What is the shore patient portal?
(Having a problem creating an account, see our step by step instructions), see our step by step instructions) (Spanish) Shore Patient Portal is a secure website where you can conveniently access your health information related to your visits at Shore Medical Center. Have Portal Website Questions?
How do I contact my shore portal?
Have Portal Website Questions? Please call: 1- (609)-653-3882 and someone will get back to you within three (3) business days. Do not use My Shore Portal in the event of an emergency, For Medical Emergencies, please call 9-1-1 or your physician’s office immediately.
How do I obtain access to my patients'medical records?
To obtain access to your patients' medical records through the Shore Clinical Portal, please email to remoteaccess@shoremedicalcenter.org
How do I apply for medical staff privileges at Shore Medical Center?
Shore Medical Center has more than 400 physicians and allied health professionals providing services in over 30 specialties. To inquire about applying for medical staff privileges contact Medical Staff Services.

Secure, Convenient Access to Your Medical Records
Shore Patient Portal is a secure website where you can conveniently access your health information related to your visits at Shore Medical Center.
In Case of Emergencies
Do not use My Shore Portal in the event of an emergency, For Medical Emergencies, please call 9-1-1 or your physician’s office immediately.