Remote-access Guide

remote access raspberry pi

by Domenic Okuneva Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Part of a video titled How to Remote Desktop Into Your Raspberry Pi (VNC/RDP)
In this video we're going to show you how to connect to your raspberry pi over vnc aka remoteMoreIn this video we're going to show you how to connect to your raspberry pi over vnc aka remote desktop.

How to establish Remote Desktop Access to your Raspberry Pi?

So we learned to connect to the remote desktop in 5 ways:

  • With the Xrdp package that provides a Windows-like remote desktop
  • With SSH and X11 Forwarding that allows launching an app on the client computer (and not the entire desktop)
  • With VNC that enables local access to the Raspberry Pi
  • With Teamviewer which allows among others remote access to the Raspberry Pi

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How to remote access your Raspberry Pi using putty?

SSH: Remote control your Raspberry Pi

  1. Activate SSH in Raspbian. For security reasons, Secure Shell is not turned on by default in Raspbian. ...
  2. Activate SSH Client in Windows. Linux and macOS both support SSH out-of-the-box; skip ahead to Step 3 if you are using one of those operating systems.
  3. Get your IP address. ...
  4. Connect via SSH. ...
  5. Use PuTTY on a Windows PC. ...
  6. On Raspberry Pi. ...
  7. Visual interfaces. ...

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How to automatically log into a Raspberry Pi?

Raspberry Pi VPN server prerequisites

  • DHCP reservation. Consider setting up a DHCP reservation for your Raspberry Pi if your router supports them. ...
  • Dynamic DNS service. Let’s assume that you have your Raspberry Pi connected to your home network and you want to use it while you are away from home.
  • OpenVPN or WireGuard. ...

How do I restart Raspberry Pi from a remote system?

Virtual Network Computing (VNC)

  • Installing VNC on Raspberry Pi. VNC is already installed on the full Raspberry Pi OS image, and can be installed via Recommended Software from the Preferences menu on other versions.
  • Enabling the VNC Server. ...
  • Connecting to your Raspberry Pi. ...
  • Using Directly Rendered Applications. ...
  • Creating a Virtual Desktop. ...


Create an account

To connect to your Raspberry Pi remotely you’ll need to set up an account. Open the web browser and head to Click on ‘Sign up’ and enter your email address. You will be emailed a verification code. Enter this code and pick (and confirm) a password.

Update and install

Make sure your Raspberry Pi is connected to the internet (using wireless LAN or an Ethernet cable). Open a Terminal window and enter the following commands:

Register the Raspberry Pi

Open the web browser on your Raspberry Pi and navigate to The window will search for devices running software (including your Raspberry Pi).

Start a connection

You now connect to Raspberry Pi via There are two approaches: via a web service, or using’s dedicated software.

Connect via VNC Viewer

Open your VNC software (we’re using VNC Viewer) and choose File > New connection. Cut and paste the combined proxy and port information into the VNC server field. Ours looks like this:

Connect via app

The drawback to the web service is that all your data passes through a proxy computer. For a more private connection, the app for Windows and macOS enables you to form a peer-to-peer (P2P) connection.

Cloaking your port

You can access Raspberry Pi remotely using However, your VNC port is now open and listening. You can check this with the lsof (list of files) command:

What remote desktop access tool can I use with Raspberry Pi?

NoMachine is another remote desktop access tool that you can use with your RaspberryPi#N#NoMachine is based on the NX protocol, which was created to improve the performance of the classic X display#N#The use is very close to VNC

How to connect to Raspberry Pi using SSH?

Fill the Saved sessions with something like Raspberry Pi. Go to Connection > SSH in the left menu, and check “Enable X11 forwarding”. Go back to Session and click Save. Then double-click on your new saved session to connect. You can read this article to get more details on how to connect via SSH to a Raspberry Pi.

What is XRDP on Raspberry Pi?

Xrdp is an opensource remote desktop protocol server, which allows you to connect to the Linux desktop from any operating system. If you need to open or redirect access on your router or firewall, know that xrdp uses the standard port 3389. Raspberry Pi Bootcamp. Sale: 10% off today.

