Remote-access Guide

remote access docker

by Quinton Jakubowski MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Remote access requires a TCP socket. Run dockerd (the Docker daemon executable) with the -H flag to define the sockets you want to bind to. This command will bind Docker to the default Unix socket and port 2375 on your machine’s loopback address. You can bind to additional sockets and IP addresses by repeating the -H flag.

Full Answer

How to start Docker service at system boot?

  • IP address prefix (
  • Domain name, or a special DNS label ( *)
  • A domain name matches that name and all subdomains. A domain name with a leading “.” matches subdomains only. ...
  • A single asterisk ( *) indicates that no proxying should be done
  • Literal port numbers are accepted by IP address prefixes ( ) and domain names (

How to install and configure Docker?

Step-By-Step Docker Installation on Windows

  1. Go to the website and download the docker file. ...
  2. Then, double-click on the Docker Desktop Installer.exe to run the installer. ...
  3. Once you start the installation process, always enable Hyper-V Windows Feature on the Configuration page.

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How to connect Docker machine to a remote Docker VirtualBox?

Connect your Docker client to a remote Docker host. Pre-requisites. We'll need to be able to SSH into the remote host. Make sure the Docker port is open. Docker Machine will SSH to the remote machine to configure the Docker engine. Add the remote machine using Docker machine. Configure the Docker client to use the remote engine.

How to get the Docker version using the Remote API?

Understanding Docker Architecture

  • Docker Daemon : is a service that runs on the host operating system. ...
  • REST API : tools can talk to Docker daemon through the REST API exposed by the docker
  • Docker CLI : It is a command line tool that can talk to docker daemon (This internally calls REST API exposed by docker daemon). ...


How do I access Docker remotely?

Connect to remote Docker over SSHUse ssh-keygen or similar to get and configure a public/private key pair for SSH authentication. ... Configure ssh-agent on the local system with the private key file produced above. ... Verify that your identity is available to the agent with ssh-add -l .More items...

How do I connect to remote Docker API?

How to enable docker remote API on docker host?Navigate to /lib/systemd/system in your terminal and open docker.service file. vi /lib/systemd/system/docker.service.Save the Modified File.Reload the docker daemon. systemctl daemon-reload.Restart the container. ... To test remotely, use the PC name or IP address of Docker Host.

How do I run a Docker container on remote host?

Setting Up The Remote Host Remote access requires a TCP socket. Run dockerd (the Docker daemon executable) with the -H flag to define the sockets you want to bind to. This command will bind Docker to the default Unix socket and port 2375 on your machine's loopback address.

What is Docker remote API?

Docker provides an API for interacting with the Docker daemon (called the Docker Engine API), as well as SDKs for Go and Python. The SDKs allow you to build and scale Docker apps and solutions quickly and easily. If Go or Python don't work for you, you can use the Docker Engine API directly.

How do I access Docker from outside?

To make a port available to services outside of Docker, or to Docker containers which are not connected to the container's network, use the --publish or -p flag. This creates a firewall rule which maps a container port to a port on the Docker host to the outside world.

Can I SSH to Docker container?

The SSH method works fine for Docker containers, too. That said, you can SSH into a Docker container using Docker's built-in docker exec . If you do not need an interactive shell, you can also use the docker attach command to connect the host's stdin and stdout to the running container and execute remote commands.

How do I log into a Docker container?

Accessing the Docker containersObtain the container ID by running the following command: docker ps. An output similar to the following one is returned: CONTAINER ID IMAGE NAMES ........ ....... ... Access the Docker container by running the following command: docker exec -it /bin/bash. Where container_id.

What is Docker host IP?

AFAIK, in the case of Docker for Linux (standard distribution), the IP address of the host will always be 172.17. 0.1 (on the main network of docker, see comments to learn more).

How do I run a docker API?

3:448:04Using the Docker REST API | Docker remote REST API - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd this is another Ubuntu machine and now that we have the REST API configured. We can actually runMoreAnd this is another Ubuntu machine and now that we have the REST API configured. We can actually run some coal commands. So as an example if I run. Again this is the IP address of the docker host.

How many containers can 1 host run?

The typical organization that uses a container orchestrator runs 11.5 containers per host, as compared to about 6.5 containers per host in unorchestrated environments.

