Where can I find more information about Birmingham Public Schools?
Looking for more information about Birmingham Public Schools, tour information and the enrollment process? Visit our Prospective Families tab. Visit our COVID-19 page for information and resources. We are hiring Paraprofessionals, Preschool staff, Kid’s Club staff, Noon Aides and more!
How does the remote access service work?
The Remote Access Service uses a virtual private network (VPN) to allow you to connect securely to the campus network over the internet. The VPN will allow you to access things such as network resources, and internal University websites that you otherwise wouldn't be able to use when off-campus.
What time is the Birmingham Board of Education meeting?
Robinson Elementary School is featured in the Be Healthy Schools program on This is Alabama. The Birmingham Board of Education will hold a regularly scheduled board meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 12. The meeting will be in-person at the district's Administration Building and can also be viewed via Livestream.

Count Day, Wednesday, Feb. 9
A reminder, Count Day is next Wednesday, Feb. 9! Please make sure your student is in school, on time and ready to learn.
BPS Community Education Mid-Winter Break Camps
BPS Community Education Mid-Winter Break camps (February 21-25) for grades K-5 are online now at www.communityed.net.
Enroll Today!
Looking for more information about Birmingham Public Schools, tour information and the enrollment process? Visit our Prospective Families tab.
2022 Kindergarten Round-Up
is fast approaching! Click now to find the date and time for your school!
BPS is Hiring
We are hiring Paraprofessionals, Preschool staff, Kid’s Club staff, Noon Aides and more!
BPS Food Service Announcement
As school food service programs move to return to normal service and menus, we are facing unprecedented issues with the supply chain that will cause us to alter our posted menus with little to no notices. With these food supply chain issues, we can not monitor allergies at the service line.
MISelf in Books: Community Read Aloud and Discussion
Join BPS librarians in our series "Conversation in a Diverse World: The Power of Story". Click on the link for registration and details.
What is remote access service?
The Remote Access Service uses a virtual private network (VPN) to allow you to connect securely to the campus network over the internet. The VPN will allow you to access things such as network resources, and internal University websites that you otherwise wouldn't be able to use when off-campus.
Where can you get more information?
The IT Service Desk website has a number of knowledge base articles on the various features of the Remote Access Service, including advice on how to set it up. To get started see KB13628 .