Remote-access Guide

remote access brute force user id and password attacks

by Mr. Sigurd Nitzsche III Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Remote access to the victim’s computer is gained by using brute-force techniques which can effectively crack weak passwords. Typically, the attacker scans a list of IP ranges for RDP port 3389 (default RDP port) which are open for connection. Once an attacker finds a port, they launch the brute-force attack.

Full Answer

What is a brute-force attack?

The search can be based on combinations of random characters or a dictionary of popular or compromised passwords. A successful attack gives the cybercriminal remote access to the target computer in the network. Brute-force attackers are not surgical in their approach, but operate by area.

What is the bruteforce generic RDP attack?

Since the beginning of March, the number of Bruteforce.Generic.RDP attacks has rocketed across almost the entire planet: Attacks of this type are attempts to brute-force a username and password for RDP by systematically trying all possible options until the correct one is found.

Are brute-force attack attempts blocked by ESET brute force attack protection?

BRATISLAVA – ESET researchers, based on telemetry, confirm a significant uptick in the number of unique clients who have reported brute-force attack attempts blocked via ESET’s Network Attack Protection and its new layer, ESET Brute-Force Attack Protection. The trend has been observed since the onset of the global pandemic.

How does the CME brute force credential authentication?

The CME can also brute force passwords for a specified user on a single target system or across an entire network. The following examples show how attackers use CME to brute force credential authentication by using a supplied list of usernames and a single password. <code>crackmapexec -u ‘admin’ -p ‘ P@s $w0Rd’</code>


Which attack is a brute force type that mixes common passwords with usernames?

hybrid attackA hybrid attack usually mixes dictionary and brute force attacks. These attacks are used to figure out combo passwords that mix common words with random characters.

What is an RDP brute force attack?

Minimizing the RDP attack vector Brute-forcing is a method used by attackers to take over accounts. Usually automated with the help of a software tool, the attack involved submitting many passwords in a row until the right one is “guessed”.

Which of the following is an example of a brute force attack to acquire passwords?

You may have heard of dictionary attacks. These are one of the most common forms of brute force attack and use a list of words in a dictionary to crack passwords. Other types of attack may use a list of commonly used passwords.

What are the various ways to handle account brute forcing?

Below are some proven ways for brute force attack prevention:Use Strong Passwords. ... Limit Login Attempts. ... Monitor IP addresses. ... Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). ... Use CAPTCHAs. ... Use Unique Login URLs. ... Disable Root SSH Logins. ... Use Web Application Firewalls (WAFs)

What is an example of a brute force attack?

Simple brute force attack Typical brute force attacks make a few hundred guesses every second. Simple passwords, such as those lacking a mix of upper- and lowercase letters and those using common expressions like '123456' or 'password,' can be cracked in minutes.

Can RDP be hacked?

RDP has become a common way for hackers to steal valuable information from devices and networks. It is specifically vulnerable because of its ubiquity. Since so many businesses use it, the odds accessing an improperly secured network are higher and hackers have a better chance of breaking through.

How do hackers brute force passwords?

The hacker tries multiple usernames and passwords, often using a computer to test a wide range of combinations, until they find the correct login information. The name "brute force" comes from attackers using excessively forceful attempts to gain access to user accounts.

How long does it take to brute force a 8 digit password?

The findings suggest that even an eight-character password — with a healthy mix of numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters and symbols — can be cracked within eight hours by the average hacker.

What is a brute force password attack?

A brute force attack, or exhaustive search, is a cryptographic hack that uses trial-and-error to guess possible combinations for passwords used for logins, encryption keys, or hidden web pages.

How common are brute force attacks?

A brute force attack is a popular cracking method: by some accounts, brute force attacks accounted for five percent of confirmed security breaches. A brute force attack involves 'guessing' username and passwords to gain unauthorized access to a system. Brute force is a simple attack method and has a high success rate.

How can the passwords be protected from being sniffed during remote authentication?

A virtual private network (VPN) can protect against password sniffing. Rather than connecting directly to the internet — as well as the online accounts where your data is stored — you should connect to a VPN.

What are the solution for broken authentication?

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) OWASP's number one tip for fixing broken authentication is to “implement multi-factor authentication to prevent automated, credential stuffing, brute force, and stolen credential reuse attacks.”

What is RDP on a computer?

Remote desktop protocol (RDP) is a secure network communications protocol developed by Microsoft. It enables network administrators to remotely diagnose problems that individual users encounter and gives users remote access to their physical work desktop computers.

What is the best protection against a brute-force attack?

