Remote-access Guide

secure remote access for engineering employees

by Lia Baumbach Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

7 Best Practices For Securing Remote Access for Employees
  • Develop a Cybersecurity Policy For Remote Workers. ...
  • Choose a Remote Access Software. ...
  • Use Encryption. ...
  • Implement a Password Management Software. ...
  • Apply Two-factor Authentication. ...
  • Employ the Principle of Least Privilege. ...
  • Create Employee Cybersecurity Training.
May 7, 2020

Full Answer

What are the best remote access solutions for a secure work environment?

Top 3 Remote Access Solutions For A Secure Work Environment 1 Business or Enterprise-Level VPNs. Most organizations use a business VPN to allow employees or users to connect to the company’s network no matter where they are located. 2 Remote Desktop Software. ... 3 Cloudbric Remote Access Solution. ... 4 Conclusion. ...

How do you secure remote employees?

To begin, secure remote employees by encouraging them to lock computers when traveling physically. If there’s no physical access to their device, the chances of foul play remain low. Secondly, when employees work in public locations, instruct them to be aware of any onlookers when typing in sensitive information, such as logins or passwords.

What is remote access and how does it work?

Depending on your needs, a remote access solution can allow employees or members of your organizations to securely access resources located in your private network or remotely connect to another physical computer. So which remote access solution is right for your business or organization?

How do remote workers use VPNs?

Most commonly, remote workers will use a remote access VPN client to connect to their organization’s VPN gateway to gain access to its internal network, but not without authenticating first. Usually, there are two choices when using VPNs: IP Security (IPsec) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).


How do you keep security when employees work remotely?

Remote Work Security Best PracticesEstablish and enforce a data security policy. ... Equip your employees with the right tools and technology. ... Frequently update your network security systems. ... Regulate the use of personal devices. ... Institute a “Zero Trust” approach. ... Make sure all internet connections are secure.More items...

How do you secure remote access?

Basic Security Tips for Remote DesktopUse strong passwords. ... Use Two-factor authentication. ... Update your software. ... Restrict access using firewalls. ... Enable Network Level Authentication. ... Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop. ... Set an account lockout policy.

Which method of remote access is the most secure?

Implement a Secure Connection for Remote Network AccessWired Connection: A wired connection is the most secure method for remote network access.Home Wi-Fi: The second most secure network connection is using a secured home Wi-Fi connection.More items...•

What are the secure methods the remote users can use to connect to the internal network to perform file operations?

VPNs are the most common form of remote access. They use authentication and encryption to establish a secure connection to a private network over the internet.

What is secure remote access VPN?

A remote access virtual private network (VPN) enables users who are working remotely to securely access and use applications and data that reside in the corporate data center and headquarters, encrypting all traffic the users send and receive.

Who is more secure protocol for remote login?

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are a commonly used remote-access solution. They are designed to provide an encrypted tunnel for network traffic between a remote user and the enterprise network. VPNs also support security solutions like MFA that help to mitigate the threat of compromised accounts.

What should a company consider when looking at adding remote employees?

These expectations should include work hours, availability, deadlines, meeting scheduling and attendance, work submission and more. When setting these requirements consider the differences between remote and in-house workers.

What is the safest way to access work resources from home?

Here are the top remote working security tips to ensure you and your staff are working from home safely.Use antivirus and internet security software at home. ... Keep family members away from work devices. ... Invest in a sliding webcam cover. ... Use a VPN. ... Use a centralized storage solution. ... Secure your home Wi-Fi.More items...

Which is a more secure form of remote access over a network?

Virtual private network (VPN)Virtual private network (VPN) – The most common and well-known form of secure remote access, VPNs typically use the public Internet to connect to a private network resource through an encrypted tunnel.

What are the three types of remote connections?

Remote Access Control MethodsDirect (Physical) Line. The first direct remote access control that can be implemented is a direct line from a computer to the company's LAN. ... Virtual Private Network. Another method which is more common is establishing a VPN. ... Deploying Microsoft RDS.