What is Docker server and client?

Docker uses a client-server architecture. The Docker client talks to the Docker daemon, which does the heavy lifting of building, running, and distributing your Docker containers. The Docker client and daemon can run on the same system, or you can connect a Docker client to a remote Docker daemon.

How do I find my docker API URL?

It depends on your host, but look for /etc/default/docker or /var/lib/boot2docker/profile (for Docker Machine hosts using a boot2docker VM). Then get the IP address of the machine hosting your Docker daemon. (With a Docker Machine created host, that would be: docker-machine ip .)

How do I run a docker API?

3:448:04Using the Docker REST API | Docker remote REST API - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd this is another Ubuntu machine and now that we have the REST API configured. We can actually runMoreAnd this is another Ubuntu machine and now that we have the REST API configured. We can actually run some coal commands. So as an example if I run. Again this is the IP address of the docker host.

How do I expose docker API over TCP?

Configuring remote access with systemd unit fileUse the command sudo systemctl edit docker. ... Save the file.Reload the systemctl configuration. ... Restart Docker. ... Check to see whether the change was honored by reviewing the output of netstat to confirm dockerd is listening on the configured port.

What port does docker API use?

It is conventional to use port 2375 for un-encrypted, and port 2376 for encrypted communication with the daemon.

What is Docker's main component?

Docker works in something called a client-server architecture. The main component that handles all your containers, volumes, networks, etc is the docker daemon that runs in the background. The docker command is nothing but the client application.

What do you need to tell your Docker engine and client about them?

Once the certificates and private keys are ready, you need to tell your docker engine and client about them, along with exposing the engine API to a public TCP port and letting the client use the docker engine that's not sitting at the local machine.

Can Portainer be remotely accessed?

All can be done remotely. Many monitoring tools, like Portainer, need access to the Docker API endpoint to monitor details like networks, running containers, etc. Normally to add a server to the endpoint list, you'd have to deploy a Portainer agent on the server first and bind some port from the container to the host.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to run remote Docker commands over an SSH connection.

Network Security

Before opening your Docker host to remote SSH connections, it is strongly advised to allow only trusted traffic.

SSH Public RSA Key

Accessing a system via SSH requires a user with privileges to the Docker daemon. It also requires a public RSA key from your local user. The key should not be protected by a passphrase, as you will not be prompted to enter one.

Remote Docker client SSH Connection

You are finally ready to remotely administer your Docker host. Verify your access to the remote by listing running containers.


In this tutorial, you learned how to connect to a remote Docker host using SSH. This a very secure and common way of connecting with remote hosts, and it allows you to control your containers remotely.

Step 1 – Create Atlantic.Net Cloud Server

First, log in to your Atlantic.Net Cloud Server. Create a new server, choosing Ubuntu 20.04 as the operating system with at least 2GB RAM. Connect to your Cloud Server via SSH and log in using the credentials highlighted at the top of the page.

Step 3 – Configure Docker Daemon

First, you will need to create a directory to store the Docker daemon configuration file. You can create it with the following command:

Step 4 – Configure Local System to Connect to the Docker Daemon

Before starting, make sure Docker and Docker compose are installed on your local system. Now, you will need to configure your local system to connect to the Docker daemon on the remote Docker host.


In the above guide, you learned how to configure Docker daemon to connect the remote Docker host over TCP and manage it from the local system. I hope this will make your day-to-day Docker tasks much easier. Start using Docker daemon today on a VPS from Atlantic.Net!

What is the host part of Docker?

The "host" part in the Docker endpoint string ( ssh://username@host:port) must be either a globally-resolvable DNS machine name, or an IP address. Docker extension will not be able to use host aliases defined in the SSH configuration file.

Can you use SSH to connect to Docker?

We recommend using the Visual Studio Code Remote-SSH extension to connect to a remote machine running Docker engine, but it also possible to connect to the remote Docker engine directly, using SSH tunneling.

Does Docker CLI work on Explorer?

Also, it needs to have the right identity. The Docker CLI working does not mean that the Explorer window will work. The Explorer window uses dockerode (which in turn uses ssh2 ), whereas the Docker CLI uses the ssh command, and benefits from an automatically inferred configuration. Create a Docker context that points to ...

What is a Docker context?

