Remote-access Guide

soft token remote access

by Precious Beahan Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

RSA Remote Access Soft Tokens can be used on USAID employees’ and contractors’ personally owned mobile smart devices. An “RSA token” is a device, either physical (“hard”) or an application on your mobile device (“soft”) that provides you with a passcode to access USAID e-mail, and your USAID desktop when you telework via server-based computing (SBC/Citrix).

An “RSA token” is a device, either physical (“hard”) or an application on your mobile device (“soft”) that provides you with a passcode to access USAID e-mail
Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a method of exchanging messages ("mail") between people using electronic devices. Email was thus conceived as the electronic (digital) version of, or counterpart to, mail, at a time when "mail" meant only physical mail (hence e- + mail). › wiki › Email
, and your USAID desktop when you telework via server-based computing (SBC/Citrix)
Nov 9, 2012

Full Answer

What is RSA remote access soft token for personal devices?

Remote Access Soft Tokens for Personal Devices. RSA Remote Access Soft Tokens can be used on USAID employees’ and contractors’ personally owned mobile smart devices.

Does the use of a soft token give NYS any access?

"Does the use of a soft token on my personal mobile device give NYS any access to my personal mobile device?" No. The soft token on a mobile device only stores an encryption key unique to that device. The encryption key is used to provide an additional authentication factor for your remote login.

What is a soft token on a mobile device?

The soft token on a mobile device only stores an encryption key unique to that device. The encryption key is used to provide an additional authentication factor for your remote login.

How do I replace a hard token with a soft token?

If this is to replace a hard token with a soft token, the AMS will select ‘AMS\SM-Remote Access Request-Hard to Soft’ from the dropdown menu within Remedy.


What is soft token access?

Soft tokens are digital authentication keys. They're called 'soft tokens' because soft tokens are based on software. Single-use authentication codes, authenticator apps, or clickable authentication links are all soft tokens. Soft tokens can be stored on almost any device and are easy to create.

What is a remote access token?

In computer systems, an access token contains the security credentials for a login session and identifies the user, the user's groups, the user's privileges, and, in some cases, a particular application.

What is a soft token VPN?

A soft token is a software-based security token that generates a single-use login PIN. Traditionally, a security token has been a hardware device that produces a new, secure and individual PIN for each use and displays it on a built-in LCD display.

What's the difference between hard and soft token?

Hard tokens (Hardware token = Hard Token) are physical devices used to gain access to an electronically restricted resource. Soft tokens (Software token = Soft token) are just that; authentication tokens that are not physically tangible, but exist as software on common devices (for example computers or phones).

Which is better JWT or OAuth?

OAuth2 is very flexible. JWT implementation is very easy and does not take long to implement. If your application needs this sort of flexibility, you should go with OAuth2. But if you don't need this use-case scenario, implementing OAuth2 is a waste of time.

How does an access token work?

Access tokens are used in token-based authentication to allow an application to access an API. The application receives an access token after a user successfully authenticates and authorizes access, then passes the access token as a credential when it calls the target API.

How do I setup a soft token?

Open the email labeled “Your BMO Soft Token: Installation File”.Double-click the . ... When prompted by the RSA SecurID Token software, enter the password from the email labeled “Your BMO Soft Token: Import Password”.Click OK.Select the hard drive where you want to store your token, then click OK.More items...

Does RSA token track location?

By default, RSA SecurID Access collects location data from users using HTML5 geolocation. This data is used by the Trusted Location attribute to evaluate users' authentication requirements when they try to access protected resources.

What is soft token MFA?

2022-04-07. A software token is an electronic or digital security token for two-factor authentication systems. It verifies the identity of the users who request access to a system, network or device. More and more organizations now understand that passwords alone are no longer sufficient to authenticate users.

What is a RSA soft token?

The RSA SecurID authentication mechanism consists of a "token"—either hardware (e.g. a key fob) or software (a soft token)—which is assigned to a computer user and which creates an authentication code at fixed intervals (usually 60 seconds) using a built-in clock and the card's factory-encoded almost random key (known ...

