Who has delegated approval authority for RWA’s within Nevada?
The President has delegated approval authority for RWA’s within Nevada as follows:
How long does it take to update a remote location?
Upon approval, remote employees shall update their location with the University within five business days after changing the address, city and/or state from which they are working.
Why is RWA not available?
Not every function is conducive to an alternate location because of student needs, research obligations, unit size and job responsibilities and/or university business needs.
What is the principle of a university?
In order to promote and maintain the University as a world-class institution, a principle of the University is to have a majority of its teaching and services provided to students live and in-person.
Is remote work cost neutral?
Remote Work Arrangements (RWA) must be cost-neutral to the University.
Who approves RWA?
Vice Presidents are authorized to approve RWA for employees in all units reporting directly to them.
Does NSHE prohibit work off campus?
The policy does not apply to authorized work performed away from an employee’s assigned work location as part of an employee’s job responsibilities, including but not limited to travel, sabbatical, research (including international), community engagement, conference attendance, nor is it intended to prohibit work performed off-campus by University academic and administrative faculty holding professional positions as defined and authorized by the Board of Regents (NSHE Code, Title 2, Sect 1.1).
What is the username for 000123456?
For example, an employee ID of 000123456 will become a username of 123456 (no leading zeroes).
What to do if NetID is no longer working?
If your NetID is no longer working, please contact your department to see if your contract is still active. If your contract is still active, please contact the IT Help Desk to resolve any issues with your NetID account.
What privileges does an adjunct professor have?
Adjunct Professor - Full privileges including email and Grants-In-Aid.
About the ECC
The Engineering Computing Center is for the use of all College of Engineering majors/minors, and for anyone currently taking an engineering or computer science class in CoEN. The ECC has Windows 10 computers located in rooms SEM 231-A, B, C, D, SEM 321, WPEB 100, and 101.
Contact Us
Please check out the Engineering Student Resources Canvas page for more information about the ECC including available software, remote access, other ways to contact us, and more frequently asked questions.
Technological support for our campus community
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) department provides computing, software, and communications support services to students, faculty, and staff throughout the University.
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Do you need assistance? Use these links to browse the knowledge base, contact the Support Center by submitting a ticket, via live-chat or by calling. To contact the Support Center via telephone please dial 775-682-5000. Phone support is available 24/7.
About OIT
The Office of Information Technology (OIT) department provides computing, software, and communications support services to students, faculty, and staff throughout the University. Learn more about departments, committees and policies.
Frequently used services
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Registering for online classes
To enroll in any online course you must be a current University of Nevada, Reno student. After being admitted, students may register for classes via MyNEVADA. To search for available online classes in MyNEVADA, under “Mode of Instruction,” select “Web Based Course.”
Online classes through the Office of Digital Learning
Thinking about enrolling in an online class through the Office of Digital Learning? We maintain a list of currently available online classes for each semester. Find a class today.
Technical requirements, online policies and class rules
The University of Nevada, Reno uses Canvas (called WebCampus) for its online classes. Learn more about technical requirements for taking online classes at the University.
Online degrees and programs
The University of Nevada, Reno offers a wide selection of online degree programs, ranging from an Executive Master of Business Administration to a master's in cybersecurity. Explore our online offerings today.

Policy Statement
Applicability and Eligibility
Approval Authority
Types of Remote Work Arrangements
Remote Work Outside of Nevada
Remote Work Arrangement Agreement
- The RWA agreement shall specify the following terms: 1. All employees that desire to have a RWA for more than 10 working days in will be required to enter into a RWA agreement. The duration of the agreement may be between 11 working days and one year, with most being six months or one semester in duration. All RWA agreements shall be reevaluated be...