Where can I access IT services at Newcastle University?
Staffed IT Service Bar located on Level 2 see opening hours for details. A free Connection Clinic is available to all students and staff of Newcastle University to help connect personally owned devices to the network and get access to university provided IT services.
How do I authenticate to use the University's remote services?
Authentication is via your normal University login and password. * Experience may vary depending on OS Version. Users are warned to disconnect properly from remote services, especially if using them from public places like an Internet café.
Is the Remote Application Service (RAS) back online?
As a result of the detailed investigative work that has taken place following the recent cyber-security incident, the Remote Application Service (RAS) will not be brought back online. Alternative options are available for remote access to your files and University software:
What do I need to access university IT services away from campus?
To access most University IT services away from campus, you'll need a PC, laptop or mobile device with an internet connection. For desktop conferencing and calls, you'll need a device with a camera and microphone (many laptops and tablets have a camera and microphone built in).
How to log in to campus?
How to access RDS?
How long does it take to get access to the NCL?
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Download Microsoft Office 365
Download the Microsoft Office 365 suite of applications, including Outlook, at no personal cost, for your home device.
Get started with Microsoft Teams
You can create Teams to support file sharing, document collaboration, live chat and online meetings. (Sign in with userid@newcastle.ac.uk)
How to log in to campus?
Login using campususer name in the username box, enter your password and click Sign in. A list of applications you are allowed to access will appear.
How to access RDS?
RDS can be accessed by accessing https://rds.ncl.ac.uk using any web browser (login using campususer name)
How long does it take to get access to the NCL?
Users must register for the service by filling in this form https://secureforms.ncl.ac.uk/view.php?id=122822 Access will be granted within 5 working days. Users will also need to use Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) to access the service, see https://go.ncl.ac.uk/itservice/mfa and use the Microsoft Authenticator Application for the MFA challenge.
How to access SAP on a NUIT laptop?
If you have a University Windows 10 laptop supplied by NUIT, you can access SAP by selecting the relevant system labelled with ‘Direct Access’ at the bottom of the SAP logon pad.
What is the phone number for the IT Service Desk?
Call 0191 208 5999. If you are unable to get in touch with us by telephone, please use the one of the contact methods above and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible. If you have any further questions or concerns about working at home or off campus, please contact the IT Service Desk for advice.
What is DirectAccess on Windows 10?
When you’re using a University supplied, Windows 10 laptop to work remotely, DirectAccess allows you to log in to campus IT services and access your files. It starts-up automatically and runs in the background while you’re working.
Why is DirectAccess so slow?
DirectAccess may be slow between 08:30 – 10:00 weekdays. This is due to the volume of people accessing the service.
Can you access NHS data from a laptop?
If the data is covered by the university NHS toolkit, the data can only be accessed via Direct Access using a University Laptop or using Remote Access Gateway.
Is NUIT able to process new orders?
Due to the current on-campus delivery/collection restrictions, NUIT will not be able to process new orders for IT equipment and hardware in the usual way at this time. A new process is being established to reflect restrictions imposed by the current Coronavirus/COVID-19 situation, and that will be published in due course. That process will be subject to revision without notice while ever circumstances continue to change.
What is a connection clinic?
A free Connection Clinic is available to all students and staff of Newcastle University to help connect personally owned devices to the network and get access to university provided IT services. Whilst we don't support customers' own equipment and devices, we will offer “best efforts” advice. Please remember that you are responsible for your personally owned equipment and devices at all times.
What time does the Connection Clinic open?
The Connection Clinic is located in the Old Library Cluster (OLUA) (see the locations tab) and is open Monday to Friday between 0900-1600.
Do you have to transport a device to the clinic?
You must transport your device to and from the clinic at your own risk.
Does NUIT offer repair?
NUIT offer assistance with no guarantee of a satisfactory repair, restoration or repair deadline schedule.
Is the service bar in the Old Library by appointment?
IMPORTANT COVID-19 Update: Our in-person Service Bar in the Old Library building is by appointment only.
Is the old library open for self study?
The Old Library IT cluster room is open for self study 24/7.
How to log in to campus?
Login using campususer name in the username box, enter your password and click Sign in. A list of applications you are allowed to access will appear.
How to access RDS?
RDS can be accessed by accessing https://rds.ncl.ac.uk using any web browser (login using campususer name)
How long does it take to get access to the NCL?
Users must register for the service by filling in this form https://secureforms.ncl.ac.uk/view.php?id=122822 Access will be granted within 5 working days. Users will also need to use Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) to access the service, see https://go.ncl.ac.uk/itservice/mfa and use the Microsoft Authenticator Application for the MFA challenge.