Remote-access Guide

remote access vpn troubleshooting asa

by Major Stracke Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do I troubleshoot Cisco VPN connection problems?

How do I fix the Cisco VPN issues on Windows 10?Repair the installation. In the Windows Search bar, type Control and open Control Panel. ... Allow VPN to freely communicate through Firewall. ... Use a more reliable VPN. ... Tweak the Registry. ... Perform a clean reinstallation.

How can I check my ASA VPN status?

Please try to use the following vpn-sessiondb vpn-sessiondb vpn-sessiondb vpn-sessiondb license-summary.and try other forms of the connection with "show vpn-sessiondb ?"

How do I access my Cisco ASA remotely?

There are eight basic steps in setting up remote access for users with the Cisco ASA.Configure an Identity Certificate.Upload the SSL VPN Client Image to the ASA.Enable AnyConnect VPN Access.Create a Group Policy.Configure Access List Bypass.Create a Connection Profile and Tunnel Group.Configure NAT Exemption.More items...•

Which command is used to check VPN tunnel is up or not?

This command “Show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect” command you can find both the username and the index number (established by the order of the client images) in the output of the “show vpn-sessiondb anyconnect” command.

How do I know if IPsec tunnel is up?

To view status information about active IPsec tunnels, use the show ipsec tunnel command. This command prints status output for all IPsec tunnels, and it also supports printing tunnel information individually by providing the tunnel ID.

How do I troubleshoot IKEv2?

Troubleshoot connectivity between Aviatrix gateway and peer VPN router.Verify that both VPN settings use the same IKEv2 version.Verify that all IKEv2/IPsec algorithm parameters (i.e., Authentication/DH Groups/Encryption) match on both VPN configuration.

How does remote access VPN Work?

A remote access VPN works by creating a virtual tunnel between an employee's device and the company's network. This tunnel goes through the public internet but the data sent back and forth through it is protected by encryption and security protocols to help keep it private and secure.

How do I configure AnyConnect on ASA 5505?

Quick guide: AnyConnect Client VPN on Cisco ASA 5505Click on Configuration at the top and then select Remote Access VPN.Click on Certificate Management and then click on Identity Certificates.Click Add and then Add a new identity certificate.Click New and enter a name for your new key pair (ex: VPN)More items...•

What VPN types are supported by ASA?

For VPN Services, the ASA 5500 Series provides a complete remote-access VPN solution that supports numerous connectivity options, including Cisco VPN Client for IP Security (IPSec), Cisco Clientless SSL VPN, network-aware site-to-site VPN connectivity, and Cisco AnyConnect VPN client.

How do I test VPN tunnel?

Check the current status using the Amazon VPC consoleSign in to the Amazon VPC console.In the navigation pane, under Site-to-Site VPN Connections, choose Site-to-Site VPN Connections.Select your VPN connection.Choose the Tunnel Details view.Review the Status of your VPN tunnel.More items...•

How do I know if IPSec is working?

There are three tests you can use to determine whether your IPSec is working correctly:Test your IPSec tunnel.Enable auditing for logon events and object access.Check the IP security monitor.

How do I test IPSec VPN connection?

In the GUI, a ping may be sent with a specific source as follows:Navigate to Diagnostics > Ping.Fill in the settings as follows: Host. Enter an IP address which is on the remote router within the remote subnet listed for the tunnel phase 2 (e.g. 10.5. 0.1 ) IP Protocol. ... Click Ping.

How do I connect to Cisco ASA?

Complete the below steps.Configure the management interface. conf t. int e 0/2. ip address nameif manage. security-level 80. exit. exit.Configure the username and privilege. username Test password Test@Cisco privilege 15.Configure the Cisco ASA to allow http connections.

How do I enable Cisco AnyConnect VPN through Remote Desktop?

The steps would be:Log into the ASDM.Go to Configuration, Remote Access VPN, Anyconnect Client Profile.Click Add and create a new profile and choose the Group Policy it should apply to.Click OK, and then at the Profile screen click "Apply" at the bottom (important)More items...•

How do I download AnyConnect from Asa?

Just load a new image to the ASA (under Configuration -> Remote-Access VPN -> Network (Client) Access -> AnyConnect Client Software) and the client will load the new software the next time when the client connects. Of course the client shouldn't have a setting applied to not download new software.

