A Remote interface is available in the java.rmi package it is a marking/tagging interface, it is used with remote method invocation (RMI). RMI is a mechanism that allows an object residing in one system (JVM) to access/invoke an object running on another JVM.
Full Answer
What is RemoteException in Java?
A RemoteException is the common superclass for a number of communication-related exceptions that may occur during the execution of a remote method call. Each method of a remote interface, an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote, must list RemoteException in its throws clause.
How can I run a Java program from a remote computer?
You could install an SSH server on your remote desktop and you can write a Java program using jcraft and jsch libraries on your local machine to make an SSH connection to your remote desktop. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!
How to access database from remote machine?
to access database from remote machine , you need to give grant all privileges to you data base. run the following script to give permissions: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO user@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; Show activity on this post.
How do I connect to a remote machine?
Just supply the IP / hostname of the remote machine in your database connection string, instead of localhost. For example: Also, make sure the user you are connecting with is allowed to connect from this particular hostname. For development environments it is safe to do this by 'username'@'%'. Check the user creation manual and the GRANT manual.
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Business Challenge
Remote Access Portal Java allows users to connect to computers within remote LAN via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and run applications according to user permissions level from any operating system which has Java 2 SE virtual machine installed on it.
The client already had working remote access application for Windows, but needed to have a cross-platform implementation the application which can be used from any OS which has JRE for Java 2 SE implemented for it.
The implemented solution serves as a cross-platform client, which can be used to access MS Windows based VDIs and utilize virtualization capabilities from PCs that run various popular operating systems such as Windows, Linux and MacOS X.

Business Challenge
- Remote Access Portal Java allows users to connect to computers within remote LAN via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) and run applications according to user permissions level from any operating system which has Java 2 SEvirtual machine installed on it. With this application users can connect to remote personal work environment from any place in the wo...
- The client already had working remote access application for Windows, but needed to have a cross-platform implementation the application which can be used from any OS which has JRE for Java 2 SEimplemented for it. The main idea of the project was to implement the application in Java using Swing GUI library and use Java version of rdesktop open source library to support co…
- The entire solution consists of the following modules: 1. Client moduleis a desktop application with Swing-based GUI providing user means to work with remote applications and computers. 2. Native Java SSL libraryproviding SSL connectivity to remote computers. 3. Java version of Rdesktop librarysupporting RDP connections to MS Terminal Services. 4. Proxy serverused for u…
Tools and Technologies
- Windows / Linux / Mac OS
- JRE 1.5 or higher;
- Java 2 SE;
- NetBeans;
- The implemented solution serves as a cross-platform client, which can be used to access MS Windows based VDIs and utilize virtualization capabilities from PCs that run various popular operating systems such as Windows, Linux and MacOS X.