Remote-access Guide

remote access health

by Emmett Stroman Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I get remote access to shared health?

Remote Access. For all service inquiries or access requests please contact the Shared Health Service Desk through email ( or by phone at 204-940-8500, or 1-866-999-9698. Use of applications and systems through this site is limited to users who have been authorized by Shared Health.

What should I do if I have problems with remote access?

If you encounter any problems with this site, please contact the Shared Health Service Desk at 204-940-8500 or 1-866-999-9698. If you are having connectivity issues with Remote Access, you may need to upgrade your Citrix Gateway plug-in. Please follow the instructions in this guide and download the updated plug-in.

How do I access epic or Atlantic Health email remotely?

Once you are setup with Multi Factor Authentication, you can then proceed to remotely access Atlantic Health Email or Epic through our Citrix connection application using the instructions below.

How do I comply with WRHA and shared health policies and practices?

By accessing the applications and systems through this site you acknowledge and agree to comply with all applicable WRHA and Shared Health policies, practices and procedures regarding confidentiality, information privacy, remote access and acceptable use.

How to contact Citrix Gateway?

What is the number to contact shared health service?

What is the number to call for shared health?

What are the variables that can slow or degrade your remote access experience?

Is unauthorized trespassing prohibited?


What is remote access in healthcare?

Remote access for doctors and nurses Virtually connect to patients, conduct examinations, and provide real-time diagnosis using RemotePC Meeting. Monitor medical devices and access patient's medical records remotely, without compromising data security.

Is SecureLink Hipaa compliant?

SecureLink Access Intelligence It's flexible and quick to deploy, with an efficient and accurate review process that helps you meet HIPAA and HITRUST requirements, enforce role-based access control, and reduce the security risks of over-provisioned access rights.

Why use telehealth?

Telehealth helps increase health care value and affordability. Virtual care technology saves patients time and money, reduces patient transfers, emergency department and urgent care center visits, and delivers savings to payers.

What is telemedicine remote?

Telemedicine refers to the practice of caring for patients remotely when the provider and patient are not physically present with each other. Modern technology has enabled doctors to consult patients by using HIPAA compliant video-conferencing tools.

What is secure link app?

SecureLink product overview SecureLink is a vendor privileged access management solution for technology enterprises and vendors which offers features such as role-based permissions, audit logs, compliance management, self registration, desktop sharing, remote support, file transfer, and more.

How would you make sure your third party vendor is Hipaa compliant?

A request for evidence of their HIPAA compliance and administrative capabilities is recommended. In addition, ask them to review their HIPAA policies and procedures or conduct a risk assessment before committing to working together.

Does a phone call count as telehealth?

Reminder: phone calls are not telehealth, so do not add the modifier -95.

What are 3 examples of telemedicine?

The Types of TelemedicineReal-time Telemedicine.Real-time telemedicine (also called live telemedicine) makes it easy to do a doctor-patient visit anytime, anywhere. ... Remote Patient Monitoring. ... “Store-and-Forward” Practices. ... Consultation Between Specialists and Primary Caregivers. ... Medical Imaging. ... Telemedicine Networks.More items...

Is telehealth a phone or video?

Most telehealth visits will include video. All you will need for this is a smartphone or a device with an internet connection and audio-video capabilities, like a tablet or computer.

What are the 4 types of telehealth?

The Four Types of TelehealthLive Video-Conferencing. ... Asynchronous Video (AKA Store-and-Forward) ... Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) ... Mobile Health (mHealth)

What is difference between telemedicine and telehealth?

While telemedicine refers specifically to remote clinical services, telehealth can refer to remote non-clinical services, such as provider training, administrative meetings, and continuing medical education, in addition to clinical services.

What is the difference between telehealth and virtual visits?

While telehealth includes all forms of technology used to transfer digital information for remote health care, virtual care focuses exclusively on communication between healthcare providers and their patients.

Why is telehealth important in Covid?

Telehealth can be used to monitor patients recovering from COVID-19 after their discharge from the hospital. Telehealth also provides a way to reach populations that have low or no access to care.

Who might benefit from telehealth?

Groups that might be especially likely to benefit from telehealth include: People who live in rural areas with limited access to medical care. People who need to see a specialist (like a dermatologist) but do not have one in their area. People who are transgender or non-binary.

What are the pros and cons of telehealth?

