Remote-access Guide

remote access challenges

by Mr. Tyler Schoen Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Let’s look at some of the top challenges faced by users of remote access:

  • Connection quality. If the user has a poor internet connection or a weak Wi-Fi signal, both of which are common at...
  • VPNs. VPNs, or virtual private networks, are very sensitive. Many public internet connections will not allow users to...
  • Performance. There are many low-cost methods available, such...

Top 7 IT challenges while transitioning to a remote workforce
  • Ensuring endpoint security. ...
  • Rapidly deploying changes. ...
  • Establishing secure access. ...
  • Securing personal devices. ...
  • Getting started quickly. ...
  • Keeping costs low. ...
  • Preventing data loss.
Sep 2, 2021

Full Answer

What are the challenges faced by remote teams?

Challenges for remote teams: Managing projects. Remote collaboration. Tracking tasks and productivity. Working from different locations, time zones, etc. Dealing with language and cultural differences. Building/maintaining trust.

How is the networking industry responding to the growing remote access challenge?

The networking industry’s initial response to the growing remote access challenge was the virtual private network (VPN).

What are the risks of remote access services?

Remote Access Risks The overriding risk of remote access services and software is a hacker gaining deeper access to your organization, exposing you to a host of IT security threats. Once they gain privileged access to your system, it will be difficult to prevent data loss, prevent phishing, protect against ransomware, etc.

How can care improve the security of remote access?

With care, it is possible to provide effective, secure network access to remote access deployments, enabling new service models and increasing customer capabilities. Errett Kroeter is director of corporate & channel marketing for Lantronix in Irvine, CA. .


What are the challenges of remote working?

Challenges for remote teams:Managing projects.Remote collaboration.Tracking tasks and productivity.Working from different locations, time zones, etc.Dealing with language and cultural differences.Building/maintaining trust.

What are the challenges of remote communication?

Prepare yourself for these 5 common remote work communication challengesMissing direct and emotional communication.Language Barriers.Poor working environment. For sufficient infrastructure. For supportive environment.Lack of training.Poor management.

What are the disadvantages of remote access?

While there are many advantages to remote access, there are some disadvantages that must be considered as well, the biggest of which is potential security issues. Although remote working is safer than ever before, there are still plenty of risks that need to be addressed.

How do you overcome Wfh challenges?

Try to set up a work space/hours, and let everyone know. Hold yourself to your own plan!Turn off your personal phone and social media notifications.If you have family at home, try to make sure they are occupied during your busiest hours.

What is your biggest concern working remotely?

For her, in general, the biggest obstacle of remote work are poor routines: “It is very easy to create a poor routine as a remote worker. This might include overworking, isolation, allowing too many meetings, and not enough face-to-face interaction.

How do you overcome communication challenges in a remote site?

How To Overcome the Communication Barriers for Remote EmployeesSet Guidelines.Use Common Communication Tools.Video Conferencing.Project Management System.Keep The Door Open.Give Feedback.Make That Extra Effort.

What are the pros and cons of working remotely?

Want to manage your tasks more efficiently as a remote worker? Start using ProofHub today!Pros: Higher productivity. Better work-life balance. Healthier lifestyle. More savings and lesser carbon footprint.Cons. Communication Gaps. Difficult to stay motivated. Lack of Social Interaction. Management challenges.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of remote control?

Remote ControlRemote ControlAdvantages Enables people with disabilities to operate devices at a distanceDisadvantages When objects block the infrared light it causes difficulties. Need batteries Small buttonsEvaluation Issue instructions to use output devices by the help of infrared1 more row•Dec 22, 2014

What is the negative impact -- if any -- that remote working has on the ability of employees to work well with their colleagues?

Isolation. It's easy for employees to feel like they're part of a company's bigger picture when they're in the office and brainstorming with coworkers every day. Remote work can make it more difficult for employees to feel connected to and involved with daily company happenings, which can ultimately lower morale.

What are the top 3 challenges working from home?

12 challenges of working from home and how to overcome themCollaboration and communication. ... Loneliness. ... Not being able to unplug. ... Distractions at home. ... Being in a different time zone than teammates. ... Motivation. ... Taking vacation time. ... Finding reliable wifi.More items...•

Why working from home is difficult?

