Remote Access Trojan Examples
- Back Orifice. Back Orifice (BO) rootkit is one of the best-known examples of a RAT. ...
- Sakula. Sakula, also known as Sakurel and VIPER, is another remote access trojan that first surfaced in November 2012.
- Sub7. Sub7, also known as SubSeven or Sub7Server, is a RAT botnet. ...
- PoisonIvy. ...
- DarkComet. ...
- Sakula. Sakula is a seemingly benign software with a legitimate digital signature, yet it allows attackers complete remote administration capabilities over a machine. ...
- KjW0rm. ...
- Havex. ...
- Agent. ...
- Dark Comet. ...
- AlienSpy. ...
- Heseber BOT. ...
- Sub7.
How to create remote access trojan?
Remote Access Trojan Examples
- Back Orifice. Back Orifice (BO) rootkit is one of the best-known examples of a RAT. ...
- Sakula. Sakula, also known as Sakurel and VIPER, is another remote access trojan that first surfaced in November 2012.
- Sub7. Sub7, also known as SubSeven or Sub7Server, is a RAT botnet. ...
- PoisonIvy. ...
- DarkComet. ...
What to do if you get a Trojan?
What to do if You Get a Trojan Virus Tips
- Identify the Trojan. After recognizing a file infected with Trojan horse, it becomes easy to remove. ...
- Disable the function of System restore. If you forget this step, then it will restore the files you delete.
- Restart the Computer. When you restart, press F8 and then select safe mode to start your computer.
- Go to Add or Remove Programs. ...
- Remove extensions. ...
What is remote access and how can I use it?
Windows 10 Fall Creator Update (1709) or later
- On the device you want to connect to, select Start and then click the Settings icon on the left.
- Select the System group followed by the Remote Desktop item.
- Use the slider to enable Remote Desktop.
- It is also recommended to keep the PC awake and discoverable to facilitate connections. ...
How to detect remote access?
What Does a RAT Virus Do?
- Get access to confidential info including usernames, passwords, social security numbers, and credit card accounts.
- Monitor web browsers and other computer apps to get search history, emails, chat logs, etc.
- Hijack the system webcam and record videos.
- Monitor user activity by keystroke loggers or spyware.
- Take screenshots on the target PC.

What can remote access Trojan do?
Remote access trojans (RATs) are malware designed to allow an attacker to remotely control an infected computer. Once the RAT is running on a compromised system, the attacker can send commands to it and receive data back in response.
Which of the following is a remote Trojan?
Troya is a remote Trojan that works remotely for its creator.
Which is the best remote access Trojan?
Blackshades is a Trojan which is widely used by hackers to gain access to any system remotely. This tool frequently attacks the Windows-based operating system for access. Until now 500,000 systems have been infected worldwide with this Trojan.
How are remote access Trojans delivered?
A remote access Trojan (RAT) is a malware program that includes a back door for administrative control over the target computer. RATs are usually downloaded invisibly with a user-requested program -- such as a game -- or sent as an email attachment.
What was the first remote access Trojan?
The oldest RAT was first developed in 1996 [10], however legitimate remote access tools were first created in 1989 [11]. Since then, the number of RATs has grown rapidly. The first phase was marked by home-made RATs. In these years, everyone made their own RAT, however these did not prosper and were not heavily used.
What is a Remote Access Trojan which is installed by SMS spoofing used for?
Remote Access Trojans are programs that provide the capability to allow covert surveillance or the ability to gain unauthorized access to a victim PC.
How many types of remote tools are there?
Comparison of Top Remote Desktop Access ToolsTool NameOS & DevicesFree TrialRemote Desktop ManagerWindows, iOS, & AndroidAvailable 30 daysTeam ViewerWindows, Linux, iOS, & AndroidNot available. Free version availableVNC ConnectWindows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, iOS, AndroidAvailableLogMeInWindows & MacAvailable8 more rows•Jun 13, 2022
What are remote applications?
A remote application is an application delivery solution wherein the actual application is installed on a central server and is used from a remote device. The end user receives screenshots of the application while being able to provide keyboard, thumb tap and mouse inputs.
What is a remote access tool?
Remote access programs and tools (sometimes referred to as RATs) allow access and manipulation of systems remotely from another location. Many remote access programs are legitimate tools used by all types of users to access files and data on remote computers.
Is someone using my computer remotely?
Open your Task Manager or Activity Monitor. These utilities can help you determine what is currently running on your computer. Windows – Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Mac – Open the Applications folder in Finder, double-click the Utilities folder, and then double-click Activity Monitor.
Is remote access Trojan illegal?
