While RemoteAccess never included internal telnet support, it can be run as a telnet BBS by using a telnet-FOSSIL driver such as NetFoss, or a Virtual COM port engine such as NetSerial under Windows, or using SIO/VMODEM under OS/2. X00FidoNetNetFossBNU (software)SIO (software) NetFoss 50%(1/1)
Full Answer
What is a telnet BBS?
This section should help BBS sysops get an introduction on Telnet and getting their BBS connected to the Internet. An intoduction to the concept to Telnet - a process of accessing remote computer systems over the Internet. This overview should teach you the basics of how telnet works and what you need to start your own successful Telnet BBS.
What are virtual modems & FOSSIL drivers?
Virtual Modems & FOSSIL Drivers provide the ability to connect a legacy DOS or early Windows based BBS that communicates with an analog dial-up modem to the Internet. These are meant for BBS software packages that do not have their own built-in Telnet server.
Why can't I connect my BBS to the Internet?
If it does not have a built-in Telnet server, you may need to connect a "Virtual Modem" or "Virtual FOSSIL driver" to your BBS to connect it to the Internet. Does your Internet provider change the IP address on your connection on a regular basis?
What is the function of BBS server?
Essentially, it performs these two functions - Provides incoming Telnet access to 8-bit BBSes and provides outgoing Telnet functionality for 8-bit Terminal programs. BBS Server acts as a modem emulator , appearing as a modem to either end of the connection. This means that the BBS or Terminal program can run without modification.

Telnet BBS Overview - Setting up a BBS on the Internet
An intoduction to the concept to Telnet - a process of accessing remote computer systems over the Internet. This overview should teach you the basics of how telnet works and what you need to start your own successful Telnet BBS.
Telnet BBS Systems - Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions (and answers) from BBS SysOps who are considering operating a Telnet BBS.
Internet Connections
There are many different kinds of connections to the Internet - but which ones are the best for running a Telnet BBS? Check out this section for details on how inbound Internet connections work, and what you need to know for setting up a connection to Telnet BBS.
Virtual Modems and FOSSIL Drivers
Do you intend on using an "old school" DOS-based or early Windows-based BBS software package? If it does not have a built-in Telnet server, you may need to connect a "Virtual Modem" or "Virtual FOSSIL driver" to your BBS to connect it to the Internet.
Dynamic DNS Services
Does your Internet provider change the IP address on your connection on a regular basis? How are your users going to be able to find your BBS? By using a Dynamic Domain Name (DNS) service, your users can find your BBS no matter what your current IP address is.
FidoNet via Internet
Was your BBS connected to FidoNet in the heyday of BBSing? Do you want to connect again? There are many options to connect your BBS to FidoNet via the Internet. Check out this section to find out how.
What is a virtual FOSSIL driver?
Virtual FOSSIL drivers (which are related to Virtual Modems) are programs that allow DOS based programs that can connect with FOSSIL drivers to provide Telnet connections. They are NOT virtual modems or provide virtual COM ports. They will work with a number of BBS programs and DOS based BBS doors to allow them to run via Telnet.
What is Netfoss for Windows?
NetFoss is a freeware Telnet FOSSIL driver for Windows, that works with all DOS BBS software that is FOSSIL aware to be used across a Telnet aconnection. NetFoss is not a virtual modem or a virtual COM port. NetFoss will only work with DOS based programs which were designed to support a FOSSIL driver. (ie: BBS programs and doors). It can also be used with native Win32 BBS programs, to allow DOS based doors to be run via telnet. Designed for Windows 2003/XP/2000/NT4 workstations and servers. Supports up to 65000 nodes. Allows DOS applications designed only for COM1-COM4 to run on any node. Changes FOSSIL-based applications to network-based without modifications to software.
What is a virtual modem?
It does not physically exist - it is just a piece of software that acts like a modem to software that normally communicates with a COM port. What makes the Virtual Modem unique is that programs that normally connect to a modem via a computer serial COM port can communicate to a Virtual Modem. For example, if your computer normally has two serial ports (a COM 1 and a COM 2), set up the Virtual Modem on COM 3. It does not physically exist - it SIMULATES a modem and COM port for your computer and BBS. As long as the Virtual Modem software is installed and running in the background, software that communicates with COM ports will work.
Is NetFoss compatible with BBS?
NetFoss includes the Net2BBS Telnet server, and NetFoss is also compatible with several third-paty Tel net servers. NetFoss is also compatible with our NetSerial COM port redirector and virtual modem software. This allows BBS software to answer Telnet connections on their own without a Telnet server, and allows outbound "calls" to be made, so that Fidonet Technology Mailers like FrontDoor and D'Bridge can be used via Telnet or raw TCP/IP instead of a dialup modem.
Does NetFoss work with DOS?
NetFoss will work with any DOS BBS software that is FOSSIL aware, such as BBS software, BBS doors, Doorway and DOS BBS serial/modem communication terminals. NetFoss can also be used with native Windows BBS programs (32-bit and 64-bit) , to allow DOS based doors to work over Telnet.
Is NetFoss compatible with BBS?
NetFoss is compatible with our NetSerial COM port redirector and virtual modem software, allowing BBS software to answer Telnet connections directly without a Telnet server, and allows outbound virtual dialing to an IP address.
How many remote access utilities are there in BBS?
The BBS Archives containing over 2000 RemoteAccess third party utilities.
What is remote access?
RemoteAccess is a DOS Bulletin Board System (BBS) software package written by Andrew Milner and published by his company Wantree Development in Australia. RemoteAccess was written in Turbo Pascal with some Assembly Language routines. RemoteAccess (commonly called RA) began in 1989 as a clone of QuickBBS by Adam Hudson.
What was the first BBS software?
A number of other QuickBBS clones appeared shortly afterwards including ProBoard, SuperBBS and EzyCom, though they never gained as much support or popularity. RA was the first BBS software to support the popular JAM Message Base Format, which was partly conceived by RA's author, Andrew Milner.
What is the area code of Bytronix?
Bytronix (started using OPUS-CBCS at a 315 area code telephone number, programming on a Radio Shack TRS-80 during the 1970s).