One reason why remote work is so hard is because of at-home interruptions. Although many believe that working from home boosts your productivity, distractions can easily interrupt the tempo of your work. In order to avoid this issue, it is essential to manage your time well and separate “home” time from “work” time.

How does remote working affect communication?

Fully remote workers communicate less with people outside their team, a study suggests. They are also slower to make new connections, the study found. Researchers analyzed the habits of 61,000 Microsoft staff before and after they switched to remote working.

How can I improve my communication working remotely?

6 Tips For Better Communication With Remote TeamsShow empathy, and remember we're all human. ... Say “good morning” ... Convert in-person meetings to video meetings. ... Build camaraderie with a virtual “water cooler” ... Invest in internal messaging tools. ... Grow personal connections with fun.

Why is communication important in remote work?

At a time when many businesses are operating entirely remotely and employees are spread out across different locations and time zones, this key to maintain a more human connection. Video conversations encourage effective collaboration and allow your staff to get to know each other better.

Why is communicating online hard?

The lack of physical cues in online forums may lead to miscommunication. Without facial expressions and gestures or the ability to retract immediately, there's a big risk of misunderstanding. This can be a problem. There is not much room for wit and whimsy, humour and satire in the forum environment.

What is the CISA directive for 2021?

By May 2021, after the Pulse Secure VPN products were exploited, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued the directive that this exploit posed an unacceptable risk to civilian agencies. CISA and the FBI issued a joint statement on yet another remote access challenge related to the DarkSide Ransomware that took down the Colonial Pipeline. They urged critical infrastructure operators to “adopt a heightened state of awareness and implement the recommendations listed in the Mitigations section of this Joint Cybersecurity Advisory.”

Why is reducing the attack surface important?

That is precisely why reducing the attack surface is so important, and such a critical component of overall risk management. If something, RDP for example, is connected to the internet, anywhere, attackers will find it. By scaling VPN and RDP access to deal with the work-from-anywhere trend, organizations are simultaneously and dramatically expanding their threat surface and overall risk profile.

What is SASE in security?

As a result, the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is emerging, converging security and networking functionality in the cloud, collapsing such solutions as ZTNA, Secure Web Gateway, CASB, Firewalls into a single cloud-delivered platform solution.

What is the second largest vector of hacking?

Verizon ( DBIR 2021) reports that desktop sharing was the second largest vector of hacking (the largest was attacks against web applications). Using brute force attacks, hackers can take over these machines and cause chaos inside the network.

Is agentless access a zero trust?

Enabling secure access is a great place to start a zero-trust journey. Agentless access options deliver immediate ROI with nothing to deploy on endpoints, enablement of personal or third-party owned devices, and the ability to be operational in minutes. Zero Trust quickly transforms third-party access from high-risk using RDP and/or VPNs to a simple secure access service delivered in the cloud. From there, organizations can expand to other use cases.

Where did Tamir get his degree?

Tamir earned a Bachelor’s degree from Boston University, a Master’s degree from The Hebrew University and marketing certifications from Harvard University and Arizona State University’s Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Who is Tamir Hardof?

Tamir Hardof is Chief Marketing Officer at Axis Security. Tamir is responsible for leading all marketing activities for the company. Prior to joining Axis Security, Tamir was Vice President of Marketing at Kenna Security where he led all corporate, partner and product marketing initiatives, including branding, demand generation and sales development.

Why do cyber risks increase in remote work conditions?

Remote Access has resulted in various emerging scenarios resulting in increased IT complexities.

How does GRA help in IT?

This solution ensures a secure enterprise IT environment by reducing the apparently unproductive hours of IT operations like time taken to respond to functional glitches raised by the end-users. Not only that, while permitting users for privileged rights, the hours lost during the transition can be eradicated with the automated GRA tool. Moreover, the privilege elevation happens in a secure manner. It enhances the enterprise IT lifecycle management by managing every possible remote assistance provided to the end-users.

What is the need for a centralized access control framework?

A centralized access control framework that could reinforce rule and role-based privileged access control can significantly reduce malicious insider risks.

