Remote-access Guide

remote access business requirements

by Dr. Astrid Corkery Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

These include the following:

  • Payroll requirements: If a remote employee is located in a state where your business previously did not register for...
  • Foreign qualification: If your company has not registered with the Secretary of State as a business entity, depending on...
  • Home occupation permits or licenses: Many cities require home occupation licenses or permits. Even...

What Should You Address in a Remote Access Policy?
  • Standardized hardware and software, including firewalls and antivirus/antimalware programs.
  • Data and network encryption standards.
  • Information security and confidentiality.
  • Email usage.
  • Physical and virtual device security.
  • Network connectivity, e.g., VPN access.
Mar 10, 2021

Full Answer

What is the remote access requirement?

REMOTE ACCESS REQUIREMENTS Campus information security requirements, including UC Minimum Security Standard, apply to all devices used for University business purposes, regardless of ownership or location.

What is the its policy on remote access to work computers?

ITS recommends that work computers allowing remote access are managed by ITS to ensure appropriate security. Supervisor approval is required for ITS staff to set up remote access to a work computer.

How do I set up a remote access server?

Decide where to place the Remote Access server (at the edge or behind a Network Address Translation (NAT) device or firewall), and plan IP addressing and routing. Plan for allowing Remote Access through edge firewalls. Decide if you will use Kerberos protocol or certificates for client authentication, and plan your website certificates.

Are remote access programs PCI compliant?

It should be noted that remote access programs may be PCI compliant. However, login must be implemented securely using multiple authentication factors, the connection must be encrypted, and associated passwords must meet all requirements set by the PCI Data Security Standard.


What is required for remote access?

Remote computer access requires a reliable internet connection. You'll need to activate or install software on the device you want to access, as well as on the device — or devices — you want to use to get that access.

What are the four basic elements of a remote access policy?

Remote access policies consist of the following elements: conditions, permissions, and profiles. We'll discuss each of these elements in turn, and list how each can be used to control remote access attempts by your network clients.

What are the essential requirements need to be satisfied by the remote access to achieve the secure connection?

5 Steps to Secure Remote AccessAssume Hostile Threats Will Occur. ... Develop Policy Defining Telework, Remote Access. ... Configure Remote Access Servers to Enforce Policies. ... Secure Telework Client Devices Against Common Threats. ... Employ Strong Encryption, User Authentication.

What are the most important criteria for selecting remote access devices?

Security features Security should be your top priority when choosing your new remote access software provider. In the wrong hands, remote access can be compromise entire networks, so ensuring your vendor's security processes are robust, transparent, and follow industry best practices is essential.

What are the five elements of a remote access security readiness review?

The review examined cybersecurity at the governance layer and identified five critical pillars key to cybersecurity readiness: culture, people, structure, processes, and resources.

What is a remote access plan?

The Remote Access Plan includes everything in Connected Access, as well as other useful features. To upgrade to the Remote Access Plan or renew an existing service plan, you can push your blue OnStar button, or sign up online. Once active, you can also access information about your plan through your mobile app.

What are potential risks associated with remote access?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

What are the examples of remote user security policy best practices?

Best Practices For Remote Access SecurityEnable encryption. ... Install antivirus and anti-malware. ... Ensure all operating systems and applications are up to date. ... Enforce a strong password policy. ... Use Mobile Device Management (MDM) ... Use Virtual Private Network (VPN) ... Use two-factor authentication.More items...•

How do I setup a secure remote access?

Basic Security Tips for Remote DesktopUse strong passwords. ... Use Two-factor authentication. ... Update your software. ... Restrict access using firewalls. ... Enable Network Level Authentication. ... Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop. ... Set an account lockout policy.

What is the technology used in remote access?

virtual private network (VPN) technologyRemote access software is usually accomplished using a virtual private network (VPN) technology. This type of method is more available compared to others since it is a more secure remote access software that connects the user and the enterprise's networks through an internet connection.

What the common remote access domain policies are?

Through remote access policies you can define the following: Grant or deny dial-in based on connection parameters such as type and time of the day. Authentication protocols (Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), CHAP, EAP, MS-CHAP) Validation of the caller id.

Why is remote access important?

Remote access enables remote users to access files and other system resources on any devices or servers that are connected to the network at any time. This increases employee productivity and enables employees to better collaborate with colleagues around the world.

What the common remote access domain policies are?

Through remote access policies you can define the following: Grant or deny dial-in based on connection parameters such as type and time of the day. Authentication protocols (Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), CHAP, EAP, MS-CHAP) Validation of the caller id.

What is access policy?

An AccessPolicy defines the permissions and duration of access to an Asset. This topic gives an overview of the AccessPolicy entity and also demonstrates how to execute various operations with the Media Services REST API.

What constraints are available for use in a remote access policy?

Once a remote access policy has authorized a connection, it can also set connection restrictions (called constraints) based on the following: Encryption strength. Idle timeout. IP packet filters.

What is the remote access domain?