The most obvious way to block brute-force attacks is to simply lock out accounts after a defined number of incorrect password attempts. Account lockouts can last a specific duration, such as one hour, or the accounts could remain locked until manually unlocked by an administrator.

Is RDP safe?

RDP's standard security employs RSA's RC4 encryption algorithm to protect data transmission. Random values are shared between client and server when a connection is initialized while the machines are in the Basic Settings Exchange phase. Remote Desktop encryption protects transmitted data from unauthorized use.

What is Medusa tool?

Medusa is a modular, speedy, and parallel, login brute-forcer. It is a very powerful and lightweight tool. Medusa tool is used to brute-force credentials in as many protocols as possible which eventually lead to remote code execution.

Which countries have the most brute force attacks?

In the period between January 2020 and May 2020, the United States, China, Russia, Germany and France topped the list of countries with most IPs used for brute-force attacks.

Which countries have the most blocked IP addresses?

Countries that had the largest proportion of targeted IPs were Russia, Germany, Japan, Brazil and Hungary. Figure 2: Countries with the largest number of all blocked IP addresses (between Jan. 1 and May 31, 2020) RDP has become a popular attack vector in the past few years, especially among ransomware gangs.

Does remote access attract ransomware?

Poorly secured remote access attracts ransomware gangs, but used to implant coin miners and backdoors too#N#BRATISLAVA – ESET researchers, based on telemetry, confirm a significant uptick in the number of unique clients who have reported brute-force attack attempts blocked via ESET’s Network Attack Protection and its new layer, ESET Brute-Force Attack Protection. The trend has been observed since the onset of the global pandemic. The COVID-19 crisis has radically changed the nature of everyday work, forcing employees to manage large parts of their jobs via remote access. Cybercriminals – especially ransomware operators – are aware of the shift and attempt to exploit the new opportunities and increase their illicit earnings. In the period between January 2020 and May 2020, the United States, China, Russia, Germany and France topped the list of countries with most IPs used for brute-force attacks.#N#“Before the lockdown, most employees worked from the office and used infrastructure monitored and controlled by their IT department. But the coronavirus pandemic has brought a major shift to the status quo. Today, a huge proportion of ‘office’ work occurs via home devices, with workers accessing sensitive company systems through Windows’ Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), a proprietary solution created by Microsoft to allow connecting to the corporate network from remote computers,” explains Ondrej Kubovič, ESET Security Research & Awareness Specialist.#N#“Despite the increasing importance of RDP, as well as other remote access services, organizations often neglect its settings and protection. Employees use easy-to-guess passwords, and without additional layers of authentication or protection, there is little that can stop cybercriminals from compromising an organization’s systems,” Kubovič continues.

Is RDP a threat to ransomware?

RDP has become a popular attack vector in the past few years, especially among ransomware gangs. These cybercriminals often brute-force their way into a poorly secured network, elevate their rights to admin level, disable or uninstall security solutions, and then run ransomware to encrypt crucial company data.

When did bruteforce.generic.rdp attack?

Since the beginning of March, the number of Bruteforce.Generic.RDP attacks has rocketed across almost the entire planet: Growth in the number of attacks by the Bruteforce.Generic.RDP family, February–April 2019 ( download)

How to protect your company from hackers?

Companies need to closely monitor programs in use and update them on all corporate devices in a timely manner. This is no easy task for many companies at present, because the hasty transition to remote working has forced many to allow employees to work with or connect to company resources from their home computers, which often fall short of corporate cybersecurity standards. Our advice is as follows: 1 Give employees training in the basics of digital security. 2 Use different strong passwords to access different corporate resources. 3 Update all software on employee devices to the latest version. 4 Where possible, use encryption on devices used for work purposes. 5 Make backup copies of critical data. 6 Install security solutions on all employee devices, as well as solutions for tracking equipment in case of loss.

What to do if you don't use RDP?

If you don’t use RDP, disable it and close port 3389. Use a reliable security solution. If you use a different remote-access protocol, you still cannot relax: at the end of last year, Kaspersky experts found 37 vulnerabilities in various clients that connected via the VNC protocol, which, like RDP, is used for remote access.

What are brute force attacks?

A Brute-force attack is pretty intuitive: the attacker intentionally has to try the whole set of possible combinations, until he finds the correct one. The options they can use include horizontal, vertical and diagonal attacks: 1 Horizontal Attack: the attacker might try to compromise the accounts of multiple users across the organization 2 Vertical Attack: the attacker can apply his whole power to compromise the one legitimate user 3 Diagonal Attack: the most efficient attack is applying both horizontal and vertical methods, where attacker shifts both username and password at each try

What are the options that attackers can use to compromise the accounts of multiple users across the organization?