Law enforcement officials say that simply possessing a remote-access tool isn't illegal. In fact, remote-access tools are often used for IT support purposes in corporate environments.
What is a backdoor Trojan?
Backdoor malware is generally classified as a Trojan. A Trojan is a malicious computer program pretending to be something it's not for the purposes of delivering malware, stealing data, or opening up a backdoor on your system.
What are remote administration tools?
A remote administration tool (RAT) is a software program that gives you the ability to control another device remotely. You then have access to the device's system as if you had physical access to the device itself.
Is a backdoor malware?
A backdoor is a malware type that negates normal authentication procedures to access a system. As a result, remote access is granted to resources within an application, such as databases and file servers, giving perpetrators the ability to remotely issue system commands and update malware.
What is a backdoor Trojan?
Backdoor malware is generally classified as a Trojan. A Trojan is a malicious computer program pretending to be something it's not for the purposes of delivering malware, stealing data, or opening up a backdoor on your system.
Are PUPs malware?
Type and source of infection. Detections categorized as PUPs are not considered as malicious as other forms of malware, and may even be regarded by some as useful. Malwarebytes detects potentially unwanted programs for several reasons, including: They may have been installed without the user's consent.
What is RAT software?
RAT can also stand for remote administration tool, which is software giving a user full control of a tech device remotely. With it, the user can ac...
What’s the difference between the RAT computer virus and RAT software?
As for functions, there is no difference between the two. Yet, while remote administration tool is for legit usage, RAT connotes malicious and crim...
What are the popular remote access applications?
The common remote desktop tools include but are not limited to TeamViewer, AnyDesk, Chrome Remote Desktop, ConnectWise Control, Splashtop Business...
What is remote access trojan?
Functions of Remote Access Trojan : It can be used to monitor the user by using some spyware or other key-logger. It can be used to activate the webcam. It can be used to record video. It can be used to delete files, alter files. This Remote Access Trojan can also be used to capture screenshots.
What is the advantage of remote access?
Advantage of Remote Access Trojans : It can be used to capture screenshots. The attacker can activate the webcam, or they can record video. The RAT can be used to delete the files or alter files in the system. It can also be used to capture screenshots.
What is the most powerful Trojan?
One of the most powerful Trojans that are popularly used by the attacker or hacker is Remote Access Trojan. This is mostly used for malicious purposes. This Trojan ensures the stealthy way of accumulating data by making itself undetected. Now, these Trojans have the capacity to perform various functions that damages the victim.
What is a RAT trojan?
RAT trojan is typically installed on a computer without its owner’s knowledge and often as a trojan horse or payload. For example, it is usually downloaded invisibly with an email attachment, torrent files, weblinks, or a user-desired program like a game. While targeted attacks by a motivated attacker may deceive desired targets into installing RAT ...
Why do RATs use a randomized filename?
It is kind of difficult. RATs are covert by nature and may make use of a randomized filename or file path structure to try to prevent identification of itself. Commonly, a RAT worm virus does not show up in the lists of running programs or tasks and its actions are similar to those of legal programs.
What is poison ivy rat keylogger?
PoisonIvy RAT keylogger, also called “Backdoor.Darkmoon”, enables keylogging, screen/ video capturing, system administrating, file transferring, password stealing, and traffic relaying. It was designed by a Chinese hacker around 2005 and has been applied in several prominent attacks including the Nitro attacks on chemical companies and the breach of the RSA SecurID authentication tool, both in 2011.
What is a back orifice rootkit?
Back Orifice (BO) rootkit is one of the best-known examples of a RAT. It was made by a hacker group named the Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc) to show the security deficiencies of Microsoft’s Windows 9X series of operating systems (OS).
Is Sub 7 a trojan horse?
Typically, Sub 7 allows undetected and unauthorized access. So, it is usually regarded as a trojan horse by the security industry. Sub7 worked on the Windows 9x and Windows NT family of OSes, up to and including Windows 8.1. Sub7 has not been maintained since 2014. 4.
Can a RAT remote access trojan be used on a computer?
Since RAT remote access trojan will probably utilize the legitimate apps on your computer, you’d better upgrade those apps to their latest versions. Those programs include your browsers, chat apps, games, email servers, video/audio/photo/screenshot tools, work applications…
Why are remote access Trojans important?
Remote Access Trojans fulfill an important function for hackers. Most attack vectors, like phishing, are ideal for delivering a payload to a machine but don’t provide the hacker with the ability to explore and interact with the target environment. RATs are designed to create a foothold on the target machine that provides the hacker with the necessary level of control over their target machine.