What is ARCON Global Remote Access?

ARCON Global Remote Access (GRA) solution is an effective solution today for enterprises to manage and control remote users across different geographies. In order to ensure a secured remote connection to their designated desktop or laptop from outside the IT infrastructure, GRA is the best option to prevent the IT risks that arise from Work From Home (WFH) conditions.

What is GRA in remote session?

GRA supports generation of video logs of every remote session and thereby helps in session analysis regularly and in audit trails.

What can IT admins do?

The IT admins can simplify the task of tracking the end-user activities and generate a report of all the remote activities performed on each and every system.

Why is remote access important?

Remote Access is especially important for organizations that are spread across different ge ographies. Different geographies falling under different time zones in turn have different challenges. There is an ambiguity about whom to give the privileged access to which system at what time and for what purpose.

Why is a layer 3 firewall important?

When setting up a layer 3 firewall it is common practice to enable connections to a device only on those ports that you know will be used.

How does ManageLinx work?

ManageLinx works over conventional Internet connections with as little as one open port to the WAN and requires no reconfiguration of the target network’s firewall settings. Because it can use existing Internet connections, ManageLinx VIP Access eliminates the need for dedicated analog phone lines or cellular coverage.

What is machine to machine remote management?

One commercial offering that addresses these challenges is a machine-to-machine remote management device capable of providing easy yet secure remote Internet access to IP-enabled equipment– even when such equipment is located behind remote firewalls or a VPN. Readily adaptable to a wide range of management tasks, such devices are suited for accessing and managing embedded systems located on remote customer networks. They are also appropriate where support staff do not have administrator privileges on the remote network.

What is network based access control?

Network-based access controls are used to ensure that only authorized hosts are allowed to establish connections to your networked devices. Such access control usually takes the form of Firewalls that may work at Layer 2 (also referred to as the data link layer in the OSI Seven Layer Networking Model) or Layer 3 (the network layer).

What is layer 2 firewall?

A layer 2 firewall may have Access Control Lists that allow the operator to control connections to or from specific devices or to prevent traffic for specific network protocols. For example, you may configure such a system to block IP-based traffic to a specific host while permitting Novell Netware IPX-based traffic.

What is a VPN?

The networking industry’s initial response to the growing remote access challenge was the virtual private network (VPN). As its name implies, a VPN replaces dedicated leased lines, cellular links or other costly physical connections with a secure mechanism over which traffic from a remote device can be tunneled to the target network using an existing network connection.

What is additional consideration when target devices are hosted as guests on remote networks administered by others?

In such cases particular care must be taken to ensure that your systems do not open the hosting network to outside threats.

What is Remote Access?

Remote access is simply the ability to access a computer or network, at home or in an office, from a remote location.

How to mitigate remote access risks?

Choosing a firewall that matches the size, scope, and scale of your organization is an essential first step in mitigating remote access risks. Make sure your firewall has built-in antivirus and anti-malware software and high availability programs.

What is the overriding risk of remote access services and software?

The overriding risk of remote access services and software is a hacker gaining deeper access to your organization, exposing you to a host of IT security threats.

What is VPN for business?

Set up a VPN. A VPN is a critical tool to use to securely access sensitive data remotely. There are many kinds of VPNs you should know about and consider using for your company. If you use a business-grade firewall, it will usually have a built-in VPN.

What technology do you use to get futuristic?

If you want to get futuristic, you could use iris scanning technology or fingerprint technology for highly secure authentication.

What are some practices that end point users engage in?

Connecting to an unsecured Wi-Fi network, visiting malicious sites, and downloading hazardous software are practices that many end point users engage in – making a man-in-the-middle attack and other hacking methods for infecting your computer very easy.

Why do companies provide work specific computers?

Some companies provide their employees with work-specific computers that are closely managed and tightly locked down. This is a great practice for enhanced security.


Why Do Cyber Risks Increase in Remote Work Conditions?

Remote Access has resulted in various emerging scenarios resulting in increased IT complexities. Among them, these are predominant: 1. Weak or inadequate access control policies cannot ensure that all the accesses happening in the enterprise IT environment are authorized. Malicious actors misuse this loophole a…
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