... is the domain in which a mobile user can access the local network remotely, usually through a VPN (Figure 7). ...

Who can use a computer for university business?

use a computer for University business that is shared by non-University individuals, including children, family or friends

Where is restricted data stored?

Restricted data may only be stored on appropriately protected systems.

Does UConn require supervisor approval?

Supervisor approval is required for UConn staff to set up remote access to a work computer.

Is IM secure?

Email and IM: Standard email and Instant Messaging (IM) are vulnerable to being intercepted by hackers. If you send or receive email, attachments, files, or IM containing restricted data, work with InCHIP IT to set up a way to do this more securely.

Does Inchip require remote access?

InCHIP recommends that only University owned and supported computers be used for all remote access activities; however, the requirements and guidance below apply to any computer used for remote access.

Can you use UCONN secure instead of UCONN-GUEST?

If they’re not there, don’t log in and don’t enter the information. UConn students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to use UCONN- SECURE instead of UCONN-GUEST when connecting to wireless from campus locations, and the Campus VPN (virtual private network) when connecting from off campus.

What is the biggest risk in remote access?

The biggest risk here is that organizations get distracted by the features and perceived benefits of a solution without truly understanding what they needed in the first place. This will often lead to poor performance and even potential security risks – a viewpoint shared in Solving the Challenges of Modern Remote Access, published by Gartner in April 2020 and authored by Rob Smith, Steve Riley, Nathan Hill and Jeremy D’Hoinne.

Does Netmotion have a VPN?

NetMotion is the only major ZTNA vendor to also include a VPN as part of the same platform , granting organizations with exactly that. Voices of NetMotion: Becoming an Ally against Ableism. Best practices in Legal IT: Andrew Black, Muckle LLP.

Why Is a Remote Access Policy Necessary?

The numerous types of mobile devices and the different ways to connect pose challenges for the IT department. Devices can include cell phones, tablets, laptops, and any other device a remote worker relies on to conduct business. They can be company owned and secured, personally owned and authorized by a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, or a combination. Each class of device has its own set of security challenges. According to the National Institute for Standards and Technology’s Guidelines for Managing the Security of Mobile Devices in the Enterprise, “…Security controls available for laptops today are quite different than those available for smartphones, tablets, and other mobile device types.” Since different devices demand different controls, the policy has to detail what is allowed, compliant, and secure. The policy should answer the following questions:

What Is Remote Access?

Remote access is any connection made to an organization's internal network and systems from an external source by a device or host. Remote locations can be almost anywhere in the world, from the employee’s home to an off-site office, hotels, transportation hubs, and cafes.

What Problems Arise Without a Remote Access Policy?

Therefore, consequences for misuse can also be clearly outlined to compel compliance and appropriate precautions for data use and access. Elements such as firewalls, connectivity guidelines, personal use restrictions, and antivirus updates can help IT prevent both malicious and accidental loss and disruption of corporate information assets. The remote access control policies also provide protections for confidentiality, intellectual property, and information compliance.

What percentage of people work remotely?

According to research conducted by Gallup, 43 percent of workers in the U.S. worked remotely at least some of the time in 2016. Remote workers report higher job satisfaction and flexibility, experience fewer distractions and interruptions, and are more productive. Companies experience less absenteeism, less stress on office accommodations, and realize greater employee retention. A recent New York Times article found that finance, insurance, real estate, and transportation were most likely to have and support remote work (retail and education were least likely candidates). The trend is only increasing: the 2016 Gallup poll also found that those who work remotely log more hours away from the office than was reported in their 2012 findings. Not only are people logging more hours, but remote workers are saving money when it comes to commuting costs and businesses are saving on office space expenses.

Why is remote access important?

Software organizations where development engineers need to connect across multiple locations, small organizations lacking office-space, and large, enterprise organizations all want to offer the most flexible work options in order to attract high-ranking candidates and reap the rewards of having such a policy.

What is unauthorized access policy?

Even if the employee provides their own equipment, laptop, or mobile device, the policy dictates and enforces the minimum-security requirements necessary. The policy can also provide determinations on who is allowed remote access, the level of access, and penalties for misuse.

Is remote work available?

While remote work is not available to or appropriate for everyone, non-self-employed work at home opportunities have grown by 115 percent since 2005 - especially for non-union, college educated, and high wage workers, according to Global Workplace Analytics .

Install personal firewall software on portable computing devices that access the CDE remotely

PCI DSS requirement 1.4 requires you to install personal firewall software or equivalent functionality on any portable computing device that connects to the Internet outside the network, such as laptop computers used by employees and is also used to access the CDE. Firewall or equivalent configurations should include the following requirements:

Monitor third-party remote accesses

PCI DSS requirement 8.1.5 requires you to manage identities used by third parties to access, support, or maintain system components via remote access as follows:

Use multi-factor authentication (MFA) controls

PCI DSS requirement 8.3.2 requires you to use multi-factor authentication for all remote network access from outside the organization’s network, including user, administrator, and third-party access for support or maintenance.