What is the next step in a phishing attack?
Once a hacker has gained initial access to a target machine, expanding and solidifying that foothold is the next logical step. In the case of a phishing attack, this involves using malware to take advantage of the access provided by the email.
Do remote access Trojans exist?
Many different Remote Access Trojans exist, and some hackers will modify existing ones or develop their own to be better suited to their preferences. Different RATs are also designed for different purposes, especially with RATs geared specifically to each potential target (desktop versus mobile, Windows versus Apple and so on).
Remote Access Trojan Definition
Malware developers code their software for a specific purpose, but to gain remote control of a user’s device is the ultimate benefit for an attacker who wants to steal data or take over a user’s computer.
How are Remote Access Trojans Useful to Hackers?
A 2015 incident in Ukraine illustrates the widespread and nefarious nature of RAT programs. Attackers using remote control malware cut power to 80,000 people by remotely accessing a computer authenticated into SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) machines that controlled the country’s utility infrastructure.
How Does a Remote Access Trojan Work?
To discover the way RATs work, users can remotely access a device in their home or on a work-related network. RATs work just like standard remote-control software, but a RAT is programmed to stay hidden to avoid detection either from anti-malware software or the device owner.
How to Detect a Remote Access Trojan
Because RATs are programmed to avoid detection, they can be difficult for the average user to identify. Depending on the RAT, users can take several steps to determine if they have a RAT installed on their system. These steps can be used to identify most malware on a system so that eradication steps can be taken to remove it.
Short bio
Remote Access Trojans are programs that provide the capability to allow covert surveillance or the ability to gain unauthorized access to a victim PC.
While the full history of Remote Access Trojans is unknown, these applications have been in use for a number of years to help attackers establish a foothold onto a victim PC. Well-known and long established Remote Access Trojans include the SubSeven, Back Orifice, and Poison-Ivy applications.
Common infection method
Remote Access Trojans can be installed in a number of methods or techniques, and will be similar to other malware infection vectors. Specially crafted email attachments, web-links, download packages, or .torrent files could be used as a mechanism for installation of the software.
Associated families
There are a large number of Remote Access Trojans. Some are more well-known than others. SubSeven, Back Orifice, ProRat, Turkojan, and Poison-Ivy are established programs. Others, such as CyberGate, DarkComet, Optix, Shark, and VorteX Rat have a smaller distribution and utilization.
Remote Access Trojans are covert by nature and may utilize a randomized filename/path structure to try to prevent identification of the software.
Remote Access Trojans have the potential to collect vast amounts of information against users of an infected machine. If Remote Access Trojan programs are found on a system, it should be assumed that any personal information (which has been accessed on the infected machine) has been compromised.
As in all cases, never click email or website links from unknown locations or install software at the urging of unknown parties. Using a reputable antivirus and anti-malware solution will help to ensure Remote Access Trojans are unable to properly function, and will assist in mitigating any collection of data.
What is remote access trojan?
Like most other forms of malware, Remote Access Trojans are often attached to files appearing to be legitimate, like emails or software bundles. However, what makes Remote Access Trojans particularly insidious is they can often mimic above-board remote access programs.
Can a RAT program be used to download viruses?
Once a RAT program is connected to your computer , the hacker can examine the local files, acquire login credentials and other personal information, or use the connection to download viruses you could unwittingly spread along to others.
What are hackers exploiting?
While hackers are exploiting the vulnerabilities found in actual solutions like business VPNs and RDP to gain access to the company network, they are using traditional tactics to target remote employees.
What are the drawbacks of VPN?
The major drawbacks of VPNs are their encryption systems. Not all VPNs provide end to end encryption (EE2E), if not relying on weak or outdated encryption methods. For example, VPNs using the old VPN protocol, PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol), have proven to be insecure and proven to break easily. Furthermore, this type of traffic can ...
Can malware be executed on a client?
The malware is then executed within the client — the victim’s device; the compromised device is left open to the hackers so they can access the private network directly. Hackers may also try to instill the use of macros within Excel or Word docs to execute malware and take over a PC.
Can hackers access your email?
Hackers, with stolen credentials, can freely access users’ emails, names, photos, or even webcams on personal devices. Video conferencing tools remain vulnerable because virtual meetings sometimes only require an invitation link and ID, but not a password.
Do companies use VPNs?
Companies using corporate VPNs should be aware of the various VPN protocols and avoid using VPNs with older and less secure protocols. VPNs run 24/7, which means organizations are less likely to check for and apply security patches on a regular basis. This also makes VPNs vulnerable and susceptible to attacks by hackers.