How do I access SABnzbd remotely?
Accessing the web-interfaceSABnzbd can only be accessed on the running computer. Change host = 127.0. 0.1 in /var/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd. ini to host = 0.0. ... SABnzbd listens on port 8080 . Change port = 8080 in /var/lib/sabnzbd/sabnzbd. ini to the preferred port.
Does SABnzbd need port forwarding?
Do I need port forwarding for SABnzbd usage? For normal usage of SABnzbd, you don't need any port forwarding in your modem/router/NAT-device. Reasons: - SABnzbd only uses outgoing connections for content downloading.
Is NZBGet better than SABnzbd?
SABnzbd vs. SABnzbd uses Python while NZBGet is coded in C++. This gives NZBGet the advantage of using fewer system resources which ultimately makes it faster. That makes it a better solution for Raspberry PI and NAS devices. SABnzbd is compatible with Synology and QNAP NAS devices but isn't as lightweight as NZBGet.
What is Sickbeard?
Sick Beard is a PVR for newsgroup users (with limited torrent support). It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows and when they are posted it downloads them, sorts and renames them, and optionally generates metadata for them.
What port does Sonarr use?
Check What Port is Being Used If using the default installation, Sonarr runs on port 8989.
What port does Radarr use?
7878SSL may run on a different port than the default (7878). The SSL port can be bound to any port in Radarr, so it should be set in the configuration here (unless it is changed to 7878).
What port is Plex Media Server on?
TCP: 32400The most important port to make sure your firewall allows is the main TCP port the Plex Media Server uses for communication: TCP: 32400 (access to the Plex Media Server) [required]
Where is the Sabnzbd INI file?
Configuration file sabnzbd.iniOperating SystemPathWindows%userprofile%\AppData\Local\sabnzbd\sabnzbd.iniPosix~/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd.inimacOS~/Library/Application Support/SABnzbd/sabnzbd.ini
Re: Accessing Sabnzbd Remotely Question
Weak passwords are the main threat. We are not aware of weaknesses of the API itself. Note that I mean this literally: "we are not aware". Personally I access it only over a VPN connection. WIth release 1.0.0 you can close the API a bit further. Config->General->Internet access : set to "API (no config)".
Re: Accessing Sabnzbd Remotely Question
Utilities usually use the API key and not your username/password. As long as you do it over an HTTPS connection, it's not snoopable. However, there's a bit of a catch. Since SABnzbd cannot have a valid HTTPS certificate (unless you buy one yourself), most utilities will just accept invalid certificates. This leaves you open to potential man-in-the-middle attacks. That's mostly a worry when using public WiFi spots. What an attacker gains by stealing your API key is very small, especially if you set security to API-without-config access..
Re: Accessing Sabnzbd Remotely Question
shypike wrote: Utilities usually use the API key and not your username/password.
Re: Accessing Sabnzbd Remotely Question
Zifnab13 wrote: Generally speaking, with the default SSL provided by sab and only accessing within a non public network, my information and sab server should be pretty safe correct? I shouldn't need to worry about someone trying to access my machine without my permission?
Can't remotely access SABnzbd
I gave SABnzbd a try a while a go and it didn't seem to work so I went back to Grabbit. However I decided to give it another go and it's pretty cool! However I've got a problem and I can't seem to fix it or find the solution anywhere.
Re: Can't remotely access SABnzbd
The times I mentioned a local IP (192. etc) above I'm connected to my router (ie SABnzbd is running on a machine connected to the router and the clients are also connected to the same router) and the external IP when I tried connecting via the internet rather than the router. None of them worked
Re: Can't remotely access SABnzbd
sander wrote: You're running SAB on Ubuntu, right? If so, can you post the output of these two commands:
Re: Can't remotely access SABnzbd
Doesn't seem to be, no. Firstly it didn't have a problem with sickbeard and secondly I checked and it was on the access list Having said that......I just checked again to make 100% sure and I noticed that the checkbox was unticked next to SABnzb.
Re: Can't remotely access SABnzbd
have had this problem setting sabnzbd up for remote access for the first time.
Remote Access via port forwarding
I have a problem accessing to SABnzbd over dyndns and port forwarding.
Re: Remote Access via port forwarding
What did you tell the router to forward exactly? I assume your internal systems have fixed local IP addresses? Which version of SABnzbd are you using?
Re: Remote Access via port forwarding
I use a similar setup and it works fine. Is SABnzbd reachable from within your local network? SABnzbd cannot be only bound to localhost. You need to use or the local IP address (assuming it's constant).
Re: Remote Access via port forwarding
You are using https to connect to SABnzbd from the outside? http won't work. Countless people are using a similar setup, I'm still suspecting your router setup. You could try to use release 1.0.0RC5
Re: Remote Access via port forwarding
Do do you use HTTPS in the URL you try to use for access to SABnzbd Do you try that from a device NOT on your LAN, for example your phone connected via 3G/4G (not Wifi)? If Yes and Yes, I would change SABnzbd-Host to "" , und dann ein Neustart.
Can you speed limit on Usenet?
You can speed limit, enable and disable specific Usenet servers, pause and resume, shut down SABnzbd, and more. Just remember that you need to set the time using 24 hour notation and create a start/stop point for most actions such as pause/resume, speed limit/no limit, etc.
Does Sabnzbd come with a web console?
Although SABnzbd comes with a Spartan but completely serviceable web console, browser add-ons really streamline the management process—especially if you’ve got SABnzbd installed on a remote computer. Since you’re already using a browser to interact with SABnzbd it’s not much of an adjustment to stop relying completely on the web console and start enjoying the benefits of a browser add-on.
Does SABnzbd support HTTPS?
SABnzbd does support HTTPS, you can toggle it on in the HTTPS Support sub-menu. You can read more about HTTPS Support in SABnzbd and how to generate a custom SSL certificate with OpenSSL here. Once you’ve finished configuring things, click the Config tab and then click Restart.
Can you categorize items in SABnzbd?
SABnzbd supports categorization on two fronts. You can categorize items once they are in the queue and you can also set up categories within your watched NZB drop folder—using the latter automatically adds files dropped into it to a specific category.