jenkins's JSON API and aims at providing access to all remote API Jenkins provides. It is available as a Rubygem and can be useful to interact with the Job, Node, View, BuildQueue, and System related functionalities.

How do I access Jenkins via API?

1:197:49Jenkins API Tutorial: DevOps Library Jenkins #10 - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOn our Jenkins server to do so open up a web browser. And go to your Jenkins master URL followed byMoreOn our Jenkins server to do so open up a web browser. And go to your Jenkins master URL followed by slash API. As you can see the REST API provides. Three different ways to interact with it you can

What is restful API?

An API, or application programming interface, is a set of rules that define how applications or devices can connect to and communicate with each other. A REST API is an API that conforms to the design principles of the REST, or representational state transfer architectural style.

How do I run Jenkins remotely?

Create a remote Jenkins build trigger in three stepsCreate a Jenkins build job and enable the Trigger builds remotely checkbox.Provide an authentication token; This can be any text string of your choice.Invoke the Jenkins build URL to remotely trigger the build job.

How do I access Jenkins server remotely?

Open the POrt 8080 via firewall and then change the URL of jenkins from "Manage Jenkins>Config Sys>Jenkins Location>" to "http://yourIP:8080" and then access it from other machine on same network domain.

How do I find my Jenkins API URL?

1 Answer. In the bottom right of each page Jenkins has a link to their REST API. This link will appear on every page of Jenkins and points you to an API output for the exact page you are browsing. That should provide some understanding about how to build the API URLs.

How does REST API trigger Jenkins job?

We can extract the API output either in XML(SOAP) or in JSON(REST) format.STEP 1: Get the Authorization Token. 1.Click on the Configure option under your username. ... STEP 2: Trigger the Build. API: https://JENKINS_URL/job_path/buildwithParemters? ... STEP 3: Get the Build Number. ... STEP 4: Get the Build Status.

What is the difference between API and REST API?

The primary goal of API is to standardize data exchange between web services. Depending on the type of API, the choice of protocol changes. On the other hand, REST API is an architectural style for building web services that interact via an HTTP protocol.

What is difference between REST API and web API?

Web API can be hosted only on an Internet Information Service (IIS) or self that supports XML and JSON requests. In contrast, REST API can be hosted only on IIS that supports standardized XML requests.

What is difference between REST API and RESTful API?

Put simply, there are no differences between REST and RESTful as far as APIs are concerned. REST is the set of constraints. RESTful refers to an API adhering to those constraints. It can be used in web services, applications, and software.

What is API data?

API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message, or check the weather on your phone, you're using an API.

What can Jenkins do?

Jenkins is an open source continuous integration/continuous delivery and deployment (CI/CD) automation software DevOps tool written in the Java programming language. It is used to implement CI/CD workflows, called pipelines.

How can I get Jenkins API token?

4 AnswersLog in to Jenkins.Click you name (upper-right corner).Click Configure (left-side menu).Use "Add new Token" button to generate a new one then name it.You must copy the token when you generate it as you cannot view the token afterwards.Revoke old tokens when no longer needed.

What is Jenkins pipeline?

Jenkins Pipeline (or simply "Pipeline") is a suite of plugins which supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins. A continuous delivery pipeline is an automated expression of your process for getting software from version control right through to your users and customers.

Where can I find jenkins restful api reference? - Stack Overflow

I am trying to integrate an external system with jenkins by REST API. Although I have done lots of google search on its API reference, I still cannot get a full list of jenkins REST API reference.

Best Practice For Using Jenkins REST API – CloudBees Support

The content of this article has moved to the new documentation site.

Some Useful Jenkins REST API endpoints - GitHub Pages

Introduction. Somehow it is just impossible to find a complete reference to all available API endpoints on Jenkins. This post attempts to list a few that may be useful (at least for myself).

Using Jenkins REST Api to manage your jobs remotely

In this tutorial we will learn how we can use the REST API to manage your Jenkins Jobs remotely.. Getting Started with Jenkins REST API. Many objects of Jenkins provide the remote access API. They are available at /…/api/ where “…” portion is the object for which you’d like to access.

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Please keep in mind that Integrations are not included in basic license packages. They have to be purchased separately as AddOns. For more information, please visit our website:


With the REACH API, TeamViewer offers an API for integration into RMM or MDM solutions, that allows the initiation of unattended and attended remote control sessions.

REACH API - Concepts and security

The concepts behind the REACH API, in the end, is divided into three use cases:

Integration by example: the VendorExampleApp

To follow this guide and perform the integration some information is needed throughout the different phases of the integration, which is

Specifics for Android integration

Due to platform restrictions on Android (not having proper administrative privilege separation), the rollout differs from other platforms. A verification of the MSA needs to be performed before it can communicate with the TeamViewer Android app and the RolloutKey is obtained differently.