What is TeamViewer software?

Teamviewer is a proprietary software very close to VNC for remote desktop use but adds additional features, mostly business oriented#N#For example, Teamviewer facilitates remote access to a machine on another building/city over the Internet.

What is X11 forwarding?

X11 is the main Linux graphical window manager. X11 forwarding over SSH is a way to start an app from a server when connected to it via SSH. In our case, this will launch Raspberry Pi applications from our desktop (so it is not full access to the desktop) This method could work from a remote location.

What is VNC in XRDP?

VNC ( Virtual Network Computing) is a system to share a graphical desktop, pretty close to xrdp. The difference is that you connect to the current session directly, unlike xrdp which created a new session. There are a large number of VNC servers and clients (RealVNC, TightVNC, UltraVNC, …) VNC runs on port 5900.

Can I access my Raspberry Pi from a remote computer?

If you want to access your Raspberry Pi from a remote computer, you can use SSH to do this, and get a terminal as if you were on the Raspberry Pi directly.But for this, you'll need the IP address and... Continue Reading.

Installing Putty

So let’s begin. On Windows computers you need the program PuTTY. You doesn’t have to install it – Putty can be used without installation by opening just the putty.exe file. Then you will see a user interface like this where you enter the host “ raspberrypi “:

Remote Access

After establishing the connection by clicking “Open” a new window appears. Here you should insert your username and password. The Raspbian Wheezy/Jessie default login is user “ pi ” with password “ raspberry “.

How to install remote desktop server on Raspberry Pi?

Installing the Remote Desktop Server. First open the Raspberry Pi terminal by using mouse and keyboard or by connecting via SSH. On the Pi you basically just need to install one package: sudo apt-get install xrdp. The most important and recommended settings are already defined.

Can you control Raspberry Pi on two monitors?

This has the advantage that you don’t need two monitors or have to switch between two systems. Although the Raspberry Pi can be controlled almost exclusively via console, but some programs are to be controlled only by a GUI.

How to find my local IP address?

Step 2: Windows Step 2: Finding Your Local IP Address. 1. Click the Start/Windows button and click in the search box at the bottom. 2. Type in cmd and hit enter. 3. This will open a shell terminal. Start by entering cd and hit enter to take you back to the C:> prompt. 4.

How to log into remote computer?

Click the Start/Windows button and right click on Computer. 2. Left click to select Properties. 3. In the window that pops up, take note of the computer's name. We'll need this later for the log in, if you have password protection enabled. 4. Click on Remote Settings. 5.

How to connect to Raspberry Pi?

1. Enter a connection name. This is a the name of the connection, for example "Raspberry Pi". 2. Server. Enter the IP address of your Raspberry Pi (that we defined statically earlier). 3. Then enter the Username and Password for your Raspberry Pi, if you haven't changed it then it's: User: pi.

Does Raspberry Pi have static IP?

By default, the Raspberry Pi will be given an IP automatically by the router ( called Dynamic IP) when you connect to a network. However, this can change whenever you remove the Pi from the network e.g. turn it off. It's therefore very useful if the IP never changes, hence a static IP. Please follow the below tutorial on setting up ...

Can you connect a Raspberry Pi to a computer?

RD will allow you to connect remotely to your Raspberry Pi from another computer via LAN (local area network). The Raspberry Pi can then be run 'headless', without a keyboard, mouse or monitor connected to it through your laptop or PC. The Raspberry Pi will of course need to be connected to your LAN via network cable or WiFi.


Every time you start working with Raspberry Pi, you would have come to this point that how good it was if you could access your pi outside your home network. Then you start searching for the techniques and there comes the Port Forwarding which is a bit tedious method, and it involves risks too.

What is it & Why?

Every time you start working with Raspberry Pi, you would have come to this point that how good it was if you could access your pi outside your home network. Then you start searching for the techniques and there comes the Port Forwarding which is a bit tedious method, and it involves risks too.

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