Remote-access Guide

remote access security checklist

by Berta Kunze III Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

not present

# Category Sub-category Checks Remarks
End User device security - Laptop/Comput ... System updates and patches Operating system version - ensure it is ...
End User device security - Laptop/Comput ... System updates and patches 2 Check for missing patches and security u ...
End User device security - Laptop/Comput ... 3 Secure Antivirus Configuration Is antivirus installed on the end user d ...

Install antivirus protection and a firewall. Ensure all operating systems and other software are currently supported by the vendor. Keep all operating systems and other software up to date, with all critical updates installed. Enforce a good password policy, disable automatic login, and enable automatic lock.

Full Answer

How to mitigate the risks of remote vendor access?

In order to mitigate the risks of remote vendor access, and gain better network access control, your organization should take steps to monitor third-party activity in greater detail. In vendor risk assessment, a good first step would be to create a vendor risk assessment checklist, which might include actions such as:

How do you secure remote employees?

To begin, secure remote employees by encouraging them to lock computers when traveling physically. If there’s no physical access to their device, the chances of foul play remain low. Secondly, when employees work in public locations, instruct them to be aware of any onlookers when typing in sensitive information, such as logins or passwords.

What is the lowest risk option for remote work?

The lowest risk option for remote work is directly accessing work applications. Instead of accessing an entire network, employees can remotely work within individual applications on the network. In using this method to work, there’s little risk in exposing a company’s internal network to cyber predation.

How to audit remote access to third parties on your network?

By properly auditing remote access to the third parties on your network. The best way to do this is to enlist the help of a vendor management solution that can automatically track each vendor user’s activity with videos and logs of files transferred, commands entered, and services accessed. There is an old saying: “Trust, but verify.”


What are the security requirements for remote access?

7 Best Practices For Securing Remote Access for EmployeesDevelop a Cybersecurity Policy For Remote Workers. ... Choose a Remote Access Software. ... Use Encryption. ... Implement a Password Management Software. ... Apply Two-factor Authentication. ... Employ the Principle of Least Privilege. ... Create Employee Cybersecurity Training.

How do I make remote access secure?

Basic Security Tips for Remote DesktopUse strong passwords.Use Two-factor authentication.Update your software.Restrict access using firewalls.Enable Network Level Authentication.Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop.

What are the five elements of a remote access security readiness review?

The review examined cybersecurity at the governance layer and identified five critical pillars key to cybersecurity readiness: culture, people, structure, processes, and resources.

What are security considerations for remote users examples?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

Why is RDP a security risk?

These are the most important vulnerabilities in RDP: Weak user sign-in credentials. Most desktop computers are protected by a password, and users can typically make this password whatever they want. The problem is that the same password is often used for RDP remote logins as well.

What is RDP security layer?

RDP Security Layer: This security method uses Remote Desktop Protocol encryption to help secure communications between the client computer and the server. If you select this setting, the server isn't authenticated. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): This security method requires TLS 1.0 to authenticate the server.

What is a Security Readiness Review?

A Readiness Review is a critical factor in the development and maintenance of a comprehensive risk and compliance-focused Information Security program. TrustedSec reviews an organization's control structure against the CMMC requirements and assists in the development of a strategy to become compliant or certified.

What is Cmmc readiness assessment?

The Cybersecurity Model Maturity Certification (CMMC) framework measures a company's aptitude to fully secure data critical to military safety, which, in turn, impacts all Americans' safety. To prepare for an official CMMC audit, many companies elect to execute a CMMC readiness assessment.

What are the most common remote work security risks?

Top Security Risks of Remote WorkingGDPR and remote working. Remote work means an employer has less control and visibility over employees' data security. ... Phishing Emails. ... Weak Passwords. ... Unsecured Home Devices. ... Unencrypted File Sharing. ... Open Home WiFi Networks.

What are the three primary goals three pillars in network security?

The CIA triad refers to an information security model made up of the three main components: confidentiality, integrity and availability.

How do you protect and secure data while working remotely?

How to promote data security while working remotelyConnect to a hotspot or use a VPN. ... Use strong passwords and a password manager. ... Keep work and personal separate. ... Stay alert for phishing or other attacks. ... Participate in routine cybersecurity training.

Which option creates a secure connection for remote workers?

The only way to secure your remote workforce is a secure VPN. Employees must connect from their laptops, desktops and mobile devices over a VPN connection. It's the secure, private method for virtually entering the corporate office, so to speak.

What are the secure methods the remote users can use to connect to the internal network to perform file operations?

