Remote-access Guide

sql server remote access port

by Mr. Marcelo Boyer V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Configure SQL Server machine
  1. Windows Firewall ->Advanced Settings->Inbound Rules. Add a rule to enable TCP port 1433 (default port for SQL Server)
  2. Enable SQL Service to listen on TCP/IP. Check SQL Server version and run appropriate version of SQL Configuration Manager to enable TCP.
  3. Restart SQL Server Service.
Jan 25, 2022

Full Answer

How to configure SQL Server to allow remote access to database?

Configuring remote access on a named instance of SQL Server. If you using a named instance of SQL Server there are specific things you need to do to allow clients to access the SQL database remotely. As already stated, the default instance that SQL Server listens is port 1433.

What port does SQL Server use to access the database?

If you using a named instance of SQL Server there are specific things you need to do to allow clients to access the SQL database remotely. As already stated, the default instance that SQL Server listens is port 1433. For a named SQL Server instance, the ports that are used to talk to the SQL Server are by default dynamic.

What port does SSIs use for remote communication?

When communicating with remote SSIS port 135 is used & if it’s a SSIS package is running against a database server you need 1433 or as specified. Uses msdts1 protocol for service type msdts1.


How do I remotely access SQL Server?

Using SQL Server Management Studio In Object Explorer, right-click a server and select Properties. Select the Connections node. Under Remote server connections, select or clear the Allow remote connections to this server check box.

Is SQL 1433 UDP or TCP?

TCPBy default, the typical ports used by SQL Server and associated database engine services are: TCP 1433, 4022, 135, 1434, UDP 1434.

How do I find the port number for SQL Server remote?

Start the Server Network Utility (Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Server Network Utility)Select the General tab and then select the instance name of interest (e.g. SMS3000) from the list of instances.Click on the TCP/IP and then select Properties.The TCP/IP port that is being using is listed.

How do I enable SQL port 1433?

SolutionConnect to your SQL server.Open the Windows firewall.Click on Inbound Rules.Select New Rule.Select the Port type of the rule.Specify the ports 1433 and 1434 to which this rule applies inside the Specific local ports area. ... In this step, leave the default selection: Allow the connection.More items...

How can I tell if port 1433 is open?

On the local machine, click the Start button and enter “CMD” in the search programs and files field. If the port 1433 is closed, an error will be returned immediately. If the port 1433 is open, you will be able to connect to the MS-SQL server.

What is 1433 port used for?

TCP 1433. TCP port 1433 is the default port for SQL Server. This SQL port is also the official Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) socket number for SQL Server.

Which port is SQL Server using?

1433By default SQL Server listens on TCP port number 1433, but for named instances the TCP port is dynamically configured. There are several options available to get the listening port for a SQL Server named instance.

How do I find my SQL server port and IP address?

Check SQL Server Port NumberOpen SQL Server Configuration Manager from the start menu. ... Go to Network Configuration, click the SQL instance for which you want to check SQL port.It opens the protocols list. ... Click on IP Addresses and scroll down to IPAll group.

What port is Sqlnet?

TCP port 1521sqlnet service is defined as using TCP port 1521.

What is the use of port 1521?

By default when you install Oracle the TNS Listener is on tcp port 1521. It handles network requests to be passed to a database instance. If it not appropriately secured commands can be sent to the listener, the listener can be shut down, or the databases can be queried.

How do I check if firewall is blocking SQL Server port 1433?

Following the steps below will enable port 1433 in your windows firewall.Click Start.Click Run.Type Firewall.cpl and then Click OK.Click the Exceptions Tab.Click Add Port.In the Port Number, type 1433.Click the TCP button.Type a name in the name box and then Click OK.More items...

Can't connect to remote SQL Server?

There are a few things you can check for error 28: A specified SQL Server instance name is not valid. Wrong SQL Server Instance Name can generate Microsoft SQL Server Error 28. Remote access is not enabled for your SQL Server instance.

Does SQL need UDP?

The SQL Server Browser service lets users connect to instances of the Database Engine that are not listening on port 1433, without knowing the port number. To use SQL Server Browser, you must open UDP port 1434.

Is MySQL port 3306 TCP or UDP?

TCPIs MySQL Port 3306 TCP or UDP? The default MySQL port 3306 is TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).

What ports does SQL use?

What are the Microsoft SQL Server TCP and UDP ports?Port numberTypeUse1433TCPDatabase engine default instance1434TCP and UDPDAC and the SQL Browse2382UDPSQL Server Analysis Services with dynamic ports2383TCPSQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)15 more rows•Apr 14, 2022

Is SQL port 1433 encrypted?

Voila, now we have configured port 1433 to encrypt communication! The next step is to configure encrypted connections on our application or if we connect from SQL Server Management Studio.

Configuring Remote Access on A SQL Server Instance

To enable remote connection on SQL Server right – click on the server and select the Properties option. In the Server Properties dialog under the C...

Configure A Windows Firewall For Database Engine Access

To add a firewall exception for the 1433 port go to Programs -> Administrative Tools select the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security option and...

Configuring Remote Access on A Named Instance of SQL Server

If you using a named instance of SQL Server there are specific things you need to do to allow clients to access the SQL database remotely. As alrea...