The options they can use include horizontal, vertical and diagonal attacks : Horizontal Attack: the attacker might try to compromise the accounts of multiple users across the organization. Vertical Attack: the attacker can apply his whole power to compromise the one legitimate user.

Which is the most efficient attack?

Diagonal Attack: the most efficient attack is applying both horizontal and vertical methods, where attacker shifts both username and password at each try. Horizontal or Diagonal Brute Force attacks are much harder to detect, since the attackers can try one username/password pair at a time for a few times only.

How to keep attackers at bay?

How to keep the attackers at bay. Let’s delve into the ideal conditions that make brute force attacks possible, and why attackers consider them valuable. Exposure to the Internet. If any resource is exposed to the Internet, the attacker can access it and execute a brute-force attack. When resources are not exposed the attacker cannot reach ...


We have moved most of our clients' email out to the cloud so our firewalls on most of the sites that we look after no longer have any requirement to have port forwarding for port 25, 110, 443 etc etc for Microsoft Exchange.


Is there any built in protection to protect against brute force attacks against our remote user accounts (account lockout, IP blocking etc etc), or do I need to implement something myself.

What is a password attack?

A password attack is any means by which a hacker attempts to obtain a user’s login information. The approach doesn’t have to be sophisticated. In many cases, passwords can simply be guessed after trying a few common phrases, such as “password,” which ranks high on the list as a password of choice among users.

What is password spraying?

Password spraying is becoming more common and is often used to target single sign-on (SSO) accounts, cloud-based applications and email accounts. By targeting these specific areas, hackers can obtain more widespread access to networks and compromise or steal a greater amount of data. Rainbow Table.

Why is password management important?

Robust password management strategies aid in safeguarding user accounts against common password attacks. Hackers use a variety of methods to obtain password information, and businesses without proper security in place are at risk for devastating and expensive breaches.

How many passwords will be there by 2020?

Access management and authentication may be evolving, but passwords aren’t going to disappear any time soon. An estimated 300 billion passwords will still exist by 2020, making proper password management a must for businesses of all sizes.

What happens if a hacker gains access to one account?

If hackers gain access to one account, they may be able to glean information allowing them to access other user accounts. Credential Stuffing. Credential stuffing attacks prove the dangers of re-using the same credentials for numerous accounts.

What is the number one social engineering method used by hackers?

Phishing remains the number one social engineering method used by hackers. Employees receive apparently legitimate messages from someone else in the company, often with a link to click, a file to download or a request for login information.

Can a password sniffer be used to decipher encrypted passwords?

Any password data the sniffers obtain could potentially allow for unauthorized network access. In some cases, hackers can use additional tools to decipher encrypted passwords, thus undermining the usefulness of encryption as a security tool. Password Spraying.


What Is A Brute Force Attack?

  • A brute force attack is a trial-and-error technique attackers use to discover valid user credentials by guessing every possible combination of characters until they find the correct combination. Attackers target credentials to steal sensitive information or conduct malicious operations on the targeted systems. They rely on the Brute Force attack te...
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Types of Brute Force Attacks

  • Password Guessing– An attacker may guess login credentials without prior knowledge of system or environment passwords during an operation by using a list of common passwords. Password Cracking– The process can involve comparing a list of words to guess passwords or using an algorithm to guess the password repeatedly. Attackers can use a pre-computed dictionary of plai…
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How Brute Force Attacks Work

  • Let’s see how brute force attack works now. Attackers have a handful of readily and freely available tools (such as Metasploit, John the Ripper, Hydra, etc.). Most of the time, attackers use automated tools or scripts with a list of usernames and passwords. The tool will automatically send the combination of these usernames and passwords to the targeted system, such as a we…
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How to Prevent A Brute Force Attack?

  • The first step in preventing brute force attacks is to ban the use of common passwords, such as 123456, qwerty, password, and 123123. There are complete lists of common passwords for reference to create a ban list. Security administrators can implement security standards for creating passwords. For example, the list should include, but is not limited to: 1. Avoid the use o…
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Detection and Defensive Strategy

  • Attackers often discover password policies to create a list of common passwords and launch dictionary or brute force attacks that adhere to the policy. Our Ranger® Identity Assessor for ADsolution performs a continuous assessment of Active Directory and provides real-time detection of brute force or password spray attacks. Our SingularityTM Identity solution deploys d…
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  • Organizations can’t prevent password attacks, but they can avoid them. Attackers can build credential matches after launching brute force attacks against their targets, exploiting weak passwords and open RDP ports. Gaining access to more AD accounts in the organization is much more vulnerable, leading to privilege escalation or lateral movements. Organizations can enforc…
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