What can you do with Rex?
You can automate gateway creation and user enrollment or use custom session scheduling methods and build domain remote control apps. The REX Project itself is open source, and easily deployable as a docker container. Power to you.
What is UNC rex known for?
For Healthcare Professionals UNC REX Healthcare, one of the top 50 Best Hospitals in the Nation, is well known in the Triangle for its welcoming work environment, commitment to clinical excellence and family-oriented culture. Co-worker, physician and patient satisfaction rank among the highest in our area and in the healthcare industry.
What is the REX project?
The REX Project itself is open source, and easily deployable as a docker container. Power to you. Rather than operate as a monolithic service, REX gives you back power and control over your data by promoting decentralised, self-hosted infrastructure.
Where is UNC Rex Healthcare located?
UNC REX Healthcare 4420 Lake Boone Trail Raleigh, NC 27607, USA 919-784-3100 Chosen for Excellence Co-Worker & Physician Login Health Library

How does Rex work?
REX will handle connecting your users to your clients, regardless of how many users or clients you have. It will handle booking, queuing, no-shows, cancellings, conflicts, and enforcing your rules and rate limits. If a client is free, it is guaranteed to be assigned the user most suitable (eg. having waited the longest). REX will even handle roaming a user across clients without interruting if availability changes! With mass-mode, you can even connect to multiple clients at once, letting REX handle all the logistics behind the scenes.
What is REX?
REX is an open source remote access manager, allowing you to share live access & control to anything. It handles live connections, access rules, scheduling, easy UI and more. It is an easy to use low/no-code solution that makes no assumptions about how you use it.
Is Rex a trustless system?
REX is a trustless system. Access is based on public key crypto, and client private keys are never given to users, modules, or even the clients themselves. Permanent access is never granted to anyone, and you can set advanced access rules, rate limits, and more - all of which are enforced in real-time.
Is Rex a docker container?
You can automate gateway creation and user enrollment or use custom session scheduling methods and build domain remote control apps. The REX Project itself is open source, and easily deployable as a docker container.
REX Overview
REX (Remote Electronic eXtensions) allows you to remotely control or access anything, as well as manage & share access and control with others. At its core REX solves any problem where you have one or more “users” trying to access one or more remote “things” in real time. For example:
What is REX
REX (Remote Electronic eXtensions) allows you to remotely control or access anything, as well as manage & share access and control with others. At its core REX solves any problem where you have one or more “users” trying to access one or more remote “things” in real time. For example:
Two-Factor Authentication Now Required For Remote Access
All employees who remotely access WakeMed email or the WakeMed network using Citrix or VPN are required to enroll in Duo Security.
Remote Access - Preparation & Options
We encourage all employees to prepare for the possibility of having to work from home before you actually need to do so. If you don’t typically work from home, testing equipment and solutions early will give everyone more time to resolve issues.
Office 365 Remote Access: Preferred Method
Many features of Office 365 are available from any Internet-connected device. If most of your data has been migrated to SharePoint Online and OneDrive, this might be all you need to get most of your work done. This include access to e-mails, and web-based versions of Word and Excel.
Remote Desktop to Your Own PC: Second Best Method
This the best option for people who have their own dedicated PC at WakeMed. This will give you the same desktop you are used to every day, with all the applications, and at similar speeds.
Always On VPN: Least Preferred
Always On VPN automatically connects WakeMed laptops to our network, giving you full access to all our applications as if at a physical WakeMed location.