Top pros and cons of telehealthPro: Telehealth minimizes the spread of infectious diseases.Con: It's impossible to conduct a physical exam virtually.Pro: Telehealth is convenient.Con: Regulations can be confusing.Pro: Telehealth can reduce unnecessary ER visits.More items...•

What are the benefits and advantages of telemedicine?

Lower costs: Some research suggests that people who use telemedicine spend less time in the hospital, providing cost savings. Also, less commuting time may mean fewer secondary expenses, such as childcare and gas. Improved access to care : Telemedicine makes it easier for people with disabilities to access care.

Sign in to Workforce ESP Self Service (at work) - Shared Health

Sign in to Workforce ESP Self Service (at work) Last Updated: June 25, 2021 3 Click the ESP 8 – Self Service icon* *If the Citrix Receiver tile, Workforce ESP folder, or ESP 8 – Self Service icon are not displayed, and for any login or

Sign in to Workforce ESP Self Service (from home)

Sign in to Workforce ESP Self Service (from home) Last updated: March 14, 2020 . 1 Access Workforce ESP Self Service Click the following link, or type it into your browser’s address bar:

NetScaler AAA

If you require any assistance, please phone the Shared Health Service Desk. at 204-940-8500 or toll-free at 1-866-999-9698. You can also email us at

Shared Health – Our Manitoba. Healthier. Together.

July 28, 2022 – IERHA – Selkirk Regional Health Centre The CT Scan Department will be down for preventative maintenance on Thursday, July 28 starting at 6:30 a.m. until a health provider fax is sent notifying that we are back up and running.

Sign in - Saint Boniface Hospital

Available Shifts 4.7.2 ©2010 St. Boniface Hospital. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.

eHR Viewer - eHealth Sask

CHANGES TO eHR VIEWER: eHealth is enhancing the provincial eHR Viewer as part of ongoing efforts to make the program more user-friendly. Learn more about eHR Viewer changes The electronic Health Record (eHR) Viewer is a secure website authorized health care providers can use to access patient information, no matter where a patient presents for care.


The Get-RemoteAccessHealth cmdlet obtains the current health of a RemoteAccess (RA) deployment as follows.


Runs the cmdlet as a background job. Use this parameter to run commands that take a long time to complete.


The Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance object is a wrapper class that displays Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) objects. The path after the pound sign ( #) provides the namespace and class name for the underlying WMI object.

What does CC mean in email?

CC's (carbon copies) sending - When you add someone to an email in the CC'd line, then you're indicating to them that you just wanted to share the information in the email with them. Never CC someone an email expecting them to jump on a task.

What is a dedicated workspace?

A dedicated workspace at home: An office, a kitchen table – somewhere you can be each day you work. Not on the couch, in bed, or in the car. A distraction-free workspace: if there are many background noises or movement, you should limit those, not turn off the camera or microphone.

Can you share a workstation with teammates?

Shared Workstations: Workstations should not be shared among teammates, even on different days of work, if possible. Conference Rooms: We encourage you to avoid using conference rooms until these restrictions are lifted.

Do I need to log into GoRemote to access Office 365?

Leverage Office 365: Remember, you do not need to log into GoRemote to access Office 365 (email, documents stored in OneDrive/SharePoint, etc.) Use Outlook: Once you install Office 365 Pro Plus, you'll be able to use those apps (including Outlook!) just like being in the office.

Can teammates work remotely?

Teammates will continue to work remotely unless their leaders indicate a return to the office is necessary. Any return to working in the office will follow specific workplace distancing guidelines and infection prevention practices as detailed below:

How to contact Citrix Gateway?

If you continue to experience connectivity issues after upgrading Citrix Gateway, please contact the Shared Health Service Desk at 204-940-8500 or 1-866-999-9698.

What is the number to contact shared health service?

ISP Networks that are in development or are disrupted. If you encounter any problems with this site, please contact the Shared Health Service Desk at 204-940-8500 or 1-866-999-9698.

What is the number to call for shared health?

If you encounter any problems with this site, please contact the Shared Health Service Desk at 204-940-8500 or 1-866-999-9698.

What are the variables that can slow or degrade your remote access experience?

While the service is very robust, there are variables that can slow or degrade your Remote Access experience, such as: Your internet connection speed. The use of additional bandwidth consuming devices or services, such as Netflix, Spotify, video streaming and gaming on your local network. Connecting over WIFI or hotspot.

Is unauthorized trespassing prohibited?

Any unauthorized trespass into or use of these systems and applications is prohibited. All access and activities on these systems and applications are monitored and recorded, and are subject to audit.

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