Remote-access Guide

secure remote access port

by Prof. Kitty West Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What port is secure RDP?

TCP port 3389Overview. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a Microsoft proprietary protocol that enables remote connections to other computers, typically over TCP port 3389. It provides network access for a remote user over an encrypted channel.

Is port 3389 RDP secure?

While RDP TCP port 3389 provides an easy way to connect remotely to corporate resources, it is notorious for many security vulnerabilities, including ransomware.

What port should I use for remote access?

3389In most cases this is 3389 - that's the default port used by Remote Desktop connections.

How do I secure a remote access?

Basic Security Tips for Remote DesktopUse strong passwords. ... Use Two-factor authentication. ... Update your software. ... Restrict access using firewalls. ... Enable Network Level Authentication. ... Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop. ... Set an account lockout policy.

Why RDP is not secure?

The problem is that the same password is often used for RDP remote logins as well. Companies do not typically manage these passwords to ensure their strength, and they often leave these remote connections open to brute force or credential stuffing attacks. Unrestricted port access.

Can RDP be intercepted?

RDP sessions are susceptible to man-in-the middle attacks where the hacker intercepts all communications sent between a client and a terminal server using Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) spoofing or Domain Name System (DNS) spoofing.

Why is port 443 secure?

HTTPS is secure and is on port 443, while HTTP is unsecured and available on port 80. Information that travels on the port 443 is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or its new version, Transport Layer Security (TLS) and hence safer.

What is the port 143?

Internet Message Access ProtocolService Name and Transport Protocol Port Number RegistryService NamePort NumberDescriptionimap143Internet Message Access Protocolimap3220Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3imap3220Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3imaps993IMAP over TLS protocol1 more row•Jul 19, 2022

What is port 135 commonly used for?

Port 135 is used for RPC client-server communication; ports 139 and 445 are used for authentication and file sharing. UDP ports 137 and 138 are used for local NetBIOS browser, naming, and lookup functions.

Who is more secure protocol for remote login?

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are a commonly used remote-access solution. They are designed to provide an encrypted tunnel for network traffic between a remote user and the enterprise network. VPNs also support security solutions like MFA that help to mitigate the threat of compromised accounts.

What is secure remote access VPN?

A remote access virtual private network (VPN) enables users who are working remotely to securely access and use applications and data that reside in the corporate data center and headquarters, encrypting all traffic the users send and receive.

Is RDP secure without VPN?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Integrated in BeyondTrust Establishing remote desktop connections to computers on remote networks usually requires VPN tunneling, port-forwarding, and firewall configurations that compromise security - such as opening the default listening port, TCP 3389.

Is RDP secure?

However, the highest risk is the exposure of RDP on the Internet, port 3389, and allowing it to traverse directly through the firewalls to a target on the internal network. This practice is common and should absolutely be avoided.

Is opening RDP port safe?

If you are opening RDP over the Internet, keeping the RDP port to 3389 is a security threat. It is recommended that you change the default port from 3389 to something above 10000.

Does RDP use SSL?

Native RDP encryption (as opposed to SSL encryption) is not recommended. SSL (TLS 1.0): The SSL method requires the use of TLS 1.0 to authenticate the RD Session Host server. If TLS is not supported, the connection fails. This is the recommended setting for this policy.

How do I check my RDP encryption level?

You can check the encryption level on target server where you got connected, open TS Manager and check the status of RDP connection, there you see encryption level.

Axis solution to remote access

Axis Secure Remote Access is a technology that makes it possible for a smartphone or PC client to access Axis network cameras when the client and the cameras are located on different local networks. Connecting to remote cameras can be a challenge, especially when the cameras are located behind routers or firewalls.

Easy to setup

Axis Secure Remote Access significantly simplifies the installation of remote access to surveillance systems. Once enabled it is automatically configured and removes the need of manual port-forwarding and router configuration.

How it works

Using external mediator servers that are hosted or controlled by Axis, a client and a camera can find each other and establish a secure peer-to-peer connection. As a fallback when direct communication cannot be established the communication is relayed through the mediator servers.

Secure communication

Secure communication is in the core of Axis Secure Remote Access. The technology uses multiple levels of authentication to establish an encrypted communication between a client and the cameras in the surveillance system.


Axis Secure Remote Access is supported by multiple mediator servers. The redundant environment also secures the availability of the system.

What is secure remote access?

What it means to provide secure remote access has changed considerably in the past few years as a result of new technologies and the pandemic. At its most basic, secure remote access is having location-agnostic connectivity among enterprise users and centralized applications, resources and systems, whether cloud-based or on premises.

Who is responsible for secure remote access?

Although remote access tools, such as VPNs and firewalls, are typically under the purview of network teams, in this new era, cybersecurity teams tend to lead and manage the policies, processes and technologies associated with ensuring secure remote access.

The diminishing power of VPNs

One tactic organizations use to combat the vulnerabilities associated with working remotely -- especially if employees are using consumer-grade systems -- is to reestablish VPN standards. This entails enforcing basic protections, such as strong passwords, multifactor authentication, role-based access and encryption.

Setting secure remote access policies

A hallmark of secure remote access is the underlying policy that safeguards access to and the use of enterprise resources, such as data, databases, systems and networks.

Components of the secure remote access ecosystem

Secure remote access touches just about every aspect of enterprise security. TechTarget has curated a series of guides to help IT and security professionals get up to speed on important technologies and concepts.

Zero trust and secure remote access

Cybersecurity and IT teams realize words like perimeter and trust are quickly becoming outdated as borders dissolve and the base of users that need access to resources expands. No longer are organizations protected by four castle walls, with a firewall moat keeping miscreants out.

SASE and secure remote access

Secure Access Service Edge is an emerging concept that combines network and security functions into a single cloud service, not only to alleviate traffic from being routed through the data center, but also to embrace a remote workforce, IoT adoption and cloud-based application use.


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