What are security considerations for remote users examples?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

Which is a more secure form of remote access over a network?

Virtual private network (VPN)Virtual private network (VPN) – The most common and well-known form of secure remote access, VPNs typically use the public Internet to connect to a private network resource through an encrypted tunnel.

What are security considerations for remote users examples?

Five Remote Access Security Risks And How To Protect Against ThemWeak remote access policies. ... A deluge of new devices to protect. ... Lack of visibility into remote user activity. ... Users mixing home and business passwords. ... Opportunistic phishing attempts.

Why don't companies allow remote work?

For various reasons, some employers discourage or don’t allow remote work. Manufacturers may feel it’s unfair to let operational staff work remotely when plant and warehouse workers have to come in. The office environment is naturally conducive to building friendships, fostering teamwork and encouraging collaboration.

What is VPN in remote office?

VPN – Virtual Private Network – You can restrict access so that employees must exclusively connect through a VPN, providing a direct, encrypted connection between their remote device and the main office server. This is a way to offer full, but secure access to remote employees. Be prescriptive about which VPN tools employees use.

Can you work remotely and in office?

One of the easiest ways is to allow employees to work from home. Obviously, working remotely and in-office are not the same. You don’t have the same fluid interactions between employees as when they’re within walking distance from each other. Paperwork and contracts can’t be passed around.

Do employees cause data breaches?

Most employees are loyal to your business, strive to act in a professional manner, and would never intentionally cause a data breach. Despite good intentions, studies show that employees are consistently the top source of data security breaches.

Can employees work from home?

Keep in mind that some employees will have difficulty working from home. They may have children or other family members clamoring for their attention. They may not be comfortable with video chat and need extra time to learn technology and change their processes to find new ways to collaborate.

Why is remote access important?

Secure remote access is important for three reasons: to safeguard and protect intellectual property; to increase employee productivity, and to enhance an organization’s competitive advantage. Organizations can confidently deliver on their current goals and innovate to achieve new ones when employees can work securely from everywhere.

What is remote desktop access?

Remote desktop access is an older and still popular method for accessing resources, typically on a corporate LAN. In this case, a user will connect to a physical or virtual computing instance located on the LAN. Popular examples include Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Virtual Network Computing (VNC).

What is a web proxy?

Web Proxies. Web proxies are a popular connection method and are often used in conjunction with secure web gateways (SWGs). Proxy servers terminate the connection between the user and the network, and then send a request to the end destination on the user’s behalf.

Is Google Chrome secure?

Most web browsers, like Google Chrome, provide some level of security for a secure web browsing experience. However, a successful secure remote access strategy provides organizations more control of the web browsing experience, eliminating reliance solely on web browser vendors for a secure web browsing experience.

1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for employee access

Option 1) Leverage your existing LDAP user directory, for example an on-premise Active Directory together with a Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) to enforce Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for your employees.

2. Temporary access to authorized targets - without passwords

PrivX provides role-based access controls (RBAC) to authorized targets that consist of both the target host and target account.

3. Restricted Windows RDP access to targets or applications

You can also grant limited RDP access to specific targets, for example RDP without file transfer or clipboard could be allowed for some PrivX users to login as self to access their Windows workstations. You can restrict access even further.

4. Restricted SSH access

Any target host running a secure shell server can be configured with PrivX Roles to allow restricted access. Secure Shell access via the PrivX GUI is restricted by design to Shell (terminal) and File Transfers only.

Remote access management made easy

Our solution, PrivX, is a quick-to-implement and scalable privileged access management (PAM) solution that extends to all employees working from home for establishing secure remote access to web applications. It’s a viable alternative for VPNs and other traditional remote secure access tools.

Suvi Lampila

Suvi Lampila is a Senior Technical Services Engineer at SSH.COM. Suvi has been with SSH since 2001 and she has held various positions in technical support, quality assurance and professional services both in Finland and Hong Kong.