How do I enable telnet on ASDM?

Allow Telnet – Via ASDM (version shown 6.4(7)) Connect via ASDM > Navigate to Configuration > Device Management > Management Access > ASDM/HTTPS/Telnet/SSH > Add > Select Telnet > Supply the IP and subnet > OK.

What is an ASA response?

The ASA generates a response to the IKE_AUTH message and prepares to authenticate itself to the client.

Why does ASA use Auth?

The ASA sends the AUTH payload in order to request user credentials from the client. The ASA sends the AUTH method as 'RSA,' so it sends its own certificate to the client, so the client can authenticate the ASA server.

Why does the client omit the Auth payload from message 3?

The client omits the AUTH payload from message 3 in order to indicate a desire to use extensible authentication. When Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication is specified or implied by the client profile and the profile does not contain the <IKEIdentity> element, the client sends an ID_GROUP type IDi payload with the fixed string *$AnyConnectClient$*. The client initiates a connection to the ASA on port 4500.

Is EAP authentication allowed?

Authentication is done with EAP. Only a single EAP authentication method is allowed within an EAP conversation. The ASA receives the IKE_AUTH message from the client.

What is Cisco ASA?

Cisco ASA comes with many show commands to check the health and status of the IPSec tunnels. For troubleshooting purposes, there is a rich set of debug commands to isolate the IPSec-related issues.

What does "PHASE 1 COMPLETED" mean in Cisco ASA?

After pushing down the attributes, Cisco ASA displays the "PHASE 1 COMPLETED" message indicating that the ISAKMP SA is successfully negotiated, as demonstrated in Example 16-58.

How to check IPSEC SA?

You can also check the status of the IPSec SA by using the show crypto ipsec sa command, as shown in Example 16-51. This command displays the negotiated proxy identities along with the actual number of packets encrypted and decrypted by the IPSec engine.

How to check if IPSEC tunnels are working?

If you want to see if the IPSec tunnels are working and passing traffic, you can start by looking at the status of Phase 1 SA. Type show crypto isakmp sa detail, as demonstrated in Example 16-50. If the ISAKMP negotiations are successful, you should see the state as AM_ACTIVE.

What happens if NAT-T is not negotiated?

If NAT-T is not negotiated or a NAT/PAT device is not detected, they display the Remote end is NOT behind a NAT device. This end is NOT behind a NAT device message, as shown in Example 16-55. Example 16-55. debug Output to Show NAT-T Discovery Process.

How does a client request mode-config?

The client requests mode-config attributes by sending a list of client-supported attributes, as shown in Example 16-57. Cisco ASA replies back with all of its supported attributes and the appropriate information.

What happens after NAT-T?

After NAT-T negotiations, Cisco ASA prompts the user to specify user credentials. Upon successful user authentication, the security appliance displays a message indicating that the user (ciscouser in this example) is authenticated, as shown in Example 16-56.



  • This document describes how to understand debugs on the Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) when Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) is used with a Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. This document also provides information on how to translate certain debug lines in an ASA configuration. This document does not describe how to pass traffic after a VPN tunne…
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  • Requirements
    Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of the packet exchange for IKEv2. For more information, refer to IKEv2 Packet Exchange and Protocol Level Debugging.
  • Components Used
    The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions: 1. Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) 2. Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) Version 8.4 or later The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. Al…
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CORE Issue

  • The Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) often uses IKE and IPSec debug commands in order to understand where there is a problem with IPSec VPN tunnel establishment, but the commands can be cryptic.
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  • ASA Configuration
    This ASA configuration is strictly basic, with no use of external servers.
  • XML File
    Note: The UserGroup name in the XML client profile must be the same as the name of the tunnel-group on the ASA. Otherwise, the error message 'Invalid Host Entry. Please re-enter' is seen on the AnyConnect client.
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Debug Logs and Descriptions

  • Note: Logs from the Diagnostics and Reporting Tool (DART) are generally very chatty, so certain DART logs have been omitted in this example due to insignificance.
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Tunnel Verification

  • AnyConnect
    Sample output from the show vpn-sessiondb detail anyconnectcommand is:
    Sample output from the show crypto ikev2 sacommand is: Sample output from the show crypto ikev2 sa detailcommand is:
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