Remote-access Guide

remote access authentication tokens

by Prof. Grady Greenfelder Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

To prove your authorization, you must send an access token along with REST requests. These tokens are issued by the Secure Token Service (STS) in exchange for an account key. Tokens have a lifetime of 24 hours and thus can be issued to users without giving them full access to the service.

Full Answer

What is an an authentication token?

An authentication token allows internet users to access applications, services, websites, and application programming interfaces (APIs) without having to enter their login credentials each time they visit. Instead, the user logs in once, and a unique token is generated and shared with connected applications or websites to verify their identity.

How do I get remote access to a security token?

Download the software and install it on the ‘Server’ computer (the machine, to which the token is physically attached) as well as on the ‘Client’ PC that needs to get remote access to the security token. Start the app on the Server, find the device in the software interface, and click ‘Share’ next to it.

How do I create an access token?

Tokens have a lifetime of 24 hours and thus can be issued to users without giving them full access to the service. This article describes how to create such access token. Create an ARR account, if you don't have one yet. To create access tokens, the Secure Token Service provides a single REST API.

How to change GitHub remote authentication from password to personal access token?

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing your GitHub Remote Authentication from Password to Personal Access Token Go to and Log In Click “Generate new token”, and then...


What is a remote access token?

In computer systems, an access token contains the security credentials for a login session and identifies the user, the user's groups, the user's privileges, and, in some cases, a particular application.

What are tokens in authentication?

An authentication token (security token) is a “trusted device” used to access an electronically restricted resource (usually an application or a corporate network). It can be seen as an electronic key that enables a user to authenticate and prove his identity by storing some sort of personal information.

What are authentication tokens examples?

These are three common types of authentication tokens: Connected: Keys, discs, drives, and other physical items plug into the system for access. If you've ever used a USB device or smartcard to log into a system, you've used a connected token.

What are the different types of authentication tokens?

The most common types of tokens are key fobs and USB or wireless tokens. Hardware tokens can be divided into three categories. Contactless—a contactless token doesn't require you to enter an access code or connect to a device.

Why are tokens better than password?

During the life of the token, users then access the website or app that the token has been issued for, rather than having to re-enter credentials each time they go back to the same webpage, app, or any resource protected with that same token.

Is OAuth a token based authentication?

OAuth is just specific type of token based authentication method.

What is an OAuth access token?

An OAuth Access Token is a string that the OAuth client uses to make requests to the resource server. Access tokens do not have to be in any particular format, and in practice, various OAuth servers have chosen many different formats for their access tokens.

What is the example of token?

The definition of a token is a sign, symbol or a piece of stamped metal used instead of currency. An example of a token is someone giving their friend a "best friends" necklace. An example of a token is what someone would use to play video games at an arcade.

How do access tokens work?

Access tokens are used in token-based authentication to allow an application to access an API. The application receives an access token after a user successfully authenticates and authorizes access, then passes the access token as a credential when it calls the target API.

Is JWT the same as OAuth?

JWT is a JSON based security token forAPI Authentication JWT is just serialised, not encrypted. OAuth is not an API or a service: it's an open standard for authorization . OAuth is a standard set of steps for obtaining a token. There are 5 different flow patterns.

How many token types are there?

Answer: The four major types include utility, payment, security, and stablecoins. There also are DeFi tokens, NFTs, and asset-backed tokens. Of all cryptocurrencies, the most common are utility and payment tokens. These do not have their investment-backed or guaranteed by regulation.

What is remote user authentication?

Remote user authentication is a mechanism in which the remote server verifies the legitimacy of a user over an insecure communication channel.

What are tokens in API?

API tokens allow a user to authenticate with cloud apps and bypass two-step verification and SSO, and retrieve data from the instance through REST APIs. Token controls allow admins to view and revoke the use of API tokens by their managed accounts.

What is a token used for?

Tokens can be used for investment purposes, to store value, or to make purchases. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies used to facilitate transactions (making and receiving payments) along the blockchain. Altcoins and crypto tokens are types of cryptocurrencies with different functions.

What is a token in a password?

A one-time password token (OTP token) is a security hardware device or software program that is capable of producing a single-use password or PIN passcode. One-time password tokens are often used as a part of two-factor and multifactor authentication.

What is token in REST API?

Users of the REST API can authenticate by providing a user ID and password to the REST API login resource with the HTTP POST method. An LTPA token is generated that enables the user to authenticate future requests. This LTPA token has the prefix LtpaToken2 .

What is a security token?

The security token is a small electronic device designed for secure two-factor authentication of users, generation and storage of encryption keys,...

What are security tokens used for?

Security tokens are used as intellectual key carriers and means of electronic signature in PKI systems, in systems of legally significant electroni...

How does a USB security token work?

USB security tokens protect computing resources via two-factor authentication. This type of security requires that two conditions are met when enac...

What is a security token?

The security token is a small electronic device designed for secure two-factor authentication of users, generation and storage of encryption keys, electronic signature keys, digital certificates, and other sensitive data.

What is the main function of security tokens?

Every token provides some kind of authentication code that allows users to access a particular service like an online bank account, etc. However, security keys may differ in the means they use for generating those authentication codes.

How often do time synchronized tokens change passwords?

This allows changing passwords generated by the tokens at a set time interval, for example, every 3 minutes.

Why is my USB security token not working?