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Issues With Windows Authentication

When you try to connect to a remote server using the Windows Authentication you may encounter the following error: We will show the tip to resolve...

How to enable remote connection in SQL Server?

To enable remote connection on SQL Server right – click on the server and select the Properties option. In the Server Properties dialog under the Connections tab check the Allow remote connections to this server option:

What port does SQL Server listen to?

As already stated, the default instance that SQL Server listens is port 1433. For a named SQL Server instance, the ports that are used to talk to the SQL Server are by default dynamic.

How to add exception for 1433 port?

To add a firewall exception for the 1433 port go to Programs -> Administrative Tools select the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security option and follow the steps: In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security dialog click on the Inbound Rules option and select the New Rule command: In the New Inbound Rule wizard select ...

Limitations and Restrictions

The remote access option only applies to servers that are added by using sp_addserver, and is included for backward compatibility.


Execute permissions on sp_configure with no parameters or with only the first parameter are granted to all users by default. To execute sp_configure with both parameters to change a configuration option or to run the RECONFIGURE statement, a user must be granted the ALTER SETTINGS server-level permission.

What port does SQL Server use?

By default, named instances (including SQL Server Express) use dynamic ports. means each time Database Engine starts, it identifies an available port and uses that port number. If the named instance is the only instance of the Database Engine installed, it will probably use TCP port 1433. If other instances of the Database Engine are installed, it will probably use a different TCP port. Because the port selected might change every time that the Database Engine is started, it's difficult to configure the firewall to enable access to the correct port number. If a firewall is used, we recommend reconfiguring the Database Engine to use the same port number every time. A fixed port or a static port is recommended. For more information, see Configure a Server to Listen on a Specific TCP Port (SQL Server Configuration Manager).

What is effective port status?

The effective port status is the union of all rules related to the port. It can be helpful to review all the rules that cite the port number, when trying to block access to a port. Review the rules with the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security MMC snap-in and sort the inbound and outbound rules by port number .

What is the net effect of port 80?

So if one rule allows traffic over port 80 from local subnet and one rule allows traffic from any address, the net effect is that all traffic to port 80 is independent of the source. To effectively manage access to SQL Server, administrators should periodically review all firewall rules enabled on the server.

What port is used to connect to SQL Server?

To connect to the default instance of Database Engine, or named instance that is the only instance installed on the machine, the TCP port 1433 is the only port that you need to specify.

How to connect to SQL Server?

Start the SQL Server, in the dialog window for the Server name enters the name of the instance that you want to connect with. From the Authentication drop down box, select the SQL Server Authentication and for the field Login and the Password enter your credentials then click the Connect button.

Why is remote access important?

Remote access is the ability to get access to a SQL Server from a remote distance in order to manipulate data which are located on that SQL Server. There are two types of adjustments which must be set before connecting to the remote SQL Server. These settings are important because without them the connection to the remote SQL Server will not be ...

How to assign a port number to SQL Server?

To assign a TCP/IP port number to the SQL Server Database Engine follow the steps below: STEP 1: Open the SQL Server Management Studio and login to your Database locally. STEP 2: Right-click on the server name in the left panel and select Properties. STEP 3: Select the Connections page on the left side and make sure that “ Allow remote connections ...

What to do if remote connection is not working?

If there is problem persist in remote connection, you most likely need to configure your firewall settings. Make sure the TCP port 1433 is not blocked by your firewall. Take a look at the following steps to create a new rule in firewall setting for remote connection.

Troubleshoot remote access to SQL Server

When you can’t connect to a Microsoft® SQL server® instance remotely through ODBC, Visual Studio®, or a SQL Server Management Studio® connection, the Windows® firewall is usually blocking access. Use the resolutions in this article to troubleshoot the issue.

Open TCP ports

To troubleshoot this issue, open TCP port 1433 for the service itself. If you need to use the SQL Browser service, also open port 1434. This resolution applies to SQL Server® versions 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, and 2012.

Specify the SQL Server instance name when using named instances

Named instances let you host SQL Server versions or service types. If you are using named instances when installing SQL Server, you must specify the name of the SQL Server instance when connecting rather than using the server name or IP address. Append a backslash and the SQL Server instance name to theserver name or IP address.


Enabling TCP/IP Protocol

The first step is to enable TCP/IP protocol on the SQL Server service. Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager in the Configuration Tools folder under the Microsoft SQL Serverfolder: From the SQL Server Network Configuration node, select the Protocols item for the appropriate SQL Server. In the details pane, right click the T…
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Configuring Windows Firewall

  • From the Control Panel choose Windows Firewall and click the Advanced settings or just type wf.msc in Search program and files from the Startmenu: 1. Inbound Rules:You can allow or block traffic attempts to access the computer that matches certain criteria in the rule. By default inbound traffic is blocked, to allow traffic to access computer, you need to create inbound rule. …
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See More

  • To boost SQL coding productivity, check out these free add-ins for SSMS and Visual Studioincluding T-SQL formatting, refactoring, auto-complete, text and data search, snippets and auto-replacements, sql code and object comparison, multi-db script comparison, object decryption and more.
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