A Docker Context is a mechanism to provide names to Docker API endpoints and store that information for later usage. The Docker Contexts can be easily managed with the Docker CLI as shown in the documentation .

Does Docker Compose use contexts?

This means we can run docker-compose and specify the context “remote” to automatically target the remote host. If no context is specified, docker-compose will use the current context just like the Docker CLI.

What port do you need to connect to a VirtualBox?

What you need is one of two things: to connect port 8080 on the VirtualBox VM to port 8080 on the Windows host, just like you connect the Docker container to the host port. to connect the VirtualBox VM directly to your local network with the bridged network mode I described above.

Does Docker run on Windows?

Your machine is running Windows - Docker does not (currently) run on Windows, so the tool you're using has set up a Linux host in a VirtualBox virtual machine. When you do the docker run in your environment, exactly the same thing is happening - port 8080 on the Linux host is connected to port 8080 on the container.


What Is Docker Remote Access?

Before you dive into the setup, let me recall how docker works. Docker works in something called a client-server architecture. The main component that handles all your containers, volumes, networks, etc is the docker daemon that runs in the background. The docker command is nothing but the client application. The clien…
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Method 1: Setup Remote Docker Access Using Ssh

  • One of the best thing about using SSHhere is that it requires a lot less work than the other method. If you already have SSH keys set up, it's literally a one-step process. Before moving forward I want you to have this mental picture in place, for understanding how this SSH method works, and why it's configured the way it's configured. To confirm the above statement, run any …
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Method 2: Using A Public TCP Port with TLS Authentication

  • This method is more complicate than the previous one, but has it's advantages like not having to use the dockergroup at all. The idea here is simple, you're going to create your own certificates and private keys, and then use a TCP port to access the dockerdaemon through not plain HTTP, but a secure HTTPS channel. It is analogous to a website. In case of a website, you configure it …
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Preparing The Certificates and Keys

  • In the following steps, you'll be generating certificates and private keys for your server and client. Certificate Authority To make the transactions simple, I'll be using my client machine to generate all the files. You can use a separate machine for that if necessary. A CA certificate is nothing but a self-signed certificate. But first, you need to generate your CA's private key. Use the following co…
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Setting Up The Environment

  • Once the certificates and private keys are ready, you need to tell your docker engine and client about them, along with exposing the engine API to a public TCP port and letting the client use the docker engine that's not sitting at the local machine. The following steps go through exactly that. The docker host First, copy over three files from the administrator's machine, the CA certificate (…
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Test The Setup

  • Now that everything is done, you can test it by running docker info, or run any random container, whichever comes to your mind. You can also use curl to test it (Remember? These are simple HTTP requests). Use the following as an alternative to docker info This will output a JSON object that you can parse using something like jq. You can also try and run an Nginx server with docker…
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Which Method to use? TCP Or Ssh?

  • Both methods has their own merits. The SSH method is easier if you don't want to go through many hoops. But some applications like Portainer won't work with the SSH method for remote daemon access. Using the TCP method also eliminates the issues of "using or not using the docker group" by default. Choose whichever method satisfies your purpose. I hope this tutorial …
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Network Security

  • Before opening your Docker host to remote SSH connections, it is strongly advised to allow only trusted traffic. A firewall or network policy should block all traffic to the Docker host, and whitelist traffic to trusted IPs or Subnets.
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Ssh Public RSA Key

  • Accessing a system via SSH requires a user with privileges to the Docker daemon. It also requires a public RSA key from your local user. The key should not be protected by a passphrase, as you will not be prompted to enter one. If a RSA key-pair has a passphrase, the remote Docker host connection will fail. Create a new RSA key-pair by running the following command. With the key-…
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Remote Docker Client Ssh Connection

  • You are finally ready to remotely administer your Docker host. Verify your access to the remote by listing running containers. If everything was done successfully you will see a table of running containers. Having to use the-H flag every time you connect could be a pain, especially if you find yourself working with a remote host frequently. Docker ...
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  • In this tutorial, you learned how to connect to a remote Docker host using SSH. This a very secure and common way of connecting with remote hosts, and it allows you to control your containers remotely. This setup is very useful for Jenkins CI\CD pipelines, as the Jenkins server can perform actions against a remote host. This could be the spin-up containers for integration testing, or it c…
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