Use unique credentials for each customer, valid only for service providers

According to PCI DSS requirement 8.5.1, service providers with remote access to customer facilities for activities such as supporting POS systems or servers must use unique authentication information for each customer.

Establish usage policies for critical technologies, including remote access

Under PCI DSS requirement 12.3, you must develop usage policies for critical technologies and define the correct use of these technologies, including:

Automatically terminate remote access sessions after a specified time

PCI DSS requirement 12.3.8 requires automatic disconnection of sessions for remote access technologies after a specified period of inactivity.

Use remote accesses for third parties only when necessary

PCI DSS requirement 12.3.9 requires vendors and partners to enable remote access technologies only when needed by vendors and partners and be disabled immediately after use.

Why do organizations use remote access?

Now more than ever, organizations of all sizes are turning to remote access technology to ensure business operations can continue , even when access to a physical office is limited or impossible. Increasing access to your network to your employees comes with the risk of unauthorized access by cyber-miscreants who may use this as an opportunity to gain access or infect you with ransomware. However, by taking the correct precautions and selecting the right remote access solutions for their specific needs, organizations can minimize their risk while maximizing their ability to work effectively in remote-only or remote-first conditions.

What is Remote Access Technology?

Remote access technology refers to any IT toolset used to connect to, access, and control devices, resources, and data stored on a local network from a remote geographic location. This is different from using a cloud solution, as it provides access to an on-premises environment rather than being hosted offsite in a shared environment and available via the internet. This makes remote access crucial for businesses of all sizes which have not moved to a cloud-first model, or which require access to on-premises machines or resources. Three of the most common remote access technologies – Remote Desktop Services, Remote Access Software, and Virtual Private Networks – are examined in detail in this article.

What Is Remote Access Software?

Remote Access Software offers an alternative to RDS and leverages a dedicated software to remotely connect users to an endpoint device from anywhere in the world via the internet. This method of remote access is typically the easiest to implement, as it only requires the user to install the software on the computer to be accessed. This type of remote access is especially useful when most of the organization’s endpoint devices are desktops.

What Is a Virtual Private Network?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology which creates a smaller, private network on top of a larger public network – most commonly the internet. By logging into the VPN, users can gain internet-based access to applications that would otherwise only work on local networks. The goal of any client-based VPN solution is to provide remote employees with the same level of access as onsite. However, this is functionally different from an RDS session, as it does not allow full access to an entire desktop, but only specific applications, software, and other resources which the user has been given access to.

What is remote desktop service?

Remote Desktop Services (RDS), also known as Terminal Services, is one of the most common methods used by SMBs to enable remote work. By using RDS, individuals can remotely connect to an endpoint device or server which supports Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) via a Terminal Server. The connection can be made over a local network or internet connection and gives the user full access to the tools and software installed on the machine they connect to. This method is frequently used by IT departments to remotely access servers, or to provide easy local software access to multiple employees.

What is the most common application used with RDS?

One common business application which is frequently used with RDS is Intuit Quickbooks. Many companies install the application on a central Terminal Server instead of individual computers, allowing multiple users to connect to the software on a remote device via RDS and access the toolset.

Why is remote access important?

For organizations whose employees do require remote access to the network, it is crucial to ensure that all access permissions are properly evaluated before being assigned and properly documented once given. It's as simple and logging those permitted to access remotely, using what method, and for how long.

How to allow remote access to PC?

The simplest way to allow access to your PC from a remote device is using the Remote Desktop options under Settings. Since this functionality was added in the Windows 10 Fall Creators update (1709), a separate downloadable app is also available that provides similar functionality for earlier versions of Windows. You can also use the legacy way of enabling Remote Desktop, however this method provides less functionality and validation.

How to connect to a remote computer?

To connect to a remote PC, that computer must be turned on, it must have a network connection, Remote Desktop must be enabled, you must have network access to the remote computer (this could be through the Internet), and you must have permission to connect. For permission to connect, you must be on the list of users. Before you start a connection, it's a good idea to look up the name of the computer you're connecting to and to make sure Remote Desktop connections are allowed through its firewall.

How to remotely connect to Windows 10?

Windows 10 Fall Creator Update (1709) or later 1 On the device you want to connect to, select Start and then click the Settings icon on the left. 2 Select the System group followed by the Remote Desktop item. 3 Use the slider to enable Remote Desktop. 4 It is also recommended to keep the PC awake and discoverable to facilitate connections. Click Show settings to enable. 5 As needed, add users who can connect remotely by clicking Select users that can remotely access this PC .#N#Members of the Administrators group automatically have access. 6 Make note of the name of this PC under How to connect to this PC. You'll need this to configure the clients.

Should I enable Remote Desktop?

If you only want to access your PC when you are physically using it, you don't need to enable Remote Desktop. Enabling Remote Desktop opens a port on your PC that is visible to your local network. You should only enable Remote Desktop in trusted networks, such as your home. You also don't want to enable Remote Desktop on any PC where access is tightly controlled.

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