A remote-access VPN allows individual users to establish secure connections with a remote computer network. Those users can access the secure resources on that network as if they were directly plugged in to the network's servers.

Which will create a secure Internet connection while working remotely?

6) Set up a VPN Setting up a VPN and requiring all remote connections to pass through it is a basic best practice for keeping resources secure when employees work remotely.

Which of the following describes the best way to make sure you are securely accessing the company network remotely?

You should use WPA2 or WPA3 encryption when remotely connecting to a network. WPA2 or WPA3 encryption are the encryption standards that will protect information sent over a wireless network.

What is a BYOD device?

Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) is the practice of allowing employees to use personal devices to access company networks. If managed correctly, through the use of use remote access technologies, application containers and application wrapping, BYOD can offer many benefits, such as boosting employee satisfaction and productivity.

What is homeworking in security?

The sharp rise of homeworking means that a sudden and sustained increase in external web traffic is likely to be having an impact on perimeter security. In such circumstances, it may be tempting to relax firewall security controls to maintain availability and limit disruptions. However, this is likely to lead to exposures such as open ports, misapplied port forwarding rules, a failure to keep an accurate inventory of services and applications and policies that don’t adhere to the principle of least privilege.

What is RDP in computer?

Remote Desktop Protocol, or RDP for short, enables a user of a computer in one location to access a computer or server in another. Most computers running a Windows Client Operating System have Microsoft’s RDP client software pre-installed.

Why use VPN?

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are also being relied upon by organisations to support their remote workforces. If set up correctly, VPN tools should provide a secure, encrypted tunnel for employees to access to a network. However, risks can arise when they are misconfigured and not regularly patched, leading to vulnerabilities that allow attackers to obtain network access.

Do employees have access to their network?

As a rule, employees and any third parties with access to your organisation’s network should only receive rights to access the systems, applications and data they need to perform their job. However, within many organisations, privileges are not sufficiently locked down or reviewed regularly enough. Privileges need to be reviewed in line with job changes and quickly rescinded when employees cease employment.

Client-Side Security

Comprehensive EDR Solution - Having a robust endpoint detection and response solution ensures that you can identify and respond to security problems regardless of where people are working.


When IT systems fail to provide the desired level of functionality to the business, users often resort to shadow IT tactics.

Public Cloud

How to have the flexibility of the Public Cloud… and be able to sleep at night.

Why is it important to locate and wipe devices remotely?

Being able to locate and wipe devices remotely can be crucial in some situations, such as when a device is lost or stolen. Wiping, in particular, makes it much harder to access your data, no matter how much time or determination an attacker has. You can’t enable this without access to your device, so if you haven’t done it before, now would be the best time.

Is online privacy and security a fixed set of guidelines?

Unfortunately, online privacy and security does not boil down to following a fixed set of guidelines. Being protected can be situational, and you’ll often have to use your best judgement.

What are the features of a secure audit?

Some features of a secure audit include: Real-time specific knowledge of each vendor connection, why they are connecting, and the activity associated with each individual user. Customizable, contextual labels and tags to identify ticket numbers, requestor, and other organization-specific data.

What is audit trail?

An audit trail and access notifications can set off alarms when unusual activity occurs. Granular audit records provide forensic details in the event of a breach or mistake to help track down the root cause and responsible party or parties.

How to teach employees about cybersecurity?

Educate your employees about cybersecurity risks and their vulnerabilities as they work from home. Teach your employees how to identify phishing and steps they need to take if they get phished. Provide a point of contact and clear guidelines in case there is a security breach.

Why are people working from home more vulnerable to cyber attacks?

This can be attributed to the fact that people working from home are easier targets for cyber-criminals, who are using the global pandemic to further their agendas. Most home networks and devices are not maintained at the same level of security as office devices, hence they are more vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

What is a robust IT policy?

A robust IT policy for remote work educates your employees regarding their role, tools available, how to act in case of emergency, etc. A clearly defined comprehensive policy empowers your employees as well as holds them accountable by serving as a guide and providing directions when the employee is in doubt about IT operations and security.

Is remote work a cybersecurity issue?

Remote work comes with a host of cybersecurity challenges requiring immediate attention. The problems are compounded by the fact that the recent transition to the work-from-home environment has brought about an increase in cyberattacks on businesses. Nevertheless, there are steps you can take to secure your employees while they work from home.

Is there a surge in phishing attacks?

There has been an upward surge in COVID-19 related phishing attacks. These attacks use social engineering lures in emails trying to take advantage of the anxiety surrounding the global crisis. While your employees may, in general, be well informed about phishing emails, these are extraordinary times and even a small slip-up may cause a serious security breach.

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