Remote-access Guide

remote access dnd 5e

by Roxane Rutherford Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Remote D&D: Digital Platform

First off, the biggest change we made from our previous endeavor was that we use a television built into a table to show maps in our room that is connected to a Google Chromecast. We plug into and cast the images over.

Remote D&D:Hardware

Second, we want to see each other’s faces so we use Zoom and webcams. I know some groups that play and just use something like Discord for audio. We have done some similar things like that but in the end, we decided that seeing our DM, who is our remote player, was too important.

Digital D&D Tools

Third, to make the DMs life easier, we are all in on DnDBeyond. Collectively, we buy all books, have a pro account and a campaign set up so that he has access to anything he wants, really. At the rate at which DndBeyond continues to evolve and improve, it really is a good investement.


Fourth: All of this is reliant on great internet signal. Don’t let the host of your game be the guy who is paying for minimal DSL internet, unless you got a lot of hardwiring involved. Our game lives and dies on our bandwidth and signal and so we host at our house, which is used to that kind of throttling with lots of devices.

How different is D&D from playing in your basement?

Playing D&D remotely is very different to playing in your best mate’s basement or living room. It has a different feeling about it. So, rather than trying to recreate the chemistry of having six or seven excited people in a room, you need to lean into the difference and harness the power of running the campaign online.

Why is power a good motivator in D&D?

The person who wields it will achieve the ultimate power (power is always a good motivator in D&D because it appeals to both righteous and evil players: the good want it to do more good, the bad want it because they’re bad). In order to acquire the sword, however, they have to collect certain key items.

How long is a D&D session?

I’ve known D&D sessions to go on for eight, nine, or even ten hours – sometimes two whole days. It can get pretty crazy. But playing Dungeons & Dragons remotely means it needs to be different. Whilst people may have the time, being furloughed, to commit to such lengthy adventures, the lack of actual physical company (and the fact you’re staring at a computer screen) makes a big difference to energy levels. It’s also more fun to stretch out of the campaign and create the “dead space” between sessions. That way, your teams of players will be talking about what might be coming next, what the other team is getting up to, and concocting plans to trap or outmanoeuvre them.

Can you host a Dungeons and Dragons game remotely?

You should also make use of the features unique to hosting a Dungeons & Dragons game remotely. For example, if a player can speak a language that only one person on the other team can understand, they can use one-to-one chat to communicate messages to them without the others seeing.

Is there competition in D&D?

The issue of “competition” within D&D is actually one that is surprisingly touchy for many. There are some Dungeon Masters who will actively kick players out if they’re too disruptive. My philosophy has always been the opposite: let players do what they’re going to do, provided it is in character and doesn’t overstep the mark to bullying.

Can you play D&D with friends?

Typically, D&D is played with your friends gathered around the same table – but thanks to technology readily available to us, it’s easy to play remotely without having to leave your home. There’s never been a better time. So, buckle up, and learn how to run a masterful Dungeons & Dragons campaign online. Advertisement.

What is a D&D Adventurers League?

D&D Adventurers League:#N#An ongoing official campaign for Dungeons & Dragons. The D&D Adventurers League (DDAL for short) uses the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons rules, and features the Forgotten Realms setting. Learn more about how to organize an official game here.

What levels are the Infernal Machine Rebuild?

Infernal Machine Rebuild: An adventure for levels 5-10. Infernal Machine Rebuild began as a fundraising project in support of 2019 D&D Extra Life team efforts. We’d like to thank everyone who supported the project and the cause with their purchase of it. We’ve now made it available as a pay-what-you-want download.#N#A fallen clock tower holds components from an ancient artifact. Upon discovery of the components, competing agents look to launch expeditions to uncover additional components scattered across distant places—and times. The now-lost Temple of Moloch and the construction site of the legendary Tomb of Horrors are two of those locations. However great the risks, finding the components demands the effort, for whoever does so can reassemble the fabled Infernal Machine of Lum the Mad!

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