Why is remote access important?

It is essential for these individuals to have safe, anytime, anywhere access to corporate networks and services.

What is the Telework Enhancement Act?

The Telework Enhancement Act requires federal agencies to have policies to govern and promote teleworking. Between teleworkers and vendors, we are challenged to enable secure access for increasingly large and diverse workforces, while simultaneously dealing with smaller budgets and tightening compliance mandates.

What percentage of Verizon network intrusions exploited weak or stolen credentials?

According to Verizon’s Data Breach Investigation Report, “76 percent of network intrusions exploited weak or stolen credentials.” Since vendors don’t need constant access to your network, they often use one remote access tool license and share generic logins and passwords across technicians. This makes the credentials easy for hackers to guess. What’s more, the vendor’s ex-employees often retain remote access to your systems.

What is PAM in security?

To ensure continued security and compliance, you should use a modern privileged access management (PAM) solution with strong privileged access management capabilities to track, audit, record, and centrally monitor all access requests, approvals, revocations, and certifications—for both internal and external privileged users.

What is the first step in security journey?

The first step in any security journey is discovering your weaknesses and vulnerabilities, in other words, your cyber threat exposure. You should have the mindset that your organization is a target that malicious actors are already attempting to attack through your third-party vendors. So, assume hostile threats will occur!

What happens if you give access to an outsider?

Recognize that granting system access to an outsider lowers your security level to that of the external provider. If they lack strong security controls, they become your weakest link. If a hacker compromises their system, that partner can become a backdoor into your environment .

Why is reducing network entry points important?

By reducing network entry points to the least amount that are necessary, you increase your ability to monitor and block unwanted activity on your network.

How will you secure remote workers?

By 2025, 70% of the workforce will be working remotely at least five days a month according to Global Workplace Analytics. Privileged credentials for critical systems are vulnerable in the hands of people outside of your network.

IT admins securely access remote servers for configuration and troubleshooting

Ensure credentials for your sensitive endpoints, applications, root accounts, and other systems are secured in a central vault accessible to trusted administrators. Secret Server makes time-bound privileged credentials for remote servers instantly available to verified administrators.

Helpdesk teams support remote workers so they stay productive

Make it simple for IT teams to configure and secure remote sessions. To support users working remotely, provide IT teams tools to navigate different connection protocols, such as RDP and SSH, inject credentials, and interact with privileged sessions from start to finish.

Remote business users get secure access to enterprise tools and information

Remote workers need to access resources via their own workstations, mobile devices, and everyday workflow tools, without needing to navigate a VPN or remember complex passwords. Secret Server for Business Users manages access to business applications on premise and in the cloud.

Remote vendors support your team while working in their own environments

Organizations often use third-party contractors to supplement internal teams. This often creates manually intensive workflows unsafe from a security and compliance perspective.

Security teams have complete visibility and oversight of remote sessions

Remote workers need access to resources on your corporate network and in the cloud. They typically need stronger oversight than in-house workers.

Secret Server

Vault credentials, ensure password complexity, and delegate role-based access.

What is remote access?

Depending on your needs, a remote access solution can allow employees or members of your organizations to securely access resources located in your private network or remotely connect to another physical computer.

What is remote desktop?

The most popular remote desktop software out there is RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), Microsoft’s free proprietary protocol that allows one user (i.e host machine) to fully control a remote computer through a network connection. Though RDP is Microsoft’s in-house developed technology, there are many other remote desktop programs ...

What happens if you hack a remote desktop?

Unfortunately, there are higher security risks associated with remote desktop software; if the connection is hijacked, a hacker can steal or delete important data or files on the computer, install spyware, and so much more.

What is a business VPN?

Pre-COVID-19, a business VPN worked well for employees or users who telecommuted and occasionally needed to grab a file from the server or wanted secure access while browsing on public networks. Now with a large majority of employees working remotely, more users are connecting to the VPN and this could create some issues for the network itself.

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