Can RRAS run on Windows NT?

RRAS applications cannot run on Windows NT Workstation 4.0 or on client operating systems, such as Windows 95. For more specific information about which operating systems support a particular function, refer to the Requirements sections in the documentation.

Is RAS API only supported on network servers?

Some of the functions in the RAS API are supported only on network servers and other functions are supported only on network clients . For more specific information about which operating systems support a particular function, refer to the Requirements sections in the documentation.

What is Jenkins API client?

Jenkins API Client is an object oriented ruby wrapper project that consumes Jenkins’s JSON API and aims at providing access to all remote API Jenkins provides. It is available as a Rubygem and can be useful to interact with the Job, Node, View, BuildQueue, and System related functionalities. Services currently offered include: 1 Creating jobs by sending xml file or by specifying params as options with more customization options including source control, notifications, etc. 2 Building jobs (with params), stopping builds, querying details of recent builds, obtaining build params, etc. 3 Listing jobs available in Jenkins with job name filter, job status filter. 4 Adding/removing downstream projects. 5 Chaining jobs i.e given a list of projects each project is added as a downstream project to the previous one. 6 Obtaining progressive console output. 7 Username/password based authentication. 8 Command Line Interface with a lot of options provided in the libraries. 9 Creating, listing views. 10 Adding jobs to views and removing jobs from views. 11 Adding/removing Jenkins agents, querying details of agents. 12 Obtaining the tasks in build queue, and their age, cause, reason, ETA, ID, params and much more. 13 Quiet down, cancel quiet down, safe restart, force restart, and wait till Jenkins becomes available after a restart. 14 Ability to list installed/available plugins, obtain information about plugins, install/uninstall plugins and much more with plugins.

What is Jenkins Rest?

The jenkins-rest library is an object oriented Java project that provides access to the Jenkins REST API programmatically to some remote API Jenkins provides. It is built using the jclouds toolkit and can easily be extended to support more REST endpoints. Its feature set evolves and users are invited to contribute new endpoints via pull-requests. In its current state it is possible with this library to submit a job, track its progress through the queue, and monitor its execution until its completion, and obtain the build status. Services currently offered include:

How to check if a Jenkins URL is a Jenkins URL?

To check the version of Jenkins, load the top page or any .../api/* page and check for the X-Jenkins response header. This contains the version number of Jenkins, like "1.404" This is also a good way to check if an URL is a Jenkins URL.



With the REACH API, TeamViewer offers an API for integration into RMM or MDM solutions, that allows the initiation of unattended and attended remote control sessions. This document intends to explain the fundamental concepts behind the REACH API as well as give instructions and guidance for integrating the API into …
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Reach API - Concepts and Security

  • The concepts behind the REACH API, in the end, is divided into three use cases: 1. Registration of devices that will be managed with the REACH API also called rollout phase. 2. De-registration of devices to remove access via the REACH API. 3. The control phase that allows to initiate unattended (connection to a device without user interaction on the remote device) and attended …
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Integration by Example: The Vendorexampleapp

  • Requirements
    To follow this guide and perform the integration some information is needed throughout the different phases of the integration, which is 1. Vendor ID 2. Tenant account 3. Script token with remote control permissions The vendor ID has been given out by a TeamViewer representative t…
  • Overview of vendor-side integration implementation
    The following diagram gives a brief overview of the parts on the vendor side, where integration has to be done.
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Specifics For Android Integration

  • Due to platform restrictions on Android (not having proper administrative privilege separation), the rollout differs from other platforms. A verification of the MSA needs to be performed before it can communicate with the TeamViewer Android app and the RolloutKey is obtained differently. The SHA-256 hash of the MSA’s Signature Key (referred to as AppKey from here on) has to be regist…
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  • Use Remote Access Service (RAS) to create client applications. These applications display RAS common dialog boxes, manage remote access connections and devices, and manipulate phone-book entries. RAS also provides the next generation of server functionality for the Remote Access Service (RAS) for Windows. The RRAS server functionality follows and b...
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Where Applicable

  • The Remote Access Service is applicable in any computing environment that uses a Wide Area Network (WAN) link or a Virtual Private Network (VPN). RAS makes it possible to connect a remote client computer to a network server over a WAN link or a VPN. The remote computer then functions on the server's LAN as though the remote computer was connected to the LAN directl…
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Developer Audience

  • The RAS API is designed for use by C/C++ programmers. Microsoft Visual Basic programmers may also find the API useful. Programmers should be familiar with networking concepts.
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Run-Time Requirements

  • Some of the functions in the RAS API are supported only on network servers and other functions are supported only on network clients. For more specific information about which operating systems support a particular function, refer to the Requirements sections in the documentation. The enhanced RAS functionalityof RRAS is available for Windows NT Server 4.0 by installing the …
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