Can hardware tokens be hacked?

DEF CON hackers show how YubiKeys and RSA tokens can be spoofed and circumvented. Hardware tokens, small devices that produce a code or plug into your computer, provide possibly the best way to add an extra lock onto your email account.

How do RSA soft tokens work?

The RSA token is a physical 'pen' that generates a random code every 60 seconds. This code is used, along with the RSA PIN number that you choose, in order to gain authentication for access to an account or server.

How do I get my Discord user token?

How to get a User TokenOpen Discord in your web browser and login.Press Ctrl+Shift+I (⌥⌘I on macOS) to open developer tools.Press Ctrl+Shift+M (⇧⌘M) to toggle device toolbar.Navigate to the Application tab.On the left, expand Local Storage and select https꞉// token into the Filter box.More items...•

How do I find my token ID?

An ID token is available when a Credential object's user ID matches the user ID of a Google account that is signed in on the device. To sign in with an ID token, first retrieve the ID token with the getIdTokens method. Then, send the ID token to your app's backend.

How can I get access token authorization code?

To get a new access token, use the refresh token as you would an authorization code, but with a grant_type value of refresh_token and a refresh_token parameter that holds the contents of the refresh token. The type of grant being used. To exchange a refresh token for an access token, use refresh_token .

How can I get access token from bank?

To get an Access bank token, follow the steps below:Visit the Access bank branch where you hold an account.Seek the help of an agent at the bank and request a token application.You will be given the token application form to fill.Kindly fill the application with the correct details.More items...•


For individuals who participate in telework programs or need access to the NSF network while traveling, remote access provides the ability to access the NSF network. When working away from the NSF building, you may need to access NSF applications, systems, and internal resources such as InsideNSF, SharePoint sites, and WebTA.


If you do not already have a Windows or Mac SMC laptop, visit the SMC page on InsideNSF or contact your IT Specialist or IT Help Central.

What Are Hard and Soft Tokens?

A hard token allows you to access software and verify your identity with a physical device rather than relying on authentication codes or passwords, but still uses multiple factors in authorizing access to software. You may have also heard hard tokens called key fobs, security tokens or USB tokens, among other names. The key is that hardware is used instead of software to increase security.

What is a disconnected token?

Disconnected tokens are the most common types of hard tokens. They require two-factor authentication, usually including a PIN, before allowing access. While disconnected tokens don't need to be plugged into their intended device, authentication is manually entered through a small screen on the token itself.

Do soft tokens have a type?

Soft tokens don't so much have "types" in the same sense as hard tokens, as they perform a variety of authentication options based on the program or app you choose for your authentication method. This process usually incorporates two or more steps to ensure maximum security, and can include one-time passwords that last a limited time (often associated with RSA SecurID soft tokens, which allow for approximately one minute before generating a new one-time password to use). Authentication codes can also be sent to your smartphone or other connected device, or even use biometric data.

Is two factor authentication secure?

However, in case one or both authentication factors are compromised, a hard token backup is very secure and reliable.

Is a hard token good for small businesses?

While hard tokens have come a long way in both convenience and security, they're an investment and one that may not be the most convenient for small businesses. However, that price gets you high-quality security and reliability without the security concerns of hacked devices or compromised software. Soft tokens, on the other hand, are usually free to use and compensate for potential security issues through multi-factor authentication methods that are often time-based.

Is a hard token good?

Hard tokens, while considered incredibly secure, do have their downsides. Carrying a small physical "key" for your access can lead to problems if it gets lost, for example. Also, hardware token batteries have a limited life and cannot be recharged, with the typical lifespan being between three and five years. For small businesses, this expense can add up: after all, hard tokens, being a physical object, are a monetary investment in terms of their procurement. Soft tokens have some benefits and drawbacks worth considering as well. Soft tokens tend to rely on apps on devices such as smartphones to work, so you have to make sure to always have your phone with you when you want to use these devices. Smartphone batteries tend to die much faster than hard token batteries, but your authentication needs can often be transferred between devices as needed.

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