Probably the most common problem you may face working with USB security tokens is the inability to forward them to a virtual environment. By default, most virtual machines do not provide access to the functionality and contents of devices attached to the host machine. So, you’ll need to find a way to duplicate your device to share it between your ...

What is multiconnect option?

A multiconnect option is available that enables you to share a USB token over the network with multiple machines at the same time*.

How to share security key with Donglify?

Just launch the software and click “Connect” on the client computers to share the security key over your network.

What is Donglify security token?

Donglify uses advanced port virtualization technology to allow you to access security token remotely. With this software you will be able to have a remote access token and use it simultaneously between several machines.

Authentication for deployed applications

Account keys are recommended for quick prototyping, during development only. It's recommended not to ship your application to production using an embedded account key in it. The recommended approach is to use a user-based or service-based Azure AD authentication approach.

Azure role-based access control

Remote Rendering Administrator: Provides user with conversion, manage session, rendering, and diagnostics capabilities for Azure Remote Rendering.

Where to put flags in remote authenticator?

In order to set these flags, put them between a set of double underscores in the Remote Authenticator filename (e.g., __RDC__). Here are some examples:

What is saved token?

The saved token has a file name in the following format: Once the token file is saved, the custodian can send the token file to you using the channel where you ordinarily exchange sensitive files with each other (e.g., file transfer system, secure FTP, etc.)

What is FEC remote authentication?

FEC Remote Authenticator is a standalone application that you can provide to the owner of a Gmail, Google Workspace (formerly called G Suite), Office 365, or Microsoft consumer (e.g., Hotmail, email account so that they can authenticate you remotely. This can be especially useful when the custodian uses two-factor authentication.

How to revoke a FEC token?

1. Visit 2. Click the Revoke button next to Forensic Email Collector. Once access is removed, the FEC Remote Authentication Token will be invalidated. You can no longer use the token to access the custodian's emails.

Does FEC require a password?

FEC Remote Authenticator does not ask for the custodian's password; the password is provided directly to Google or Microsoft. If two-factor authentication is enabled, the custodian can perform the two-factor authentication via the Gmail or Microsoft web interface as usual.

Who downloads FEC remote authenticator?

Custodian (owner of the mailbox) downloads a copy of FEC Remote Authenticator using the download link available on the Forensic Email Collector (FEC) user interface under the "Remote Authentication" menu.

Can a custodian revoke access to FEC?

Once email preservation is complete, the custodian can go to their account security settings and revoke access to FEC as follows:

How long does a token last in REST?

These tokens are issued by the Secure Token Service (STS) in exchange for an account key. Tokens have a lifetime of 24 hours and thus can be issued to users without giving them full access to the service.

Can you copy and paste tokens in a script?

The script just prints the token to the output, from where you can copy & paste it. For a real project, you should automate this process.

What is OneSpan authentication?

OneSpan provides a wide range of strong, frictionless authentication solutions and invisible security capabilities to achieve your critical business goals

Why use two factor authentication?

Using two factor authentication significantly reduces the risk of being breached. OneSpan’s secure approach to mobile notifications mitigates malware attacks on OTPs sent via push notification – and is much stronger than other delivery methods that might send sensitive data in clear text.

What is OneSpan server?

OneSpan server solutions provide you with all the tools necessary for complete authentication lifecycle management in one integrated system. Simplify lifecycle management with automation through rules, policies, workflows, and APIs for full customization.

Do you have to rm the remote?

You don't have to rm the remote, you can use set-url instead, as in git remote set-url origin https://scuzzlebuzzle:<MYTOKEN>

Is a token a password?

Warning: Tokens have read/write access and should be treated like passwords. If you enter your token into the clone URL when cloning or adding a remote, Git writes it to your .git/config file in plain text, which is a security risk.

Can you authenticate with github?

As of 2021-Aug-28, github CLI can be used to authenticate (no need to generating PAT, can directly login with password if browser can be opened). Checkout:,

How to enable client certificate authentication?

Client certificate authentication is enabled by passing the --client-ca-file=SOMEFILE option to API server. The referenced file must contain one or more certificate authorities to use to validate client certificates presented to the API server. If a client certificate is presented and verified, the common name of the subject is used as the user name for the request. As of Kubernetes 1.4, client certificates can also indicate a user's group memberships using the certificate's organization fields. To include multiple group memberships for a user, include multiple organization fields in the certificate.

How does the API read bearer tokens?

The API server reads bearer tokens from a file when given the --token-auth-file=SOMEFILE option on the command line . Currently, tokens last indefinitely, and the token list cannot be changed without restarting API server.

What is Kubernetes authentication?

Kubernetes uses client certificates, bearer tokens, an authenticating proxy, or HTTP basic auth to authenticate API requests through authentication plugin s. As HTTP requests are made to the API server, plugins attempt to associate the following attributes with the request:

What is service account?

Service accounts are tied to a set of credentials stored as Secrets, which are mounted into pods allowing in-cluster processes to talk to the Kubernetes API. API requests are tied to either a normal user or a service account, or are treated as anonymous requests.

Where are credentials plugins configured?

Credential plugins are configured through kubectl config files as part of the user fields.

How many columns are in a token file?

The token file is a csv file with a minimum of 3 columns: token, user name, user uid, followed by optional group names.

What is a bearer token?

The bearer token must be a character sequence that can be put in an HTTP header value using no more than the encoding and quoting facilities of HTTP. For example: if the bearer token is 31ada4fd-adec-460c-809a-9e56ceb75269 then it would appear in an HTTP header as shown below.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9